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to help spread the word! Jesus is the Word of GOD!!! Search the
Scriptures and you will find who owns the "West Bank."
following is from an info. sheet from F.L.A.M.E. For more info. on
F.L.A.M.E. please write them at P.O. Box 590359, S.F., CA 94159, or visit them
You deserve
a factual look at . . .
Who owns the "West Bank"?
The ancient lands of Judea and Samaria, east of Jerusalem, have
been part of the Jewish homeland for 3,000 years. Today Arabs demand all
of it.
Judea and Samaria, the land where
Jewish ancestors Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rachel, David and Solomon created
Biblical history, was renamed the "West Bank" during Jordan's brief,
illegal 19-year occupation. Today, some 380,000 Jews own land and live in
the territory, yet their rights are denied by Palestinian Arabs.
What are the facts?
Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after Wold War
I, the Allied Powers, which were the only parties with the right or power to
resolve ownership of vast tracts of the Middle East, allotted to the Jewish
people the land west of the Jordan River, including Judea and
Samaria. This resolution, made at the San Remo Conference, was effected
through the Mandate for Palestine, which was adopted by the League of Nations
in 1922 and assumed by the United Nations in 1948. This document, based
on "the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine,"
secured "the establishment of the Jewish national home."
Nothing since 1922 has changed the legal status of those internationally binding
Much of the land
allocated to the Jews, including most of Judea and Samaria, was taken from them
by Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Syria following Israel's War of Independence in
1948, when the Jewish state was attacked by those Arab nations - the latter
three of which were also established by the Mandate for Palestine. Jordan
illegally seized the "West Bank" and East Jerusalem, and expelled all
Jews from these Biblical homelands.
In fact, the territories of
Judea and Samaria have never been part of any nation except the Jewish
state. In 1967, when it was again attacked
by Arab armies, Israel defeated the invaders and recovered the occupied
"West Bank" from Jordan. It should be noted that during
Jordan's occupation of the "West Bank," no Arab Palestinian movement
emerged in favor of independence. Indeed, it wasn't until Israel
reclaimed the land and Jews returned to their ancestral home that claims of
Jewish "occupation" were raised.
Today, most land
in present-day Judea and Samaria is not privately owned, but rather is
unsurveyed - without proven ownership. Israel claims about 30% of the
public land in the territory. However, the Supreme Court of Israel has
ruled that unsurveyed land in Judea and Samaria can be acquired by Arabs who
cultivate it consistently. Arabs, through deed and cultivation rights,
own about 95% of private land in the territory. Jews, however, are not
granted similar rights, so Jewish farming on unsurveyed land does not entitle
Jews to private ownership. Nonetheless, Jews own about 5 % of all private
land in Judea and Samaria.
offers land for peace. Israel has a clear, millennia-old historical
claim to Judea and Samaria, and it reacquired the territories defending itself
against an aggressive war. In addition, Israel has an irrefutable legal
claim to these territories backed by the 95-year old San Remo Resolution.
Nonetheless, recognizing that its claims are disputed by Arab neighbors, the
Jewish state has shown uncommon willingness to share the land.
Starting in
1967, following the Six-Day War, Israel has offered to give up almost all the
land it controls in the "West Bank" - plus a Palestinian capital in
the eastern part of Jerusalem - in exchange for peace. Unfortunately,
despite numerous such land-for-peace overtures by Israel, including two most
recently in 2000 and 2008, the Arabs have consistently rejected them.
Not only do
the Arabs reject any Jewish claims to land in Judea and Samaria, they have also
insisted during peace negotiations that the territory be made judenrein - free
of Jews. Worse, many Palestinians Arabs, such as the terror group Hamas,
maintain that the entire land of Palestine - from the Jordan River to the
Mediterranean Sea, including all of Israel and the "West Bank" - belongs
only to Arabs. Today, official Palestinian maps do not depict the state
of Israel.
How will
the dispute over Judea and Samaria be resolved? Over Israel's 67
years, it has become a world-class cultural, economic and military power.
Its standard of living id among the highest in the Middle East. Clearly
the Jewish state is here to stay. Yet despite its strength, Israel has
shown willingness to negotiate and exchange land for peace. Sadly, this
willingness has not been matched by Palestinian leadership. Until such
negotiations are consummated, the "West Bank" will remain in dispute
- a no-man's land in which claims of ownership remain cloudy and contested.
