Saturday, January 22, 2022

Dear, dear President Joe Biden - please, please, please help end the flow of taxpayers' dollars to Planned Parenthood.

President Joe Biden 1/22/22 The White House Washington D.
C., 20500 Dear President Joe Biden, Greetings in the name of JESUS - the name above all names. I hope that you, your family, and friends are in good health. Good health is such a wonderful blessing from our amazing Creator LORD! I am thankful for the opportunity to write to you. I am writing to you to encourage you help stop the flow of tax dollars to Planned Parenthood. Hundreds of millions of dollars are giving to a group that has lots of assets and is involved in questionable activities. I urge you to help those of us that do not wish for our tax dollars to go to Planned Parenthood. GOD's Holy word tells us about our amazing Creator LORD, and HIS Beloved Son JESUS, and how we should love HIM with all our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies, and love our neighbors as ourselve. Our Creator LORD tells us, by HIS Word, how we humans are created by our Creator LORD, in HIS image, for HIS glory. Children are a gift from our Creator LORD! Please do all that you can to help stop the flow of tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood. Please do all that you can to help protect life, made in HIS image, for HIS glory. Thanks for all your help. Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day. May our Creator LORD bless you, your family, and friends with love, joy, peace, and patience! In hope, peace, and love, Ken Miller

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