Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thank you Senator Frank Lautenberg!

U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg
One Gateway Center - 23rd fl.
Newark, NJ 07102

Dear Senator Frank Lautenberg,

Greetings on this glorious day. I hope that you and the loved ones are in good health. Good health is such a wonderful blessing from the good Lord, our Creator Lord! How is your spirit on this glorious day? Thank you for all your help in the past in regards to the problem that I'd written you about. I signed a contract with a lawyer to help me in the dissolution of the three corporations, and I hope to start paying the back taxes, fees, penalties, and filing the required forms as soon as possible!

Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day. May the good Lord, our Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones immensely!


Ken Miller
Main St. Rm. 103
still one of the working poor

Jesus is the Holy One of Israel!!!

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