What is your spiritual act of worship?
Please help
end the greatest human rights abuse going on throughout the world today!
Please help stop black genocide today - please see www.blackgenocide.org.
Please find out more about the concerted effort to recall abortion @ www.recallabortion.com.
Please, please, please help stop black genocide today -
please see www.blackgenocide.org.
We love, because HE first loved us.
Nothing can
separate you from the love of Christ Jesus.
Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the
were given to the Jew first, and then the Gentiles.
Our Creator Lord is doing a mighty work here in the United
States and throughout the world dear sisters and brothers in Messiah!!!
Our Creator Lord is faithful! Our Creator Lord is
true! Our Creator Lord cannot lie!
Jesus can be taken at HIS Word!!! Jesus is the Light
of the World!!!
Please help!
Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world. Beware of the wiles of s-tan dear sisters and brothers in Messiah. Abhor evil, cling to what is good. There is good and evil dear sisters and brothers in Messiah!
Dear sisters and brothers in Messiah - please, please, please help!!! Legalized abortion is a moral, social, political, and an economic disaster here in the United States, and everywhere that it has been mandated!!!!!
Please send all future e-mails, if
any, to: kmillerbloggerablogbyken@gmail.com. Thanks and hope that you and
the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day! May the good Lord, our
Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones greatly!
In hope, peace, and love,
Ken Miller
Still one of the working poor
Looking for a church to worship our loving, gracious,
merciful Father and HIS Beloved Son Jesus here in Sussex County, New Jersey.
Vice President Joseph Biden
The White House
Wash., D.C. 20500
Dear Vice President Joseph Biden,
Greetings on this glorious day the Lord has made! Each new day the good Lord gives us is glorious! I hope that you and the loved ones are in good health and are getting along. Good health is such a wonderful blessing from the good Lord, our Creator Lord! Please remember that we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in HIS image, for HIS glory! I am writing to you on this glorious day to ask for your help. The national debt continues to climb and the U.S. Budget continues to run at deficits. Money to pay day down the national debt and/or to pay off the interest is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, and we continue see the economic toll (not to mention the moral, social, and political disaster it has been to the nation) that legalized abortion has done to our country. Has the economic toll that legalized abortion has brought upon this country been over $10 trillion??? Has the economic toll throughout the world that legalized abortion has brought been over $110 trillion??? The economic toll will continue to rise while we have an abortion-on-demand policy here in the United States.
Please help turn the country around. The biggest thing to turn the United States around would be to protect life from conception on. Life is a gift from the Lord, and it is precious. Also, we shouldn't continue to borrow and continue to run deficits in the U.S. Budget. The national debt should be paid down. We don't want to be slaves to our lenders. The Holy Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we should worship HIM and HIS Beloved Son Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and body, and how we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in HIS image, for HIS glory, and how we should value human life, and how we should protect and support life, and how we shouldn't be slaves to our lenders and that we should good stewards with money, and how our Creator Lord loves us so much that he sent His only Begotten Son Jesus into this world to shed His blood and to die on a cross for us sinners, so that we might have eternal life! The Holy Scriptures are pure, perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be broken! Our Creator Lord is faithful! Our Creator Lord is true! Our Creator Lord cannot lie! Our Creator Lord can be taken at His Word! Jesus is the Word of God! Our Creator Lord is good! Our Creator Lord is good all the time!!! Our Creator Lord is LOVE!
Please help turn the country around by ending an abortion-on-demand policy, paying down the national debt, and ending deficits in the budget. Something has to be done to help turn the country around!
Thank you very much for all your help. Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day! May the good Lord, our Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones with love, joy, peace, and patience!
In hope, peace, and love,
Ken Miller
Main St. rm. 103
still one of the working poor
P.S. We love, because HE first loved us. 1John
P.P.S. Others have estimated the economic toll of
decriminalized abortion to be over $42 trillion!!!
P.P.P.S. The good Lord. our Creator Lord, is doing a
good work here in the United States, and everywhere throughout the world dear
sisters and brothers in Messiah!!!
