Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Please, please help modify the Corporate Tax Rates!!!

Modify the Corporate Tax Rates Why not modify the Corporate Tax Rates? Why not have a rate that increases with the more a company makes in profits? The current corporate tax rate is 21 %. Company’s Profit Tax + ____ % over $0 - $3.5 million $0 13.125 $0 $3.5 million - $15.5 million $459,375 17 $3.5 million $15.5 million - $65.5 million $2,499,375 22.25 $15.5 million Over 65.5 million $13,624375 29 $65.5 million Please, please see www.blogger.com ablogbyken, or write kmillerbloggerablogbyken@gmail.com. it could be done - the LORD willing!!! P.S. We love, because HE first loved us.

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