Monday, March 26, 2012

ALS Assn., please encourage the use of adult stem cells for research - not embryonic stems cells!!!

ALS Association
1275 K St., N.W. - suite 1050
Wash., D.C. 20005
Attn: Jane Gilbert, President and C.E.O.

Dear Jane Gilbert,

Greetings on this glorious day that the Lord has made! I hope that you and the loved ones are in good health and are getting along. Good health is such a wonderful blessing from the good Lord, our Creator Lord! How is your spirit on this glorious day? Please remember that we humans are more than flesh and blood. Also, please remember that we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, with inalienable rights! There are many problems with using embryonic stem cells, and thus far there have been very good and promising results using adult stem cells. Why do people continue to push for using embryonic stem cells when there are many problems associated with it, and there are no moral problems with using adult stem cells (and the results have been very good and promising, thus far!)! The government should not spend taxpayers' dollars to fund embryonic stem cells! People should end their support of embryonic stem cell research, and should encourage the use of adult stem cells today!

Please take a strong stand for life! Life is a gift of the Lord, our Creator Lord, and is precious. Our Creator Lord's way is life. Our Creator Lord's will is life!

The Holy Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, and how we should value life, and how we should protect and support life, and how our Creator Lord loves us so much that He sent his only begotten Son into this world to die for us sinners, so that we might have eternal life! The Holy Scriptures are pure, perfect, powerful, profitable, and cannot be broken!

Please help protect and support life! Please help end all governmental funding of embryonic stem cell research, and encourage others to use adult stem cells - not embryonic stem cells - for research!!! Thank you very much for all your help. Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day. May the good Lord, our Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones immensely!

In hope, peace, and love,

Ken Miller
Main St. Rm. 103
still one of the working poor - if only in spirit!

Jesus is Lord!

Jesus is the Holy One of Israel!

We love, because he first loved us.

Jesus is the Bread of Life!

All glory, honor, praise and thanks be to our Creator lord - maker of heaven and earth, Lord of lords, and King of kings!!!!!!!!

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