The Holy Scriptures tell us
about our Creator Lord, and how we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in
HIS image, for HIS glory, and how we should worship our Creator Lord and HIS
Beloved Son Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and body, and how we should
value life, and how we should protect and support human life, and how our
Creator Lord loves us that HE sent HIS only Begotten Son Jesus into this World
to shed HIS blood and to die on a cross for us sinners, so that we might have
eternal life! The Holy Scriptures are pure, perfect, powerful, profitable
for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be broken! Our Creator Lord is
faithful! Our Creator Lord is true! Our Creator Lord cannot
lie! Our Creator Lord can be taken at HIS Word! Jesus is the Word
of God! Our Creator Lord is good! Our Creator Lord is good all the
time! Our Creator Lord is LOVE! Love never fails.
On March 23, 2010, I sat down at a table in the East Room of
the White House and signed my name on a law that said, once and for all, that
health care would no longer be a privilege for a few. It would be a right for
Five years later, after more than 50 votes in Congress to
repeal or weaken this law and multiple challenges before the Supreme Court,
here is what we know today:
This law worked. It's still working. It has changed and
saved American lives. It has set this country on a smarter, stronger course.
And it's here to stay.
This morning, the Supreme Court upheld one of the most
critical parts of health reform -- the part that has made it easier for
Americans to afford health insurance, no matter where you live.
If the challenges to this law had succeeded, millions would
have had thousands of dollars in tax credits taken away. Insurance would have
once again become unaffordable for many Americans. Many would have even become
uninsured again. Ultimately, everyone's premiums could have gone up.
Because of this law, and because of today's decision,
millions of Americans will continue to receive the tax credits that have given
about 8 in 10 people who buy insurance on the new Health Insurance Marketplaces
the choice of a health care plan that costs less than $100 a month.
If you're a parent, you can keep your kids on your plan
until they turn 26 -- something that has covered millions of young people so
far. That's because of this law. If you're a senior, or have a disability, this
law gives you discounts on your prescriptions -- something that has saved 9
million Americans an average of $1,600 so far. If you're a woman, you can't be
charged more than anybody else -- even if you've had cancer, or your husband
had heart disease, or just because you're a woman. Your insurer has to offer
free preventive services like mammograms. They can't place annual or lifetime caps
on your care.
And when it comes to preexisting conditions -- someday, our
grandkids will ask us if there was really a time when America discriminated
against people who got sick. Because that's something this law has ended for
Five years in and more than 16 million insured Americans
later, this is no longer just about a law. This isn't just about the Affordable
Care Act, or Obamacare.
Today is a victory for every American whose life will
continue to become more secure because of this law. And 20, 30, 50 years from
now, most Americans may not know what "Obamacare" is. And that's
okay. That's the point.
Because today, this reform remains what it always has been
-- a set of fairer rules and tougher protections that have made health care in
America more affordable, more attainable, and more about you.
That's who we are as Americans. We look out for one another.
We take care of each other. We root for one another's success. We strive to do
better, to be better, than the generation before us, and we try to build
something better for the generation that comes behind us.
And today, with this behind us, let's come together and keep
building something better. That starts right now.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
So much for transparency!
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Jesus can be taken at HIS
word! Jesus is the Word of God! Jesus is the same yesterday, today,
and forever. Jesus is true. Jesus is faithful! Jesus cannot
lie! Jesus is good! Jesus is good all the time!
Please pray for President Barack
Obama and for the rest of our leaders!
Abhor evil, cling to what is good.
Love always hopes.
How is our Health Care System?
How can we improve it?
Below is an article about a travesty of justice - here in
the United States!! How did this
happen - what can we do to stop it from happening again? The
following is an article from life and hope, a publication of the Terri Schiavo
Life and Hope Network, volume 6 / 1st Edition / www.lifeandhope.com, pg. 8.
Nine Years Ago My Sister
Terri Schiavo was
and Starved to Death
As Our Health Care System Continues to Worsen
by Bobby Schindler / Washington DC /
LifeNews.com / March 20, 2014
It was nine years ago, March 18,
2005, that the feeding tube of my sister Terri Schiavo was removed by order of
Pinellas County Florida Court Judge, George W. Greer. It was by Greer's
order that Terri would slowly die by way of starvation and dehydration.
It took almost two weeks.
