Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The working poor will be hit hard by the new Health Care Law!!!

The New Jersey Herald
Attn:  the editors, of The New Jersey Herald
2 Spring St.
P.O. Box 10
Newton, NJ 07860

Dear Editors, The New Jersey Herald,

     It is interesting to note how a law opposed by so many people in the United States is explained by a supporter of the law as "really some regulations to help consumers buy private insurance coupled with a small fee if consumers decide not to buy said insurance" (please see the column by Tina Dupuy in The New Jersey Herald, 4/9/'12, pg. A-7).  Over one-thousand pages of regulations are not just "some regulations."  Why also is it not reported that the new health care reform law also allows the government to pay for abortions?  Legalized abortion is a moral, social, political, and an economic disaster here in the U.S., and in every country that it has been mandated in (there's that word mandated again).  Why is it not reported that the negative impact of legalized abortion on this country is in the trillions of dollars?  Also, what needs to be reported is that the regulations, the "some regulations" according to Tina Dupuy, within the 1000 + pages of the law will cause rationing of health care for some - for those probably in need of it (health care) the most!  Right now there is a sizable part of the population that cannot afford to go to the doctor, hospital, or specialist (often called the working poor) even though they have health insurance because they are neither too poor to receive free medical care available, nor are they rich enough to pay for the care that is not covered by insurance (probably Tina Dupuy fits into this category).   

     The new health care reform law now has been looked at by the U.S. Supreme Court, and their ruling on it is expected soon.  I sure hope that they rule that abortion is not health care (abortion is the destruction of life - life given as a gift from the good Lord), that the government shouldn't be allowed to pay for abortions, and that the government shouldn't be involved in rationing health care - especially to those in need of it most.  I also hope and pray that it is reported that the working poor will be hit hard by the law if it continues as is (the upper middle class and the rich have no worries at this point).

     Thank you very much for you time and attention.  Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day.  May the good Lord, our Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones immensely!


                                                                                       Ken Miller
                                                                                       Main St. Rm. 103
                                                                                       still one of the working poor


Jesus is the Holy One of Israel!!!

Love always protects.

Love always hopes.

Love does not delight in evil.

Love rejoices in the truth. 

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