Wednesday, August 23, 2023

A beautiful article by Alexandra Snyder, Chief Executive Officer of Life Legal Defense Foundation - please, please see

Conversation opened. 1 unread message. Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers 1 of 232 POWERFUL RULING against FDA’s favorite ABORTION POISON — but we STILL have work to do…! Inbox Life Legal Defense Foundation via  Tue, Aug 22, 9:43 PM (11 hours ago) to me POWERFUL RULING against FDA’s favorite ABORTION POISON — but we STILL have work to do…! A federal court of appeals last week ordered the FDA to reinstate stricter regulations governing the abortion drug Mifepristone. In Alliance of Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, a group of doctors sued the FDA for failing to address safety issues with Mifepristone. The FDA had been systematically deregulating the drug for over 20 years. In 2016, the agency made sweeping changes to the protocol for dispensing Mifepristone, including increasing the maximum gestational age from 7 to 10 weeks, allowing non-physicians to prescribe the drug, changing the dosage of the abortion pill regimen – and eliminating the requirement to report non-fatal adverse events. When the FDA allowed abortion drugs to be prescribed remotely and sent by mail in 2021, it alleged that Mifepristone was “safe” because there were no reports of adverse events. However, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals found that “thousands of women, and as many as hundreds of thousands, have experienced serious adverse effects as a result of taking the drug, and required surgery or emergency care to treat those effects.” Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a prior ruling that permits the continued distribution of Mifepristone under the current minimal restrictions until the Supreme Court hears the case. The best thing about last week’s ruling is the concurring opinion by Justice James Ho, a Trump nominee. Justice Ho contends that “it was unlawful for the FDA to approve mifepristone” under an expedited review process that is only for drugs that treat serious illnesses. He further argues that the FDA is violating the Comstock Act by permitting abortion drugs to be sent through the mail. The Comstock Act explicitly prohibits mailing any type of products intended to cause abortion. Justice Ho proceeds to outlines the significance and history of conscience rights in American law, emphasizing that doctors experience injury from the destruction of unborn life. Courts have often intervened in cases where federal agency action threatens animal life – and he argues that “[T]his injury is likewise redressable by a court order holding unlawful and setting aside approval of that abortifacient drug.” It is our prayer that the U.S. Supreme Court embraces Justice Ho’s reasoning when it reviews the FDA’s murderous scheme to facilitate the killing of innocent children. Tragically, it is still legal for women to obtain and ingest abortion drugs – and flush their babies down the toilet – in every state, even those with harsh penalties for brick and mortar abortionists. Thank you for your fervent prayers and generous giving! Because of your faithful support, we were able to prevail in an unprecedented lawsuit against Danco – the manufacturer of Mifepristone. Mifepristone is Danco’s only product, so our lawsuit resulted in a significant blow to the company. Please consider making a donation today. Standing for LIFE, Alexandra Snyder, Chief Executive Officer "Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter." Proverbs 24:11 PLEASE DONATE TODAY! SHARE ON FACEBOOK Please pray for Life Legal cases and clients. Click here or on the image above to view and print our most current prayer requests.  And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the requests made of him. (1 John 5:15) PLEASE DONATE TODAY! Connect with us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Privacy Policy | Unsubscribe Life Legal Defense Foundation

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