Since Terri's horrific death, the
non-profit organization established by my family, the Terri Schiavo Life and
Hope Network, works every day doing what we can to educate the public, raises
the desperately needed awareness on this widely misunderstood issue of
euthanasia, and more importantly, helps families that contact us. The
vast majority of families who do reach out to us are faced with situations
where their loved ones are in jeopardy of having their life sustaining
treatment denied.
What has become painfully obvious
is that it seems like almost every day, more examples of families' medical
rights are being denied when it comes to decisions they are making for their
loved ones.
Indeed, we receive calls similar to
what our family experienced - a domestic dispute over the care of a family
member. However, more and more, we are getting calls from people who are
fighting physicians, ethic committees, or health care facilities where their
loved ones are being treated.
It can go as far as, if you can believe
it, families having their loved ones stripped away from their care by the
hospital, losing complete custody.
When this does happen, there
appears to be a certain pattern that begins the process.
First, the hospital physicians, nurses
or even the staff will create or exaggerate a situation involving the family,
most times without any real evidence, or they will fault the parents or loved
one who is the caregiver with some type of mishap with the patient.
Often times what follows is the
family member(s) who were making medical treatment decisions are vilified, or
accused of being the problem. This gives the hospital a reason to
intervene and subsequently take action to deem the family incompetent as the
The hospital can then go as far as
restricting visitation rights, or completely stopping any family member from
visiting their loved one, claiming that they are a "threat" to the
care of the patient.
The hospital can then go to court
in order to gain control of the patient by requesting that a guardian be
appointed or even the hospital itself, in place of the family members who were
caring for their loved one.
The family who was once in the position
of taking care of their loved one is now on the outside looking in - having no
legal rights or any ability to help or even visit them.
If you think this cannot happen,
then you haven't heard of three cases currently taking place where the family
has been removed as the care givers of their child and / or spouse. The
cases of Justina Pelletier in Massachusetts, Bret Bohnin in Alaska, and the
Gary Harvey case in New York. All you need to do is look them
In each situation, the facility
contends that these patients were not being properly cared for by their family
member and as a result, the patients were removed from their custody.
Although these cases have their differences, there is one common
denominator. Despite the reasons specified, it appears that in each
instance proper care was being given. And in all of these situations, the
care of their loved one has been put in the hands of strangers.
There have been countless warning signs
with the state of our health care system and its perilous direction when it
comes to caring for those who are unable to speak for themselves. Perhaps
much of it started with the death of my sister, Terri.
It is because of this that over the
next two weeks, Terri's Life and Hope Network website will post stories of the
events that occurred on each of those horrific days of Terri's inhumane
death. Not only to remember Terri, but also to keep in mind the countless
people who, as we speak, are suffering slow, agonizing deaths in hospices,
nursing homes, and hospitals in America and around the world.
Every one of us needs to understand
that no longer are we the ones who will be making medical decisions for our
loved ones if we ever find ourselves in a situation where a hospital decides it
knows better.
end of article .........
Bobby Schindler is the brother of the late
Terri Schiavo, and the Executive Director
of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network,
at www.lifeandhope.com
Find out more about Terri Schiavo
Life and Hope Network @ www.lifeandhope.com
, or write them at P.O. Box 521, Narberth, PA 19072, or phone them at
855-300-HOPE (4673). Find out more about LifeNews.com @ www.LifeNews.com .
Love always perseveres.
New note (added info. Not from the article):
Health Care Law should protect life, support life, and should further the
healing of human life and do no harm to human life, and should not force anyone
to dishonor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We humans are created
by our Creator Lord, in His image, for His glory! We humans are more than
flesh and blood! Any such Health Care Law should be discussed by,
supported and agreed upon by independents, republicans, and democrats alike and
should be presented to the public before voted upon by Congress, and signed by
the President of the United States. Any Health Care Law should show the
public that all those involved with the writing of the Health Care Law value
human life - life made in the image of our Creator -life given as a gift of the
Lord. Let's call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's
help, and help to repeal, or change all the problems with, the new Health Care
Law!!! The Holy Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we
humans are created by our Creator Lord, in HIS image, for HIS glory, and how we
should worship our Creator Lord and HIS Beloved Son Jesus with all our heart,
soul, mind, and body, and how we should value life, and how we should protect
and support human life, and how our Creator Lord loves us that HE sent HIS only
Begotten Son Jesus into this World to shed HIS blood and to die on a cross for
us sinners, so that we might have eternal life! The Holy Scriptures are
pure, perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be
broken! Our Creator Lord is faithful! Our Creator Lord is true!
