Monday, March 26, 2012

How about having 5 year terms for Presidents, and allowing Presidents to serve more than two terms!!!!!

Dear family, friends, and all others concerned,

Greetings on this glorious day. Hope that you and the loved ones are in good health and are getting along. Good health is such a wonderful blessing from the good Lord, our Creator Lord! Please remember that we humans are more than flesh and blood, and that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places!!! How is your spirit on this glorious day? How about changing the length of time that the President of the United States serves in office? How about changing the Constitution to allow Presidents to serve five year terms, and allowing the President to serve more than two terms. How about changing the Constitution to allow persons that have been citizens for many years (let's say 50 years) to be able to become President?

Allowing the President to serve five year terms would allow the President to serve more time before the media starts talking about the next Presidential election. Right now it seems as though the media start in with the next Presidential cycle right after a President is inaugurated. Also, if the President were allowed to serve more than two terms, then there would not be a lame duck President for up to four years.

Let's try to make the changes while President Barack Obama is still in office - maybe he'll be the first President to serve a five year term (maybe multiple five year terms?). Let's call on the good Lord's help to get the Constitution changed so that President Barack Obama could be the first one elected under the changed rules.

Thank you for your consideration. Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day. May the good Lord, our Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones immensely!


Ken Miller
Main St. Rm. 103
still one of the working poor

Jesus is the Holy One of Israel!!!!

All glory, honor, praise, and thanks be to our Creator Lord - maker of heaven and earth, Lord of lords, and King of kings!!!!!!!!!!

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