The Independent Project
Main St. Rm. 103
still one of the working poor - if only in spirit
Questionnaire # 2
Please check all the statements that you agree with, or if need be, write in the other space what you believe.
Issues dealing with justice:
1. Overall, the system of justice in the United States should be as:
______ a.) We should strive to convict only the guilty, and also, not let the guilty go free.
______ b.) We should be satisfied to strive to convict the guilty only.
______ c.) We should not care if some of the guilty go free as long as we strive to convict the guilty only.
______ d.) We should strive to not let any guilty go free, and not care if innocent people are convicted.
______ e.) other _________________________________________________________________
2. An accused defendant .......
______ a.) has sufficient legal safeguards presently, so no changes are needed.
______ b.) has too many legal safeguards, so some of the safeguards should be cutback.
______ c.) doesn't have quite enough safeguards, so some minor changes are needed.
______ d.) ,especially if poor, doesn't have enough safeguards, so some major changes are needed.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
3. More use of special supervised home detention (as opposed to jail/prison) should...
______ a.) be used only on a case by case basis.
______ b.) be used only for lesser crimes and/or non-violent criminals.
______ c.) be used only to alleviate prison/jail overcrowding.
______ d.) not be considered at all or as much as is present.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt recommended that the Supreme Court
should be increased by three Justices, to a total of twelve members.
______ a.) Instead the Supreme Court should be decreased to 5 or 7 members.
______ b.) The Supreme Court should remain at 9 members, and no additional intermediate courts established.
______ c.) The Supreme Court should remain at 9 members, and additional intermediate courts should be established.
______ d.) The Supreme Court should be increased to 12 members, and no additional intermediate courts established.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
5. The government should .......
a.) fine (daily, if need be) a company, person, or organization that
pollutes private property, the waterways, and/or the air, and then
doesn't make a great enough of an effort to clean up the pollution.
______ b.) just hold companies, or organizations liable to compensate those adversely affected by the pollution.
c.) fine (daily, if need be) as in a.), and also hold a company,
person, or organization liable to compensate those adversely affected by
the pollution.
______ d.) not worry about pollution and let the polluters get off "scot-free".
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
6. The present number of courts and judges ....
______ a.) are sufficient to handle the current case loads.
______ b.) need to be increased greatly to eliminate/alleviate current backlogs and/or delays.
______ c.) need to be reduced because there are too many judges and courts.
______ d.) need to be increased somewhat to alleviate current backlogs and/or delays.
______ e.) other _________________________________________________________________
7. As a whole, judges .....
______ a.) overstep their Constitutional powers when they legislate as well as adjudicate (judge).
______ b.) for the vast majority of the times, are fair and dispense proper justice.
______ c.) are mostly fair, and for a majority of times, dispense proper justice.
______ d.) provide insufficient justice, and are reluctant to use more power when dispensing justice.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
8. It would improve our system of justice if we .....
______ a.) reduced funding for District Attorneys and police, but increased funding for the Public Defenders' offices.
______ b.) kept funding for D.A.'s and police the same, and increased funding for the Public Defenders' offices.
______ c.) increased funding for the D.A.'s, police, and the Public Defenders offices.
______ d.) increased funding for the D.A.'s and police, but decreased funding for the Public Defenders' offices.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
9. The use of the death penalty should .....
______ a.) be abolished.
______ b.) be used as it is presently.
______ c.) be used for non-capital offenses also (maybe rape).
______ d.) not be used until more safeguards are instituted to prevent wrongful deaths.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
