Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What would you do in these tough situations?

    Posted free of charge!!! This should go without saying, but I will state here that nothing stated within this blog indicates support, or agreement of, anything suggested below.  The Holy Scriptures do not condone kidnapping, beating people up, robbery, rape, or artificial insemination!!!  Why not spread the Word?  Jesus is the Word of God!!!

     The following would be a tough decision to make.  How would you decide??? 

What if you were beaten, kidnapped, tied up, and then taken and ....?

Dear family, friends, and all others concerned about justice, mercy and love,

     Greetings on this glorious day!!!  I hope that you and the loved ones are  in good health and are getting along.  How is your spirit on this glorious day?  Please remember that we humans are more than flesh and blood.  Also, please remember that we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for HIS glory!!!  Also, please remember that the unborn children - the pre-born children deserve justice too!!!

     Suppose that you are over-powered and kidnapped by many when no one is around to help you, or hear you cry out, and then you're terribly beaten and drugged by your kidnappers, and driven to a far away place.  You wake up blindfolded and are brought up to a high cliff and then tied up securely on your back.  Your kidnappers take off your blindfold, and then they tell you that there is also a cord tied to your right arm, and that at the end of the cord is a live infant (which you can hear crying).  Just barely within your reach of your right hand, is a knife.  The kidnappers tell you that you could use the knife to cut your right hand free, and then you'd be able to cut the rest of yourself free, however, when you cut your right hand free then the cord holding the infant will also make the infant plummet off the cliff to its death.  The kidnappers also set up a bunch of mirrors which allow you to see the infant, the cliff, the knife, video cameras watching you, and the ropes that bind you.  The kidnappers tell you that they'll go away for awhile and watch you on the screen, and if you don't cut yourself free, then they'll return periodically to feed both you and the infant.  They say that if they don't see you on the screen - even for a moment, then they'll never return.  They also promise to continually feed you and the infant after many weeks and weeks, until one day they'll set both you and the infant free if you continue to remain bound and don't try to escape.  What would you do?  Would it make a difference to you if the infant that was tied to the cord was your child?

     Shouldn't we seek justice for the unborn children?  Don't the unborn children deserve to continue to live?  Life is a gift from the good Lord and is precious.  Our Creator Lord's will is life.  Our Creator's way is life!  The Holy Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how our Creator Lord created us humans in His image, and how we should value life, and how we should protect and support life, and how our Creator Lord loves us so much that He sent His only Begotten Son Jesus into this world to shed His blood and to die on a cross for us sinners, so that we might have eternal life!  The Holy Scriptures are pure, perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be broken!  Our Creator Lord is faithful!  Our Creator Lord is true!  Our Creator Lord cannot lie!  Our Creator Lord can be taken at His Word!!!  Jesus is the Word of God!  Our Creator Lord is good!  Our Creator Lord is good all the time!!!  Our Creator Lord is LOVE!  Love always protects.  Love always hopes.  Love always perseveres.  Love does not delight in evil.  Love does not envy.  Love always trusts.  Love rejoices in the truth.  Love is the commandment from the beginning.

     What would you do if you went to a place to get artificially inseminated and were given a bio on the donor, chose a specific one, and after becoming pregnant you were told that they'd made a mistake on the donor, and was actually a different donor that was the father, but you didn't approve of the father's bio.  Isn't the life that the good Lord created inside you still a human being, with DNA distinct (only a human being has that DNA), worthy of life even though it was not what you'd wanted (and was accomplished by a method that is contrary to the good Lord's teaching??)

     Should we be guided by s-tan and his minions, or by the good Lord?  Let's speak out for justice - justice for all!  Let's call out to the good Lord and ask for His help!  Thank you very much for all your help!  Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day.  May the good Lord, our Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones immensely! 

In hope, peace, and love,  

Ken Miller
Main St. Rm. 103
still one of the working poor! 

P.S.  Jesus is the Holy One of Israel!!!  Jesus is our Rock!!!  Jesus is our Redeemer!!!  Jesus is our Atonement!!!

P.P.S.  Jesus is the Light of the World!!!!  Jesus is the Living Water!!!  Jesus is the Bread of Life!!!
Can anything separate you from the love of Christ Jesus.  Nothing!  NOTHING!!! 

How about justice for the unborn children?  Let's seek justice for the unborn children - the preborn children!!!!! 

Abortion is the greatest human rights abuse going on throughout the world today!!! 

Please check out the concerted effort to recall abortion @

Please check out the website that  shows (through scientific studies) that abortion raises one's risk of getting breast cancer, and that multiple abortions raises the risk even greater -!!!

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