Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Please, please help end the destruction of life!

DONATE SEARCH MENU They Killed My Sister Terri Schiavo, We Can’t Let That Happen to Other People Opinion | Bobby Schindler | Feb 26, 2024 | 2:57PM | Washington, DC March 18, 2005, will mark the 19th anniversary of my sister, Terri Schiavo, having her feeding tube forcibly removed. What followed was indescribable; Terri’s agonizing suffering took almost two weeks to end, as she finally succumbed to a brutal death caused by severe dehydration. Terri’s unjust death was sanctioned by Florida’s Sixth Circuit Court Judge, George W. Greer, after her estranged and unfaithful husband, Michael Schiavo, petitioned the court (with perjured testimony) for permission to kill his wife. Because of my family’s experience defending my sister, we established the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network, a nonprofit organization advocating for patients like Terri and to raise awareness of the reality of a well-established paternalistic healthcare system. Terri’s decade-long fight and my 20 years of experience working as a patient advocate have opened my eyes to the eugenic ideology of this country. It makes no difference if a person needs time to heal or only requires food and water to live – it’s about quality-of-life assessments to decide whether a person lives or dies. The impact of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision–accounting for over 65 million babies killed–on the nation’s consciousness cannot be measured. Although it does not receive the same attention as the abortion issue, persons with disabilities or an injured brain, the elderly, and others are being killed under the same pretenses as the unborn. America has a long history of preying on the weak. The Nazi government began its T4 euthanasia program in the 1940s, mainly managed by German doctors, with the intent to eradicate those seen as being unworthy of life. However, two decades before the T4 program, the U.S. was already advancing its eugenics strategy. LifeNews is on TruthSocial. Please follow us here. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas details this dark period in American history. In Box v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, Inc., Justice Thomas writes that, in the 1920s, the U.S. eugenics movement was undermining the American education system, “particularly among progressives, professionals, and intellectual elites,” as eugenics was being taught in “376 universities and colleges.” Thomas provides a mapped-out strategy to convince the government to enact eugenics laws that would target black people who are considered inferior to white people. Also included in this plot are “dysgenic individuals, the ‘feeble-minded’, ‘insane’, ‘deformed’, ‘crippled’, ‘blind’, ‘deaf’,” and others. The acceptance of eugenics as part of our education system’s curriculum is hard to imagine, but there were also notable figures who supported the killing of the “undesirable” during this time. Incredibly, they include Presidents Teddy Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover, inventor Alexander Graham Bell, U.K. Prime Minister Winston Churchill, aviator Charles Lindbergh, and, expectedly, the founder of what became Planned Parenthood, Margarete Sanger. The 1973 Roe ruling was inevitable, fashioned by our country’s most powerful and influential elites. And after tens of millions of unborn babies killed, we are witnessing a brainwashed nation no longer recognizing the sanctity or gift of life. Consequently, we are currently subjected to a healthcare system where no one is safe, as it has been systematically transformed and infiltrated by the same godless individuals–who do not share our values–routinely making decisions about who deserves to receive care. For decades, the bioethics movement, the judiciary system, academia, the insurance industry, hospital systems, and a corrupt ruling class have created pro-death-friendly “Living Wills” and manipulated laws and policies to remove what little safety net was left to protect patients’ autonomy, informed consent, and the right to due process. With over 6,000 U.S. hospitals—not including nursing homes and hospices—and more than 34 million patients admitted yearly, there is reason for alarm. Indeed, in a 2008 New York Times article titled “Terminal Options for the Irreversibly Ill,” Judith Schwarz, an R.N. and clinical coordinator for Compassion & Choices of N.Y., openly stated that over one million people die each year in American hospitals as “a consequence of someone’s decision to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment.” A 2020 Guttmacher Institute report followed, stating that one million people were killed by today’s healthcare system, not specifying the reasons for these deaths, which exceeded the number of abortions undergone in 2020, totaling 930,160 nationwide. Since the 1990s, bioethicist and author Wesley J. Smith has been serving as the “canary in the coalmine” of a threatening nihilistic mindset, targeting our medically vulnerable. In his books, Culture of Death, and Forced Exit, in addition to the countless articles he has published, Smith has documented this widely aggressive anti-life undertaking. Scientist Kevin Bass is holding the Democratic party responsible for the current state of the healthcare system. In his recent article, “How America’s medical system has become woke,” Bass writes about a 2019 study revealing that, in just 20 years, medicine has gone from “60% Republican to 80% Democrat,” and doctors are increasingly contributing to Democratic political campaigns. To a greater degree, Bass writes of a “fulminant ideological takeover,” with medical schools teaching “extremist beliefs,” transforming healthcare from helping our vulnerable to killing them. In 2006, long before Bass’s assertion, Ramesh Ponnuru exposes the Democratic Party as having used their power to “corrupt our law and politics, abolish our fundamental right to life, and push the envelope in ever more dangerous directions” in his book, The Party of Death. Ponnuru describes a party that “embraces all that is antithetical to Christian values, supporting euthanasia, embryo destruction, even infanticide, and using ‘the quality of life’ of disabled people to decide whether to continue their care.” Regardless of who is responsible for what is happening in the current healthcare system, we must understand that if the standards of the “decision makers” are not met for continued care and treatment, the same death sentence will be received. The good news is that this cultural decay can be defeated because there exists a “silver bullet”: Jesus Christ. And I do not mean some heretical subjective version of the Truth of Christ as described by current modernists. We need to repent and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and only through Him and his gospel can we have eternal life and save this nation. Otherwise, this collapse we are watching will continue. As it says in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” LifeNews Note: Bobby Schindler and his family established the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network in honor of his sister, Terri. Protect yourself and your loved ones today by identifying a healthcare agent to speak for you if you cannot. Click here to learn more. ADVERTISEMENT Position 9 ADVERTISEMENT Ad Row 2 ADVERTISEMENT Ad Row 1 ADVERTISEMENT Ad Row 3 ADVERTISEMENT Home Sidebar 1 Ad Row 4 Bottom Banner COPYRIGHT © 2003-2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. National State International Bioethics Opinion About Advertising Reprint RSS Feed DONATE

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