Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Dear, dear President Joe Biden - please, please help end the flow of taxpayers' dollars to Planned Parenthood.

President Joe Biden 3/1/22 The White House Wash., D.C.20500 Dear President Joe Biden, Greetings! I hope and pray that you, your family and friends are in good health. Good health is such a wonderful blessing from our amazing Father. I am writing to you to ask for your help. Please help end the flow of taxpayers’ dollars to Planned Parenthood. The government shouldn’t supply Planned Parenthood with taxpayers’ dollars – especially when Planned Parenthood is involved in activities that a lot of people don’t approve of. You, as President, can help in ending the funding of government money to Planned Parenthood. Life is a gift from the LORD – our Creator LORD. Life is a gift from our Creator, we humans are created in HIS image, for HIS glory. GOD’s Holy Word tells us about our Creator LORD, and how HE has created us humans in HIS image, for HIS glory, and how HE gave us HIS only Begotten Son, JESUS, our LORD, to die for us sinners so that we might have eternal life. GOD’s Holy Word tells us about how human life is precious and abortion is the destruction of life! GOD’s Holy Word is perfect, pure, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be broken. Please help end the flow of taxpayers’ dollars to Planned Parenthood. Thank you for all your help to protect life – life created by our Creator LORD! Good-bye. Hope to write again soon. May our loving, gracious, merciful Creator LORD bless you, your family, and friends with love. joy, peace, and patience! In hope, peace, and love, Ken Miller www.kmillerbloggerablogbyken@gmail.com

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