Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Still in pursuit of justice .................


The short version:  Synopsis:

Some Choices Are Evil - There is the Way, Inc.- in the pursuit of justice:

Very brief synopsis:
September 4, 1996:     Three corporations are formed in the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1996, and were always inactive.
April 4, 1997:     New Jersey issues a Certificate of Authority to Some Choices Are Evil - There is the Way, Inc. dated:  April 4, 1997 (filed stamped Apr 7, 1997) as a foreign, non-profit corporation.
September 1, 1997:     All three corporations are terminated by Virginia, 9/1/1997.
Circa March/April of 2011:     Ken Miller starts thinking/planning about withdrawing/dissolving the corporations in April of 2011, not knowing about New Jersey's Minimum Corporation Tax Law.
November 2011:     Visit lawyer(s) and/or angel(s) to  discuss withdrawal/dissolving all three corporations and pay all back taxes, penalties, and fees (still not knowing about the NJ Statutes talked about below, and about the U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 1 [Full faith and Credit Clause])
December 2011:     After reading the Notice of Termination of Corporate Existence from the Commonwealth of Virginia more closely, and after prayer and a lot of the good Lord's grace, I discovered that because the corporation was terminated on 9/1/1997 (in the jurisdiction of its incorporation), and because of the U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 1, and NJ Statute Title 14A: 13-5. Effect of certificate of authority  NJ's Certificate of Authority should be null and void as of 9/1/1997, and, therefore, could not have conducted any business (it never did conduct any business anyway) and could not be liable for any taxes, penalties and fees except for the tax year of 1997.  A Certificate of Withdrawal from the State of New jersey should be issued as soon as possible to me, dated as of 9/1/1997.   
January 2012 - present:     Numerous attempts to receive justice with the NJ Div. of Taxation, NJ Div. of Revenue, NJ Dept. of the Treasury, NJ Secretary of State, NJ Attorney General, NJ Lt. Governor, NJ Governor, NJ Legislative Representatives, U.S. House and Senate representatives, U.S. Attorney General,  NJ Supreme Court Justices, the Vice President, the President, the U.S. Supreme Court Justices, but to no avail.  Still seeking justice, and Lord willing, will persevere until justice is achieved.
November  10, 2012:  Submitted request for refund form A-3730 with additional inf. to the NJ Div. of Taxation.
December 6, 2012:  Sent $415.00 check to NJ Div. of Revenue asking them to reissue a check in my name not in a corp. name that hasn't existed since 9/1/97.   
January 31, 2013:  Still no word back from "public servants", no word about the request for a refund with the NJ Div. of Taxation, and no word back from the NJ Div. of Revenue about the $415.00 check!!!
February 5, 2013:  Received a telephone call from a Mr. Joe Peluso from the NJ Div. of Taxation stating that he was working on the request for refund form A-3730 and that it would probably take three weeks, and that he was looking for non-profit records for the terminated corp.
February 6, 2013:  Received $415.00 check from the NJ Div. of Revenue.
February 7, 2013:  Sent fax to a Mr. Joe Peluso at the NJ Div. of Taxation about the terminated corp.
February 11, 2013:  Received letter dated 2/7/13 from Assistant Director Michele Bartolomei about the conversation with Mr. Joe Peluso from the NJ Div. of Taxation, and that the refund claims have been received, reviewed and approved.

February 19, 2013:  Received checks from the Div. of Taxation for the tax years 1997 - 2011.  Double checked and found, I believe, errors on six that were too much, and one that was too little (2011).  Called Mr. Joe Peluso, and he stated that I should write him.
February 19, 2013:  Faxed info. to Mr. Joe Peluso concerning the problems.
February 19, 2013:  Sending letters to Mr. Joe Peluso, and Assistant Director Michele Bartolomei about the discrepancies on tax years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2011.
February 23, 2013:  Letters to Mr. Peluso and Assistant Director Michele Bartolomei again seeking justice.  Letter to Deputy Director Michael R. Ermilio seeking justice.
February 27, 2013:  Letters to Mr. Joe Peluso, and Assistant Director Michele Bartolomei seeking justice.  

P.S.  Jesus is the Holy One of Israel!!!

All glory, honor, praise, and thanks be to our Creator Lord - maker of heaven and earth!!!!!

P.P.S.  A more detailed synopsis may be found at ablogbyken, or (look for "In pursuit of justice - the shorter version - ...", or "In pursuit of justice - the long version - ....", or family, friends, and all others concerned about justice - please help me receive justice").

How about justice for the unborn children - the preborn children????  Let's seek justice for the unborn children - the preborn children!!!!!!

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