Saturday, November 30, 2024

Manned mission to Mars - the LORD willing!!!

Manned Mission to Mars - the LORD willing! Things to be done prior to the main mission flight ( to travel to Mars with astronauts and to land some of the astronauts on Mars and then have all the astronauts safely to earth). Build and occupy and start doing research in a moon station by 2032. Create a group of 38 (G38) and start having important discussions and meetings. Create a group of 55 (G55) shortly thereafter creating a group of 38 andd start having important discussions and meetings. It is from this group of 55 that 75 - 80 astronauts will come from and trained for the mission. Also, from this group of 55 eleven (11) launch sites will be sewlected or if need be built, with the needed communications and lauch site capabilities. The group of 55 nations' engineers and scientists and the 75 - 80 astronauts will help in the planning and building of the overall missions. Multiple Mars landers that would hold 4 people and be capable of taking off from the main spaceships and landing on Mars and then later returning to the spaceshops will need to be designed and built and tested pror to the amoin mission flight. Two orbiting satelites to Mars (unmanned) prior to the main missionn launch. Each of the two satelites separates 9nto 2 satelites, each with its own communication system (7 communication channels on each satelite) and will communicate with each other, the earth, and also to the main mission space ships. Two unmanned space ships with supplies will be successfully landed on Mars prior to the main mission *the location of the launch of the satelites and supply ships will be determnined by the group[ of 55 and the astronauts. Twenty-four (24) astronauts of the trained astronauts will be selected and will go to moon prior to the main Mars mission (which would have been previously occupied by research scientists and engineers by 2032). Days prior to the amin mission flight, the final eighteen (18) astronauts that will be aboard the main mission be selected. Four manned spaceships will be launched within minutes of each other along with four additional supply ships (the order of the space ships to be determined by the group of 55 nations and the 75 - 80 astronauts. While orbiting Mars, the main mission will be instructed as to which will be on the Mars lander within the space ship and to land on Mars. The details of what the astronauts wiull do on Mars will have been determined by the group of 55 nations and the 75 - 80 astronauts. Also, the reloading of supplies for the return trip will be determined by the group of 55 nations and the 75 - 80 astronauts and whether they would come back directly to earth or land back on the moon. That iis also one of the reasons to have eleven (11) launch pads available prior to the main mission (also the eleven sites could be used for other space exploration missions prior to the Mars

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