Our Creator Lord cannot lie! Our Creator Lord can be taken at HIS
Word! Jesus is the Word of God! Our Creator Lord is good! Our
Creator Lord is good all the time! Our Creator Lord is LOVE!
The following is an article from life and hope, a publication
from the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, volume 6 / 1st Edition / www.lifeandhope.com
Recent Case ...
Recently the Life and Hope Network received a call from a
young man in his 20s. His fiancée experienced an asthma attack and went
into cardiac arrest two weeks prior to him contacting us. Physicians
initially diagnosed her as brain dead and she needed a ventilator to help with
her breathing. According to the young man, physicians re-diagnosed her after
she began to show signs of improvement.
Despite this, her parents asked
physicians to remove her from the ventilator, with the understanding it would
lead to their daughter's death.
The physicians were wrong. When
her ventilator was removed, she began to breathe on her own and at that point,
was only being sustained by food and water (via feeding tube). According
to her fiancée there were times when she was attempting to communicate.
In spite of the signs of progress this
young woman appeared to be making, and the desperate pleas from her fiancée,
her parents made the decision to remove their daughter's feeding tube and she
was subsequently administered morphine and Ativan.
We received a message just recently,
letting us know that this young woman had died. Just one more example of
how euthanasia is being practiced every day.
end of article ...........
This is sad and tragic and is occurring in the United
States, and throughout the world! Below is an article published in life
and hope, a publication of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network volume 6 /
1st Edition / www.lifeandhope.com.
This is posted for no monetary gain, or any other kind of gain, and for no
promise of any kind of gain.
Unilateral Non-Resuscitation at Massachusetts General
By Wesley J. Smith
National Review Online / 05/12/14
Can this have something to do with Romney/Obamacare?
According to a medical study, since 2006, Massachusetts
General Hospital's Bioethics Committee has forced people to not receive wanted
resuscitation by imposing unilateral DNRs. And apparently, it's all done
in Star Chamber secrecy. From Thaddeus Pope's blog (quoting from a
medical symposium presentation).
"Unilateral Do-Not-Resuscitate
(DNR) orders are a specific type of medical futility decision in which
clinicians withhold advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the event
of cardiopulmonary arrest despite objections of patients or their
surrogates. There is little information on how often and to whom
unilateral DNR orders are applied. The ethics committee at Massachusetts
General Hospital has had a unilateral DNR policy since 2006.
We investigated the incidence, sociodemographic and clinical
predictors, and outcomes of patients with unilateral DNR orders.
If I read this correctly, thirty-eight
percent of those upon whom the unilateral DNRs appear not to have been at the
end stage of a terminal disease:
Patients for whom unilateral DNR was
recommended were more likely to have conditions judged to be endstage rather
than potentially reversible (62% versus 41 %, p=0.05)"
And who can be surprised that
non-whites were more likely to have an involuntary DNR imposed?
This is medical tyranny. People are
refused potentially life-saving treatment based on the secret views of
strangers in committee who have given themselves the power to so dictate.
end of article ...................................
Upcoming / Recent Events ...
1/22/15 Washington, D.C. (March for Life)
1/31/15 Scranton, PA
3/31/15 Terri's Day 2015
3/31/15 3rd Annual Life and Hope Award Gala!
Please check our website for all upcoming events!
The Holy
Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we humans are created by our
Creator Lord, in HIS image, for HIS glory, and how we should worship our
Creator Lord and HIS Beloved Son Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and
body, and how we should value life, and how we should protect and support human
life, and how our Creator Lord loves us that HE sent HIS only Begotten Son
Jesus into this World to shed HIS blood and to die on a cross for us sinners,
so that we might have eternal life! The Holy Scriptures are pure,
perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be
broken! Our Creator Lord is faithful! Our Creator Lord is
true! Our Creator Lord cannot lie! Our Creator Lord can be taken at
HIS Word! Jesus is the Word of God! Our Creator Lord is good!
