Thursday, July 31, 2014

The big lie - by D. James Kennedy, Ph.D.

     Below is an article from IMPACT, the August 2014 newsletter from TRUTH in Action MINISTRIES.  The article is from the sermon, "The Root of the Problem," delivered on March 14, 2004, by Dr. D. James Kennedy at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  No financial gain, or any other kind of gain, is being received for submitting this blog, nor is there any promise of any future gain for submitting this article!

by D. James Kennedy, Ph.D.

It has been called, "The Big Lie."  It has been used to deceive hundreds of millions of people and has been instrumental in the death of millions more.  It is at the root of most great ills that now afflict society.  "It" is evolution - the theory, first introduced by Charles Darwin, that says we are the product not of a benevolent Creator - but of a blind, random, and spontaneous process.

     Evolution rests on the claim that the universe is made up of nothing but matter.  It holds that matter, time, and chance - the unholy trinity of materialism - brought all things into existence.  Evolution, therefore, has no need for a Creator, and has been midwife to the growth of atheism in the last 150 years.  Before Darwin, an atheist was as scarce as a hen's tooth.  But, as atheist Richard Dawkins has put it, "Darwin made it possible to be an intellctually fulfilled atheist."

     Sadly, Darwin did more than provide atheists with an excuse to reject God.  His idea has leaped from science to almost every other arena of human endeavor.  Evolution is, after all, more than a scientific theory, it is a worldview - a way of understanding all of life that entirely excludes God.

     This evolutionary worldview has long held sway in the law.  It has led to courts to discard principles laid down on Mount Sinai in favor of legal standards that adapt to evolving social standards - a notion that allows judges to discover new rights, such as the right to abortion or to engage in homosexual sodomy.

     Evolution has also led to lethal consequences.  The idea that only the fit survive has led to both eugenics and genocide.  Darwin predicted, "At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world." Adolf Hitler, a devout evolutionist, applied these ideas and taught them to his troops.  He was absolutely determined to create a "super race."  Six million Jews lost their lives as a result.

     Darwin's theory also supplies a rationale for racism - the idea that some groups are more advanced along the evolutionary scale than others.  It gave to Margeret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, an intellectual foundation for her campaign to rid mankind of what she called "human weeds," so the superior stock might prevail.

     The theory of evolution robs man of his significance.  The Bible teaches, and Western civilization has always held, that man is an immortal creature created in the image of God with a grand purpose.  Today, students are taught that man has no purpose and that chance, not God, governs all.  They are taught, as the late evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould once wrote, that mankind is but a "tiny, late-arising twig on life's enormously arborescent bush."

     In evolution, man has lost all of his divinely bestowed significance and importance, and the results have been staggering.  When life has no meaning no purpose, and no future, some young people take their own lives.  Suicide is the third largest cause of death among youths ages 15 - 24, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

     And yet, evolution as science has failed at every point.  All of the major pillars of evolution have collapsed in the last several decades.  Biochemist Michael Behe has shown, for example, that the amazing and unbelievable complexity of a cell makes its origin by chance impossible.

     The late British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle mocked the idea that the amazing complexity of a cell could come about by chance, calling it "nonsense of a high order."  Yet it is this "nonsense" that our children are being taught in schools as scientific fact.

     My earnest prayer is that the Lord will topple the whole monstrous edifice of evolution, which has brought so much death and despair into human existence.  May its collapse be swift and complete!  In its place, may Christ be glorified - and the wondrous effects of His ethical, moral, and spiritual teaching prevail once more in our nation and in this world.

end of article ......................................

     From the sermon, "The Root of the Problem," 
delivered on March 14, 2004, by Dr. D. James 
Kennedy at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort 
Lauderdale, Florida.

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