While Israel has clear rights to
ownership of Judea and Samaria - also known as the "West Bank" - it has
taken a practical position offering to trade those rights and that land for
peace with its Arab neighbors. As of yet, however, tragically, no
Palestinian leader has been willing to compromise his people's unrealistic
expectation that all of Palestine - from the river to the sea - belongs only to
Facts and Logic About the Middle
P.O. Box 590359
S.F., CA 94159
Geraldo Joffe, President
James Sinkinson, Vice President
FLAME is a tax-exempt, non-profit
educational 501 (c)(3) oganization. Its purpose is the research and
publication of the facts regarding developments in the Middle East and exposing
false propaganda that might harm the interests of the United States and its
allies in that area of the world. Your tax=deductible contributions are
welcome. They enable us to pursue these goals and to publish these
messages in national newspapers and magazines. We have virtually no
overhead. Almost all of our revenue pays for our educational work, for
these clarifying messages, and for related direct mail.
Please visit
end of info. sheet . . . . .
Added note: When GOD led
the Israelites out of Egypt Moses was the earthly leader of the Israelites, and
GOD HIMSELF told Moses that HE was giving the land of Israel to the Israelites
(and that Moses would not enter in himself).
Posted free
of charge. Posted for no financial consideration whatsoever. Please
help spread the word!!! Please help end Anti-Semitism!
For more
info. on the Simon Wiesenthal Center please write 1399 S. Roxbury Dr., L.A., CA
90035, or call them at 310-553-9036, or visit them at
following article by Rabbi Marvin Hier can be found on pg. 2 in INMOTION,
Summer 2015, Vol. 1 Issue 10 publication from the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
During the
past few months, world leaders gathered to commemorate the 70th anniversary of
the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps and the end of World War
II. : In 1933, when Adolf Hitler became chancellor of the Third
Reich, the world was shocked. Nobody expected that they would govern
Germany. But rather than confront the Nazis, the prevalent view of both
the leaders of Europe and the United States was to reach out and attempt to
engage them. Their reasoning was clear - by welcoming Hitler as a
full-fledged partner in the new Europe, the Fuhrer and his followers could be
convinced to mitigate their racist and anti-Semitic ideology. Only
Winston Churchill saw through the veneer and knew instinctively that hate
mongers and despots are unlikely candidates for change. : But Britain and the United States were then very much in
the appeasement mode. The US, despite Nazi Germany's persecution of Jews,
fully supported sending the US Olympic team to the Hitler-sponsored Olympics. : Six years after the Berlin Olympics ended Hitler began his
"Final Solution". When the War ended, the Nazis in places like
Treblinka, Majdanek and Auschwitz murdered six million Jews, one-third of all
the Jews in the world. Between fifty and eighty million people lost their
: What lessons can we learn from these, seventy years
later? We can learn that ideologues remain ideologues. That despite
all the meetings with world leaders, despite the fact that Hitler hosted 1936
Olympics and the whole world came to Berlin, it had absolutely no impact on
mitigating Hitler's worldview. In the end, he did exactly what he wrote
in a September 16, 1919 signed letter in the possession of the Simon Wiesenthal
Center and on display at the Museum of Tolerance, in which he said, "Its
final aim, however, must be the uncompromising removal of the Jews." : This year, as we mark
the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, these are crucial lessons to
remember as we engage Iran (see next page for details about my meeting with
President Obama).
: A Simon Wiesenthal
Center recent acquisition is an original document written by Israel's founding
Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, in which he says, "An American leader in
the future could say, after a failure, 'I made a mistake. I did not
understand the real intention of the Arab leaders." : We cannot afford to make mistakes on this decisive issue
nor can we allow any power in the world to compel us to make fateful
: On this 70th anniversary of the end of the Nazi regime, the
memory of the holocaust is best preserved when we refuse to repeat our
Rabbi Marvin Hier
Founder and Dean
Simon Wiesenthal Center
end of article . . . . .
Added note: Let's be very
mindful of Iran today - they have consistently advocated the death to
Israel! Let's have a strong Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard
and a strong intelligence community and help protect Israel against any and all
threats from Iran, or any other country!
