Monday, April 29, 2024

An excellent article by Christina Chappell, Vice President of Advancement, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Lif4e America - please, please see

Conversation opened. 1 unread message. Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers 1 of 710 Action Alert: Oppose Vice President Kamala Harris's Abortion Extremism Inbox Christina Chappell Unsubscribe 10:15 AM (1 hour ago) to me sba-logo We are witnessing history unfold, but it is certainly not the kind of history we wish to see. Vice President Kamala Harris has become the first Vice President to openly campaign at a Planned Parenthood abortion facility. To add to this, she has continued on the “Reproductive Freedom Tour” advocating for unrestricted access to abortion across the United States. Let's remember that Planned Parenthood is responsible for the death of nearly 393,000 innocent lives last year alone. Far from being a “healthcare provider,” Planned Parenthood now stands as the 4th leading cause of death in our nation, trailing only heart disease, cancer, and COVID-19. Yet, Vice President Harris chose this organization to make a political statement. These efforts are part of a larger, devastating agenda that the Biden-Harris administration wishes to enforce. They have plans to restore Roe v. Wade and legalize abortion-on-demand, stripping away all hard-won protections for the unborn across our nation — conflicting with the will of the majority of Americans. But at SBA Pro-Life America, we refuse to watch this happen and stand with our network of over 1 million pro-life champions who desire a pro-life future in our nation. Our mission is to advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves - the unborn and the vulnerable. We are dedicated to exposing the Biden-Harris administration’s abortion extremism and working tirelessly to save innocent lives in our country. This battle is not one we can win alone. We need your help to defend life, and right now, we have a unique opportunity. A generous donor has offered to match every gift dollar for dollar up to $25,000. But we only have until 11:59 PM TOMORROW to meet this match. Stand with us against the Biden-Harris administration’s extreme abortion agenda and help us meet this match opportunity today! Your support will ensure that we can continue to advocate for the sanctity of human life, fight for pro-life leaders, and stand against deceptive efforts like Vice President Harris’s 'Reproductive Freedom Tour.' You can make a difference in the fight for life by helping us serve women and save babies in America before it’s too late! Will you step forward and help us match $25,000 before 11:59 PM TOMORROW? Because Life is Beautiful, Christina Chappell Vice President of Advancement, SBA Pro-Life America Facebook X Instagram Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, 2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr., PO Box 803, Arlington,VA,22206 Click here if you would like to update your email preferences.

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