Our Creator Lord is good all the time! Our Creator Lord is
On March 23, 2010, I sat down at a table in the East Room of
the White House and signed my name on a law that said, once and for all, that
health care would no longer be a privilege for a few. It would be a right for
Five years later, after more than 50 votes in Congress to
repeal or weaken this law and multiple challenges before the Supreme Court,
here is what we know today:
This law worked. It's still working. It has changed and
saved American lives. It has set this country on a smarter, stronger course.
And it's here to stay.
This morning, the Supreme Court upheld one of the most
critical parts of health reform -- the part that has made it easier for
Americans to afford health insurance, no matter where you live.
If the challenges to this law had succeeded, millions would
have had thousands of dollars in tax credits taken away. Insurance would have
once again become unaffordable for many Americans. Many would have even become
uninsured again. Ultimately, everyone's premiums could have gone up.
Because of this law, and because of today's decision,
millions of Americans will continue to receive the tax credits that have given
about 8 in 10 people who buy insurance on the new Health Insurance Marketplaces
the choice of a health care plan that costs less than $100 a month.
If you're a parent, you can keep your kids on your plan
until they turn 26 -- something that has covered millions of young people so
far. That's because of this law. If you're a senior, or have a disability, this
law gives you discounts on your prescriptions -- something that has saved 9
million Americans an average of $1,600 so far. If you're a woman, you can't be
charged more than anybody else -- even if you've had cancer, or your husband
had heart disease, or just because you're a woman. Your insurer has to offer
free preventive services like mammograms. They can't place annual or lifetime
caps on your care.
And when it comes to preexisting conditions -- someday, our
grandkids will ask us if there was really a time when America discriminated
against people who got sick. Because that's something this law has ended for
Five years in and more than 16 million insured Americans
later, this is no longer just about a law. This isn't just about the Affordable
Care Act, or Obamacare.
Today is a victory for every American whose life will continue
to become more secure because of this law. And 20, 30, 50 years from now, most
Americans may not know what "Obamacare" is. And that's okay. That's
the point.
Because today, this reform remains what it always has been
-- a set of fairer rules and tougher protections that have made health care in
America more affordable, more attainable, and more about you.
That's who we are as Americans. We look out for one another.
We take care of each other. We root for one another's success. We strive to do
better, to be better, than the generation before us, and we try to build
something better for the generation that comes behind us.
And today, with this behind us, let's come together and keep
building something better. That starts right now.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
So much for transparency!
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Jesus can be taken at HIS
word! Jesus is the Word of God! Jesus is the same yesterday, today,
and forever. Jesus is true. Jesus is faithful! Jesus cannot
lie! Jesus is good! Jesus is good all the time!
Please pray for President Barack
Obama and for the rest of our leaders!
Please check out the concerted effort to
recall abortion @ www.recallabortion.com.
Please check out the increased
risk of getting breast cancer after having an abortion - and the even
greater risk after having more than one abortion @ www.abortionbreastcancer.com
Please help stop black genocide today -
please see www.blackgenocide.org.
On March 23, 2010, I sat down at a table in the East Room of
the White House and signed my name on a law that said, once and for all, that
health care would no longer be a privilege for a few. It would be a right for
Five years later, after more than 50 votes in Congress to
repeal or weaken this law and multiple challenges before the Supreme Court,
here is what we know today:
This law worked. It's still working. It has changed and
saved American lives. It has set this country on a smarter, stronger course.
And it's here to stay.
This morning, the Supreme Court upheld one of the most
critical parts of health reform -- the part that has made it easier for
Americans to afford health insurance, no matter where you live.
If the challenges to this law had succeeded, millions would
have had thousands of dollars in tax credits taken away. Insurance would have
once again become unaffordable for many Americans. Many would have even become
uninsured again. Ultimately, everyone's premiums could have gone up.
Because of this law, and because of today's decision,
millions of Americans will continue to receive the tax credits that have given
about 8 in 10 people who buy insurance on the new Health Insurance Marketplaces
the choice of a health care plan that costs less than $100 a month.