The greatest of these is love.
Love one another.
We love, because He first loved us.
Love is the fulfilling of the Law.
For God so loved the world, that He
gave His only begotten Son into this world to die for us sinners, so that
whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Faith, hope, and love - the greatest
of these is love.
God is love. GOD is LOVE.
The Lord is our Strength!!!
Love does no harm to his neighbor,
therefore, love is the fulfilling of the Law.
Jesus is the spotless Lamb of
Jesus is the Holy One of Israel!!
Jesus is the Light of the World!!!
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the
Jesus is the same yesterday, today,
and forever!!!!
Jesus is the Bread of Life!!!!!
Jesus is Lord!!!!!
Jesus is the Living Water!!!
Jesus is the Light of the world!!!
Jesus is the Word of GOD!!!
The Lord is our Refuge!!!
Jesus is the Great I AM!!!!!
Jesus is our Rock!!!
Who is perfect but our Creator?
Who is spotless, but our Creator??
Who created heaven and earth, but
our Creator???
Who made all that which has been
made, but our Creator Lord, our God????
Who is Lord, but our Creator?????
Who is Lord of lords, but our
Who is King of kings, but our
Creator Lord???????
Who is Lord? Jesus is Lord!!!
Our help comes from the Lord!!!
Jesus is our Fortress!!!
Love each other dearly!
Love is the commandment from the
Who was from the beginning???
The Lord is from the beginning!!!
Jesus is our Refuge!!!
Love is not self-seeking.
In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with
And the Word was made flesh, and
dwelt among us (full of grace and truth). Who is full of grace and truth
but our Lord and Savior Jesus???
Who is our Savior, but our God???
Jesus is the Savior of the world!!!
Who is our Redeemer, but our God????
Jesus is our Redeemer!!!
Who is our Atonement - Jesus the
Lamb without blemish - perfect!!!
Jesus is our Atonement!!!
Love always hopes.
Jesus is our Hiding Place!!!
Love always trusts.
Love always protects.
Jesus is our High Tower!!!
The greatest of these is love!!!
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not
want . . .
Jesus is our Atonement!!!
Love is patient.
Love one another.
We love, because He first loved us.
Love is the fulfilling of the Law.
For God so loved the world, that He
gave His only begotten Son into this world to die for us sinners, so that
whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Faith, hope, and love - the greatest
of these is love.
God is love. GOD is LOVE.
The Lord is our Strength!!!
Love does no harm to his neighbor,
therefore, love is the fulfilling of the Law.
Jesus is the spotless Lamb of
Jesus is the Holy One of Israel!!
Jesus is the Light of the World!!!
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the
Jesus is the same yesterday, today,
and forever!!!!
Jesus is the Bread of Life!!!!!
Jesus is Lord!!!!!
Jesus is the Living Water!!!
Jesus is the Light of the world!!!
Jesus is the same yesterday, today,
and forever!!!
The Lord is our Teacher!!!
Jesus is the Great I AM!!!!!
Jesus is our Rock!!!
Who is perfect but our Creator?
Who is spotless, but our Creator??
Who created heaven and earth, but
our Creator???
Who made all that which has been
made, but our Creator Lord, our God????
Who is Lord, but our Creator?????
Who is Lord of lords, but our
Who is King of kings, but our
Creator Lord???????
Who is Lord? Jesus is Lord!!!
Our help comes from the Lord!!!
The Lord is our Refuge!!!
Jesus is our Shield!!!
Love each other dearly!
Love is the commandment from the
Who was from the beginning???
The Lord is from the beginning!!!
Love always perseveres.
Jesus is our Refuge!!!
In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with
And the Word was made flesh, and
dwelt among us (full of grace and truth). Who is full of grace and truth
but our Lord and Savior Jesus???
Who is our Savior, but our God???
Jesus is the Savior of the world!!!
Who is our Redeemer, but our God????
Jesus is our Redeemer!!!
Who is our Atonement - Jesus the
Lamb without blemish - perfect!!!
Jesus is our Atonement!!!
Love is patient.
Love is kind.
Love always hopes.
Our help comes from the Lord!!!
Love always protects.
Love does not delight in evil.
Jesus is our Righteousness!!!
Love rejoices in the truth.
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not
want . . . .
Love is not proud.
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