Friday, November 18, 2022

An excellent article by Father Shenan J. Boquet at Human Life Int'l - please, please see

Using Gmail with screen readers 1 of 1,506 Urgent! young people in Zimbabwe need you Father Shenan Boquet Unsubscribe 2:00 PM (1 hour ago) Dear friends, Have you ever heard of Giving Tuesday? It’s always celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. On this day, people all over the world give to their favorite charity. It’s a fantastic idea! But there’s one big problem. Anti-life groups often disguise themselves as charities. These “charities” raise money to help impoverished countries. But they “help” by distributing free contraception. This encourages men and women to live unchaste lives. When contraception inevitably fails, these organizations profit from abortions. Many women and pre-born children die because of their lies. Unfortunately, on Giving Tuesday, many people will unknowingly fund this evil agenda. You can be a part of the solution. This year, our goal for Giving Tuesday is to expand a chastity program in Zimbabwe. Your pro-life missionaries warn young people in rural towns about the dangers of contraception and abortion. And they help these villages discern which charities are masked anti-life organizations. Mr. Miller, will you give today to send pro-life missionaries to rural towns in Zimbabwe? Monica and Veronica, the missionaries running this program, know what they’re up against. And they have a plan. But they can’t do it without you. Each rural visit costs $425. This covers transportation, rent for a space, and notebooks so students can remember what they learned. Expanding this program is essential. With your help, Monica and Veronica will warn young people about the dangerous side-effects of contraception and abortion. They’ll teach students about the importance of chastity. Their programs successfully cripple the anti-life agenda. But these women are racing against motivated, rich organizations. Without you, Monica and Veronica can’t reach these villages. Girls will accept free contraception. Many will suffer its harmful side-effects. And when it fails, pre-born children will die from abortion. This year, Giving Tuesday is November 29th. Please expand this chastity program before anti-life groups get more funding. You will help save many lives. Mr. Miller, will you give today to expand Monica and Veronica’s chastity program? You will enable communities all over Zimbabwe to resist anti-life pressure. Thank you for your generosity. You are doing amazing work. Yours in Christ and Our Lady, Image Father Shenan Boquet President, Human Life International PS: On Giving Tuesday, anti-life “charities” will raise money to distribute contraception and abortion throughout rural villages in Africa. But you can help pro-life missionaries reach these communities first! Will you give today to protect women and children in Zimbabwe? Thank you for your generosity.   Human Life International 4 Family Life Lane ● Front Royal, VA 22630 ● 540-635-7884 ● Unsubscribe or Change Preferences

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