Please check out the
effort to recall abortion - see
Please help end black genocide - see
Posted free of charge.
Posted for no financial consideration whatsoever. Posted to help further
the kingdom of GOD!!! Please help spread the word! Jesus is the
Word of GOD!!! Let's teach love throughout the country today! Love
is the commandment from the beginning!
President Barack Obama
The White House
Wash., D.C. 20500
Dear President Barack Obama,
Greetings on this
glorious day! I hope and pray that all is well! Good health is such
a wonderful blessing from the good Lord, our Creator Lord! I am posting
this blog on this glorious day to ask for your help. Please help fight
back against racism and the misuse of power throughout this country
today! I seek your help in getting Congressional approval and the United
States Justice Department to get more actively involved with alleged racist
actions and alleged misuse of power here in the United States. Please
read below what the US Justice Department could possibly do to combat racism.
Request for the United
States Justice Department to take further action into police's misuse of
Over the years there
have been many (too many) reports of possible, or outright, racist actions on
the part of police officers throughout the United States. As someone that
was born in 1956 and have heard of many reports, but nowhere near the actual
amount of racist actions that have occurred, these reports show that there is
still racism within some police departments, as well as throughout the
country. I'm sure the vast majority of the public would agree that even
one racist act by a police officer is one too many (unless you a racist).
One racist police officer is one too many police officer! This is
a justice issue. Let's take steps to remove racist police officers from
the force! Not just police departments are affected by racism, and I
don't want to single out just police departments, but the United States Justice
Department could make a giant step into looking into actions of some police
officers, and maybe the departments as a whole, and take appropriate action to
help eliminate (fire) racist police officers. This would probably take
Congressional action to give the investigative committees authority to remove
officers from the police force and / or impose fines, or any other remedy
called out for by the committee. Below is a suggestion for the U.S.
Justice Department:
The U.S. Justice
Department should institute 85 - 95 investigative committees, with each
committee consisting of 41 members. Those looking into allegations of
misuse of power by police officers (the investigative committees) should be
mostly made up of African-Americans, let say 36 members, and the other 5
members from other races. They should thoroughly look into any allegation
of misuse of power (not necessarily only racist actions), concentrating first
on where there has been more allegations. The committees should be able
to either refer the officer for prosecution plus removal from the police force
(let's say, a minimum of ten years), remove the officer from the force (let's
say for a minimum of 8 years), just fine and/or reprimand the officer, or refer
for further investigation. This could be one step the Justice Dept. could
take. They could also look into the misuse of power by other places
where, unfortunately, racism and /or misuse of power exists (fire departments,
ambulance departments, the court system, etc.).
One thing for
sure, with the membership of the investigative committees made up with 36
members of African-Americans, the alleged acts of misuse of power would be thoroughly
looked into, and not swept under the rug! Also, once started, the
investigative committees would have a profound effect within police departments
and other places where racism exist! There is racism in this country, and
I am afraid that a lot of white people think that there is very little racism
in the country today (not that we should ever end working to end racism).
Only the good Lord knows how much racism, or Anti-Semitism, exists in this
country, or throughout the world today!
Thank you very much for all
your help! Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful
day! May the good Lord, our Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones
In hope, peace, and love,
Ken Miller
Main St. rm. 103
still one of the working poor!
U.S. Justice Department
should institute investigative committees to look into allegations of misuse of
power by police / police departments throughout the country, starting with
where there have been the most allegations.
committee consists of 41 members:
36 members should be African-American
5 members should be of other races
Let's say, that with 37
committee members concurring, a police officer would be removed from the force
for a minimum of 10 years and referred for prosecution of criminal acts.
Let's say, that with 33
committee members concurring, a police officer would be removed from the
force for a minimum of 8 years.
Let's say, that with 27
members concurring, fines of up to $15,000 could be imposed upon a police
office and / or an official reprimand given.
Let's say, that with 24
members concurring, the committee could refer the investigation back for
further review.
Please contact President Barack
Obama @
Please contact Vice President Joseph
Biden @
Please contact U.S. Senator Robert
Menendez @
Please contact U.S. Senator Cory
Booker @
Please contact U.S. Congressman Scott
Garrett @
4805 Mt. Hope Dr.
Baltimore, MD 21215
Dear friends at N.A.A.C.P.,
Greetings on this glorious day that the Lord has
made!!! Hope that you and the loved ones are in good health. Good
health is such a wonderful blessing from the good Lord, our Creator
Lord! Please remember that we humans are more than flesh and blood.
Also, please remember that we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in HIS
image, for HIS glory! How is your spirit on this glorious
day? It is time, and right, for the government to provide something to
descendants of slaves and the Native Americans (should we call it
reparations? How about calling it: just restorations!) because the
American government either never followed through with a commitment that they'd
made (a promise to just freed ex slaves), or they had reneged on agreements
that they'd made (to Native Americans). It is many years over due, but
until it is done (restoration payments/reparation payments) it continues to be
justice denied. It was the government (United States government) that
promised to pay freed ex slaves something that they never fulfilled, and it was
the government (the U.S. government) that reneged on promises (they broke
treaties) made to Native Americans. It would be right to try and restore
matters by giving just restoration payments to descendants of slaves, and to
Native Americans! How much to give, and whether it should be part money
payments plus land payments, are things that should be thought out and
discussed, but let's not wait decades more (it's already over one hundred years
plus decades late) to start making restoration payments, and giving land
Please let's get the government to come out and
apologize for not fulfilling its commitment, and for reneging on it commitments
and to start paying just restoration payments! It is way, way overdue and
it is right in our Creator 's eyes to pay just restoration payments - search
the Scriptures and they tell about our Creator Lord, and how we humans are
created by our Creator Lord, in HIS image, for HIS glory, and how we should
worship our Creator Lord and HIS Beloved Son Jesus with all our heart, soul,
mind, and body, and how we should value life, and how we should honor
commitments and how we should protect rights, and that our Creator Lord loves
us so much that He sent his only Begotten Son Jesus into this world to shed his
blood and to die for us sinners, so that we might have eternal life! The
Holy Scriptures are pure, perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and
teaching, and cannot be broken! Our Creator Lord is
love! Love always perseveres. Love does not
envy. Love always hopes. Love always trusts. Love does not
delight in evil. Love rejoices with the truth. Love is the
commandment from the beginning. Love never fails.
Please help support the giving of just
restoration payments and giving land back to descendants of slaves and Native
Americans. It is the right thing to do and it is long overdue!
Thanks for all your help! Hope that you and
the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day. May the good Lord, our
Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones with blessings upon blessings!!!
In hope, peace, and love,
Ken Miller
Main St. Rm. 103
still one of the working poor - if only in spirit!
P.S. Jesus is the Holy One of Israel!!!!
Jesus is the Living Water!!! Jesus is the Bread of Life!!!
All glory, honor, praise, and thanks be to our
Creator Lord - maker of heaven and earth - Messiah and King - Messiah and
How about justice for the unborn
children??? Let's seek justice for the unborn children - the preborn
We are restored with our Creator Lord because
of Jesus' righteousness!!!
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