If you're a parent, you can keep your kids on your plan
until they turn 26 -- something that has covered millions of young people so
far. That's because of this law. If you're a senior, or have a disability, this
law gives you discounts on your prescriptions -- something that has saved 9
million Americans an average of $1,600 so far. If you're a woman, you can't be
charged more than anybody else -- even if you've had cancer, or your husband
had heart disease, or just because you're a woman. Your insurer has to offer
free preventive services like mammograms. They can't place annual or lifetime
caps on your care.
And when it comes to preexisting conditions -- someday, our
grandkids will ask us if there was really a time when America discriminated
against people who got sick. Because that's something this law has ended for
Five years in and more than 16 million insured Americans
later, this is no longer just about a law. This isn't just about the Affordable
Care Act, or Obamacare.
Today is a victory for every American whose life will
continue to become more secure because of this law. And 20, 30, 50 years from
now, most Americans may not know what "Obamacare" is. And that's
okay. That's the point.
Because today, this reform remains what it always has been
-- a set of fairer rules and tougher protections that have made health care in
America more affordable, more attainable, and more about you.
That's who we are as Americans. We look out for one another.
We take care of each other. We root for one another's success. We strive to do
better, to be better, than the generation before us, and we try to build
something better for the generation that comes behind us.
And today, with this behind us, let's come together and keep
building something better. That starts right now.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
So much for transparency!
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Jesus can be taken at HIS
word! Jesus is the Word of God! Jesus is the same yesterday, today,
and forever. Jesus is true. Jesus is faithful! Jesus cannot
lie! Jesus is good! Jesus is good all the time!
Please pray for President Barack
Obama and for the rest of our leaders!
I'd received the e-mail below from the White
House the other day - but couldn't reply directly to it! Posted for no
charge. Posted for no financial consideration whatsoever!
Please pray for President Barack Obama and for the rest of
our leaders! Also, please pray for those that work in government!
On March 23, 2010, I sat down at a table in the East Room of
the White House and signed my name on a law that said, once and for all, that
health care would no longer be a privilege for a few. It would be a right for
Five years later, after more than 50 votes in Congress to
repeal or weaken this law and multiple challenges before the Supreme Court,
here is what we know today:
This law worked. It's still working. It has changed and
saved American lives. It has set this country on a smarter, stronger course.
And it's here to stay.
This morning, the Supreme Court upheld one of the most
critical parts of health reform -- the part that has made it easier for
Americans to afford health insurance, no matter where you live.
If the challenges to this law had succeeded, millions would
have had thousands of dollars in tax credits taken away. Insurance would have
once again become unaffordable for many Americans. Many would have even become
uninsured again. Ultimately, everyone's premiums could have gone up.
Because of this law, and because of today's decision,
millions of Americans will continue to receive the tax credits that have given
about 8 in 10 people who buy insurance on the new Health Insurance Marketplaces
the choice of a health care plan that costs less than $100 a month.
If you're a parent, you can keep your kids on your plan
until they turn 26 -- something that has covered millions of young people so
far. That's because of this law. If you're a senior, or have a disability, this
law gives you discounts on your prescriptions -- something that has saved 9
million Americans an average of $1,600 so far. If you're a woman, you can't be
charged more than anybody else -- even if you've had cancer, or your husband
had heart disease, or just because you're a woman. Your insurer has to offer
free preventive services like mammograms. They can't place annual or lifetime
caps on your care.
And when it comes to preexisting conditions -- someday, our
grandkids will ask us if there was really a time when America discriminated
against people who got sick. Because that's something this law has ended for
Five years in and more than 16 million insured Americans
later, this is no longer just about a law. This isn't just about the Affordable
Care Act, or Obamacare.
Today is a victory for every American whose life will
continue to become more secure because of this law. And 20, 30, 50 years from
now, most Americans may not know what "Obamacare" is. And that's
okay. That's the point.
Because today, this reform remains what it always has been
-- a set of fairer rules and tougher protections that have made health care in
America more affordable, more attainable, and more about you.
That's who we are as Americans. We look out for one another.
We take care of each other. We root for one another's success. We strive to do
better, to be better, than the generation before us, and we try to build
something better for the generation that comes behind us.
And today, with this behind us, let's come together and keep
building something better. That starts right now.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
So much for transparency!