10. The present statute of limitations on the crime of rape, and the punishment for the crime of rape should....
______ a.) be drastically reduced.
______ b.) stay as it is.
______ c.) be increased.
______ d.) be greatly increased.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
11. Tort reform regarding excessive jury awards is .....
______ a.) needed to prevent excessive awards from occurring as they do now.
______ b.) needed to make it easier for large, and even larger, jury awards to occur.
______ c.) not needed because the system is alright as it is.
______ d.) not part of an overall justice reform needed to bring about justice that is called for by our Creator Lord.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
12. In regards to illegal immigration, the United States government should ....
______ a.) put more resources to use, including the military, to stop and detain, and then deport illegal immigrants.
______ b.) continue to use about the same resources to stop and detain, and then deport illegal immigrants.
______ c.) allow (or make it easier) for individuals ti immigrate, and institute an amnesty policy plan.
______ d.) institute a godly immigration policy, and institute a gracious amnesty policy plan.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
Issues dealing with foreign policy:
1. In the fight against terrorism, the U.S. should .....
______ a.) slow down its efforts until all actions can be shown to be helpful in the war against terrorism.
______ b.) continue with its efforts as is presently.
______ c.) increase its efforts, including using torture and/or expansive interrogating techniques.
______ d.) increase its efforts, but refrain from using torture and/or expansive interrogating techniques.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
2. The U.S. should ....
______ a.) greatly increase foreign aid to countries around the world.
______ b.) increase foreign aid to countries that are friendly and/or helpful to our interests.
______ c.) keep foreign aid levels about the same (or the same).
______ d.) drastically reduce aid, and continue to have the same restrictions on citizens giving aid.
______ e.) drastically reduce aid, and eliminate restrictions on individuals that want to give aid.
______ f.) other _________________________________________________________________
3. The U.S should .....
______ a.) denounce china's 1 child policy (1 child allowed, then forced abortions).
______ b.) not say anything about China's one child policy.
______ c.) come out and support China's 1 child policy.
______ d._ say that China has the right to force women to have abortions after having 1 child.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
4. The U.S. has, more or less, been ....
______ a.) good on awarding political refugee status, and right when denying economic refugee status.
______ b.) not good on awarding more people political refugee status as well as economic refugee status.
______ c.) not good on awarding more people political refugee status, but right in denying economic status.
______ d.) good on awarding political refugee status, but not good by denying economic refugee status.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
5. Our current foreign policy with regards to Israel is ....
______ a.) unjust, and we provide too much help, and shouldn't be as concerned for its defenses as we are.
______ b.) right and good, and should continue as it is.
______ c.) lacking in many ways, and we should be more helpful and concerned over its defenses than we are.
______ d.) too entangling, and we should end all help, and let Israel protect and provide for itself.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
6. In regards to nuclear arms talks, the U.S. should .....
______ a.) pursue talks with any and all countries known, or believed, to have nuclear weapons presently.
______ b.) pursue talks as we are presently.
______ c.) pursue talks with only countries with "sizable" nuclear armaments.
d.) drastically reduce our nuclear weapons while pursuing talks with
all countries known, or believed, to have nuclear weapons.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
7. The U.S. policy in the United Nations should be .....
______ a.) to withdraw as soon as possible, and have the U.N. move to another country.
______ b.) one of more diplomacy, and also increased support.
______ c.) to continue the present diplomacy and funding.
______ d.) to drastically reduce its support (both diplomats and money).
e.) to seek to eliminate the veto power of nations (U.S., U.K.
China, Russia, France), and require vast majority requirements for
passage of resolutions.
______ f.) other ________________________________________________________________
8. Military bases overseas are ....
______ a.) required, and should grow in friendly nations, and remain the same in not so friendly nations.
______ b.) not as much needed as in the past, and should be drastically reduced.
______ c.) in our best interests, and should remain untouched.
______ d.) not needed as much in some places, and the U.S. should evaluate where cuts should be made.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
