Friday, August 19, 2022

Great article by Alexandra Snyder at Life Legal Defense Foundation - please see

Biden apparatchiks WORKING HARD to PUSH BABY-KILLING in pro-life states…! Life Legal Defense Foundation via Aug 12, 2022, 2:35 PM (7 days ago) Biden apparatchiks WORKING HARD to PUSH BABY-KILLING in pro-life states…! President Joe Biden signs Executive Order to advance his abortion agenda as Vice President Kamala Harris, US Attorney General Xavier Becerra, and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco look on President Biden recently issued two executive orders (here and here) vowing to expand access to abortion following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade. The Dobbs Court held that the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion so states may regulate and even completely prohibit the barbaric practice of killing unborn children. As I write this, abortion bans from the moment of conception are being enforced in eight states![1] The status of some of these bans is fluid as they make their way through the courts, but we are confident the laws will be upheld. Abortion bans in four additional states[2] are currently enjoined (blocked) – unfortunately abortions continue in those states. Four states have enacted prohibitions on abortion after the baby’s heartbeat can be detected, usually around six weeks gestation.[3] In response, the Biden administration is committing government resources to circumvent state abortion laws. They won’t address the baby formula crisis or help women carry their babies to term, but they will defy state laws to destroy innocent human lives and line the pockets of abortionists. On June 24 – the same day the Dobbs decision was issued – the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) created, an official government site asserting numerous post-Roe “rights,” including birth control and emergency contraceptives such as Plan B. HHS recently issued guidance warning pharmacies that refusing to provide abortifacient drugs such as hormonal birth control and emergency contraceptives may constitute illegal discrimination. instructs viewers to go to another site,, for abortion referrals. is funded by the National Abortion Federation (NAF), Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), and independent abortionists. It is operated by Bedsider/Power to Decide, which is funded in part by – you guessed it – HHS. This abortion referral site – funded and promoted by our tax dollars – refers women to abortion providers like third-trimester abortionist Leroy Carhart, who runs abortion mills in Nebraska and Maryland. Life Legal is involved in two malpractice lawsuits against Carhart and his associates after they nearly killed two women during horribly botched abortions. Carhart and his team left baby body parts inside the women and ignored the women’s desperate pleas for help as they almost bled to death. caters to women in states where abortion is illegal, providing advice, referrals, and financial incentives to encourage women to travel out of state for abortions. The site also includes a link to Aid Access, a group of overseas abortionists who ship abortion pills into states that have enacted abortion bans. Aid Access will prescribe and ship abortion drugs into states where abortion is prohibited in violation of state laws. They know the Biden administration will look the other way as they peddle chemical abortions to girls and young women. I went to Aid Access’ website to see if it was possible for “Sarah,” a 13-year-old in Arkansas to obtain abortion pills by mail. Arkansas’ “Unborn Child Protection Act” refers to abortion as a crime against humanity and prohibits all abortions except in cases of ectopic pregnancy and medical emergency where the life of the mother is endangered. Here is the response I received from Aid Access: The Aid Access online form requires users to enter the date of their last period to determine how far along they are in their pregnancies. The form calculated that “Sarah” is 9 weeks, 4 days pregnant. The FDA has only approved abortion pills through ten weeks of pregnancy, yet Aid Access’ abortion pills would not arrive until well after the ten-week mark. Women who take abortion drugs after this time frame are at risk of excessive bleeding, infection, and other life-threatening complications. The Biden administration refuses to hold these abortionists accountable for openly violating state laws and putting girls and women in danger. Moreover, under Biden, the FDA actually facilitated the overseas abortion drug trade by eliminating chemical abortion safeguards last year. Life Legal is working with our pro-life colleagues in states like Alabama and Mississippi to uphold abortion restrictions and hold abortionists accountable for violating state laws. And we are working to prevent further expansion of abortion and abortion tourism in states like California, Michigan, and Minnesota. We are not surprised that the battle over the lives of innocent children is more fierce than ever. Abortionists are increasingly desperate as state abortion bans are enacted and upheld. They will use any means – legal or not – to keep their blood money flowing. Life Legal is not daunted by their willingness to flaunt the law. We’ve been fighting to put ourselves out of business by ending abortion for over 30 years. For over half of that time, we’ve defended pro-life laws and represented pro-lifers during openly hostile administrations. We have been targeted, harassed, audited, and censored, but we will not give up until children in the womb are protected in every state. Will you join us to work toward the end of abortion and the protection of precious babies in all states? Your tax-deductible gift of $25, $50, or even $100 is so critical right now. Thank you for your faithful prayers and your generous support! [1] Wisconsin law does prohibit abortion from conception, but the law is not enforced. The following states are enforcing abortion bans: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. Indiana’s ban will go into effect on September 15. [2] North Dakota, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming [3] Georgia, Ohio, South Carolina, and Tennessee Alexandra Snyder, Executive Director "Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter." Proverbs 24:11 PLEASE DONATE TODAY! Share on FaceBook Please pray for Life Legal cases and clients. Click here or on the image above to view and print our most current prayer requests. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the requests made of him. (1 John 5:15) Connect with us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram PLEASE DONATE TODAY! Privacy Policy | Unsubscribe Life Legal Defense Foundation

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