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Jesus can be taken at HIS
word! Jesus is the Word of God! Jesus is the same yesterday, today,
and forever. Jesus is true. Jesus is faithful! Jesus cannot
lie! Jesus is good! Jesus is good all the time!
Please pray for President Barack
Obama and for the rest of our leaders! Also, please pray for those that
work in government!
Just because a law has existed on
the books for five years does not mean much - remember William Wilberforce's
efforts to get rid of the laws that permitted slavery in England. Many
years he attempted to get rid of the horrible laws, and finally, after many
more years than just five years, he was successful! Love always
The following is an article that
appeared in lifeandhope, the publication of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope
Network, Volume 6 / 2nd Edition / www.lifeandhope.com,
pgs. 4 - 5. It is posted free of charge here to help further the kingdom
of GOD!!!
forgetting how to
Are the profoundly disabled and frail elderly living too
" ... bioethicist Daniel Callahan - who saw the feeding
tube as a serious hurdle - boldly stated that changing its classification from
'basic care' to 'medical treatment' would be 'the only effective way to make
certain that a large number of biologically tenacious patients actually
Originally appeared as Yes, We have a Culture of Death
According to research reviewed by board certified medical
geneticist and Co-Director of the Down Syndrome Program at Massachusetts
General Hospital, Dr. Skotko, it is estimated that 92 percent of all women who
receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome abort their baby.
World famous atheist proselytizer
and Oxford professor, Richard Dawkins, made headlines when he called it
"immoral" not to abort Down babies "and try again."
Belgium has legalized euthanasia
(with no age limits) for children who have been diagnosed as terminal and with
death expected to occur "within a brief period." If this
criteria is met, then the parents - and child! - may ask in writing for a
lethal injection.
The head of Canada's largest doctors'
group has called child euthanasia an "appropriate" choice under
certain circumstances.
Northern Ireland Minister of Justice,
David Ford, is considering a change in the law so that it is legal to kill
pre-born babies suspected of being disabled.
Professor of Bioethics at Princeton
University, Peter Singer, believes we should be permitted to lethally inject Alzheimer's
"non-persons," even if they never asked to be killed.
Currently, there is a strong push
advocating the removal of spoon feeding from Alzheimer's patients if they so
requested in an advance directive.
In 2012, a prominent doctor in the
UK made the chilling claim that the (NHS) - the publicly funded healthcare
systems in the UK (and what most likely Obamacare will look like for us here in
the US) - "kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year."
In a March 2008, New York Times article
titled, "Terminal Options for the Irreversibly Ill", Judith Schwartz,
a registered nurse and clinical coordinator for Compassion and Choices of New
York (formerly known as the Hemlock Society) openly stated that over one
million people die each year in American hospitals as a "a consequence of
someone's decision to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment."
In the same article, Dr. Sidney
Wanzer and Dr. Joseph Glenmullen of Harvard University Health Services noted
that in situations where a person is going to stop receiving food and water,
"refusal of hydration is faster and less distressing than starvation in
hastening death."
Sadly, these are just a few more
recent examples of the life-threatening prejudices plaguing the disability
community and countless others who are medically vulnerable. Indeed, this
terrible toll does not arise in a cultural vacuum, but reflects attitudes that
assume dead is better than disabled. And, there is no doubt, that
included in the number of patients dying in this sobering New York Times
article, regardless of its title are those with cognitive disabilities who,
every single day, are being starved and hydrated to death - persons who are not
dying, but who are simply living with their disability, and only need basic
care (food and water, via a feeding tube) to live.
It was not long ago that feeding
tubes were considered basic and ordinary care and therefore it was illegal, an
act of euthanasia, to stop feeding and hydrating a person in need of a feeding
tube. Today, however, feeding tubes have been redefined as
"artificial nutrition and hydration" - and therefore a form of
"medical treatment." Consequently, the removal of food and
water from the cognitively disabled patients, and countless other medically
vulnerable people, is now legal and routine in fifty states.
In his book, Culture of Death:
The Assault on Medical Ethics in America, author and bioethicist Wesley J.