9. Overall, U.S. diplomacy should ....
______ a.) stay the same (or about the same) as it is presently.
______ b.) be increased, especially in areas with growing tensions and/or conflicts.
______ c.) firstly be used to alleviate/end tensions (or conflicts) when nations have nuclear capabilities.
______ d.) be decreased throughout the world, especially with hostile and/or dangerous countries.
______ e.) other ______________________________________________________________
10. U.S. foreign policy with regards to Iraq now should be ....
______ a.) only diplomacy, and no U.S. troops should be stationed there.
______ b.) diplomacy, and the continued presence of U.S. troops.
______ c.) diplomacy, and the presence of U.S. troops for only a short period of time.
______ d.) total disengagement (no diplomacy, no help, no U.S. troops stationed there, etc.)
______ e.) other _____________________________________________________________
11. U.S. foreign policy with regards to Afghanistan should be ....
______ a.) diplomacy, and the continued use of U.S. troops until Afghanis' troops are able to fight the war themselves.
______ b.) total disengagement (no diplomacy, no help, no troops, etc.).
c.) diplomacy, and the continued use of U.S. troops along with NATO
troops, and other troops until Afghanis' troops are able to fight the
______ d.) diplomacy, and the U.S. troops, and all other outside troops, should withdraw as soon as possible.
______ e.) diplomacy, and the U.N. troops should be called in and all other troops should withdraw as soon as possible.
______ f.) other ________________________________________________________________
12. The U.S. foreign policy in regards to Darfur, Sudan should be ....
______ a.) diplomacy only, and no aid or troops should be sent there.
______ b.) diplomacy, aid, and troops if they're asked for.
______ c.) diplomacy and aid only.
______ d.) diplomacy, aid, and only U.N. troops should be sent there.
______ e.) diplomacy, aid, and U.S. and NATO troops should be sent there.
______ f.) other ________________________________________________________________
Issues dealing with economics:
1. The U.S. should ....
______ a.) strive to have balanced budgets even in times of war and/or emergencies.
______ b.) normally have balanced budgets even in times of war and/or emergencies.
______ c.) never worry if its budget is balanced or not, as long as certain programs get proper funding.
______ d.) try to keep deficits to a minimum, except in times of war and/or emergencies.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
2. With regards to the U.S. budget .....
______ a.) the budget goes far beyond what our Creator Lord wants our government to be involved in or do.
______ b.) many programs are under funded, and under reaching, and should be increased and expanded, and improved.
______ c.) some programs are under funded, and under reaching as in b.), and some are over funded.
______ d.) considering the three branches of government system, it's as good as it possibly could be.
______ e.) other _______________________________________________________________
3. In particular, in the Budget, corporate subsidies ....
______ a.) are, for the most part, needed, and are under funded!
______ b.) are over funded, and should be decreased drastically.
______ c.) are, for the most part, needed, and are at just about the right levels.
______ d.) are not needed, and should be eliminated.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
4. Also, in the Budget, farm subsidies ....
______ a.) are not needed, and should be eliminated.
______ b.) are needed, and are at just about the right levels.
______ c.) are needed, and are under funded.
______ d.) are over funded, and should be decreased.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
5. Also, in the Budget, the funding of Planned Parenthood ....
______ a.) is too much, and should be decreased.
______ b.) should be eliminated.
______ c.) is just about at the right level (or at the right level).
______ d.) is not enough, and should be increased.
______ e.) other _______________________________________________________________
6. The national food stamp program (SNAP) should ....
______ a.) be increased greatly.
______ b.) be decreased greatly.
______ c.) stay as it is presently.
______ d.) not be based solely on gross income to allow more working poor to be eligible.
______ e.) other _______________________________________________________________
7. Health care .....
______ a.) should be seen as a Creator Lord given right to be supplied by the government from in utero to grave.
______ b.) is not an inalienable right given by our Creator Lord, and the government spends too much money on it presently.