Smith writes that, "defining 'artificial nutrition' as treatment instead
of human care was a crucial step in the development of the culture of
death." According to Smith, as far back as the early 80s,
bioethicists began to debate out loud whether or not "the profoundly
disabled and frail were living too long." In particular, bioethicist
Daniel Callahan - who saw the feeding tube as a serious hurdle - boldly stated
that changing its classification from "basic care" to "medical
treatment" would be "the only effective way to make certain that a
large number of biologically tenacious patients actually die."
Eventually, more bioethicists agreed
with Callahan's view, as well as health care professionals, politicians,
judges, and others, ultimately accomplishing their goal of redefining the
administration of food and hydration via a feeding tube.
Today, either the general public is
unaware of this change, or they just don't care. But if you think
dehydrating to death our medically vulnerable isn't happening, then you are not
paying attention.
Whatever the reason, the mainstream
media does very little to properly clear up any confusion that may exist, as
they continue to report that persons who receive food and water via feeding
tubes are receiving "artificial life support," giving the perception
that these people are aided by machines.
Tragically, too many of us today
have become disconnected and desensitized to our own dignity and intrinsic
worth. It seems we no longer know how to love, and we place more
significance and value on what a a person can or cannot do, instead of
understanding the value and dignity of the human person simply because they are
As a consequence, every single day
decisions are being made for our medically defenseless to be barbarically
starved and dehydrated to death. Not to mention the offensive claim that
to slowly dehydrate persons to death over a period of weeks is "an act of
compassion;" that they are somehow experiencing death in a dignified
way. This is not compassion. This is not love. This is
intentionally killing, and in the most undignified way.
Recently, Germany made the decision
to inaugurate a memorial for the people with physical and mental disabilities
who, because of their disabilities, were killed by the Nazis after their lives
were deemed "worthless." Estimates are that over 200,000 were
Perhaps we should consider erecting
one here in the United States.
Bobby Schindler is Executive Director of The Terri Schiavo
Life and Hope Network.
The preceding is an article that appeared in lifeandhope,
the publication of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, Volume 6 / 2nd
Edition / www.lifeandhope.com, pgs. 4 - 5. Please visit www.lifeandhope.com.
'Sadly, these are just a few more recent examples of
the life-threatening prejudices plaguing the disability community and countless
others who are medically vulnerable. Indeed, this terrible toll does not
arise in a cultural vacuum, but reflects attitudes that assume dead is better than
Posted for no charge! Posted for
no financial consideration whatsoever! Posted to help further the kingdom
of GOD!!!
An article in Priests For Life Mar - Apr, 2013
newsletter (Vol.23 Number 2):
Rest in Peace, Jennifer and Madison
Late term abortionist LeRoy Carhart began an abortion
procedure in early February on 29-year-old Jennifer Morbelli, who was about 33
weeks pregnant with her daughter Madison. These abortions are legal,
and he performs them at his killing center in Germantown, MD. She
developed complications. The abortionist could not be reached. She
was taken to the emergency room by private vehicle, and she died.
Fr. Frank helps lead prayer vigil and press
conference outside of Carhart's mill in MD
after Jennifer and her baby were killed.
Three things need to happen here. First, the state of
Maryland has to shut down Carhart's killing business. Second, every
person who cares about this needs to spread the word immediately about this
tragedy, to awaken the consciences of our neighbors. This includes
pastors speaking out about the harm abortion does, and it includes all of us
telling the stories of those harmed and killed by abortion (see RecallAbortion.com).
Third, we need to redouble our efforts to mobilize people in
the pro-life cause. If this latest tragedy isn't enough evidence that the
time to end abortion is now, then what is?
The above is available on www.priestsforlife.org website/ go
to newsletter/ check out the Mar-Apr newsletter.
Abortion is the greatest human rights abuse going on
throughout the world today!!!
Please contact your U.S. Senators, and President Barack
Obama to get them to enact the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that
the U.S. House of Representatives passed1
There is an effort to recall abortion. Please see www.recallabortion.com
Please find out more about black genocide - see www.blackgenocide.org.
Find out more about the increased risk of getting breast
cancer after having an abortion, and the even greater risk of getting breast
cancer after having more that one abortion - see www.abortionbreastcancer.com.
We are restored with our Creator Lord because of Jesus'
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