______ c.) as it is presently (with the new Health Care Law in place), is fine.
d.) should be seen as something important, and the government should
be more helpful than it is even with the new Health Care Law.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
8. The present tax system in the U.S. ....
______ a.) is fine as it is, and isn't in need of improvement.
______ b.) is a burden for the poor and middle class, and lets the rich get away with not paying enough taxes.
______ c.) is a burden for the poor, middle class, and the rich; taxes should be decreased for everyone.
______ d.) is a burden for the middle class only and should be reduced, and have the rich pay more.
______ e.) should be changed so that the upper middle class and the rich pay more taxes.
______ f.) other ________________________________________________________________
9. The U.S. should consider paying off the national debt .....
______ a.) as a minor problem (or not a problem at all), and devote less money in the budget for it.
______ b.) as a problem, and continue to pay for it as we are presently.
______ c.) as a major problem, and try to pay it off sooner.
______ d.) as no problem whatsoever, and stop making payments to pay it off.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
10. The U.S. should ....
______ a.) continue to fund organizations (domestic and foreign) that perform abortions.
______ b.) eliminate its funding of organizations (domestic and foreign) that perform abortions.
______ c.) increase its funding of organizations that perform abortions.
______ d.) decrease its funding of organizations that perform abortions.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
11. The Social Security System should ....
______ a.) continue as it is presently.
______ b.) be changed to allow for only some monies to be invested in the Stock Market, Bond Markets, etc.
c.) be phased out over a number of years, with the taxpayer having
total control over the monies taxed, and/or invested.
d.) be changed so that it would take more time worked, and taxed, to
be invested into the system to be able to collect Social Security.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
12. Education in the U.S. .....
______ a.) should be seen as a Creator Lord given right, from in utero to grave, and funding should be increased.
______ b.) is fine presently, and no changes are needed.
______ c.) is controlled and regulated too much by the government, and major changes are needed.
______ d.) is not a Creator Lord given right, and major changes are required where the system is freed up and deregulated.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
13. The bail out of companies by the U.S. government .....
______ a.) is required when companies are on the verge of collapse.
______ b.) is only required in certain circumstances, in limited ways.
______ c.) is not required, especially when the taxpayers foot a big bill.
______ d.) were required in the past, but now should be abandoned.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
Issues dealing with social policy:
1. In this country ....
______ a.) there is too much anti-Semitism, and should be addressed by our leaders.
______ b.) there isn't really any anti-Semitism.
______ c.) there is some anti-Semitism, but it isn't much of a problem.
______ d.) there is some anti-Semitism, but what can be done about it?
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
2. In the U.S. ....
______ a.) there isn't really any racism existing.
______ b.) there is some racism, but it isn't much of a problem.
______ c.) there is too much racism, and should be addressed by our leaders.
______ d.) there is some racism, but what can be done about it?
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
3. In this country .....
______ a.) we have a Creator Lord given right to self-defense.
______ b.) nobody should have the right to self-defense.
______ c.) there is no Creator Lord given right to self-defense.
______ d.) the right to self-defense should be severely restricted.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
4. In the U.S. .....
______ a.) there is no Creator Lord given right to abortion.
______ b.) abortion should be considered a Creator Lord given right, and should not be restricted.
______ c.) some restrictions and/or limitations on abortion are alright.
______ d.) the present system with respect to abortion is just fine.
______ e.) abortion should be considered health care, and paid for by the government.
______ f.) other ________________________________________________________________
5. The federal government violated U.S. treaties with Native Americans ....
______ a.) which wasn't right, but it has resolved the problem, and the situation is alright today.
______ b.) which now should be resolved by a new treaty that would transfer land and/or money to the Native Americans.
______ c.) and now should increase its help to them with money and/or other assets.
d.) years ago, and isn't obliged to do anything for them (or their
descendants), therefore, all U.S. help to them should be ended.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
6. The U.s. violated a commitment that it made to the freed slaves after the Civil War ....
a.) years ago, and isn't obliged to do anything for them (or their
descendants), therefore, all talk about making things right is
______ b.) which wasn't right, but maybe we should talk about how to make things right.
______ c.) and should now recompense their descendants by maybe direct money payments to them.
d.) and should, by government action make payments to their
descendants, and institute a lottery system to pay some bigger (and real
big) payments to some of their descendants (as an indication to show
that if the freed slaves were given what was promised originally, now
some of their descendants would be billionaires).
______ e.) other ______________________________________________________________
7. In this country, adultery .....
______ a.) should not be considered a sin, or a wrong, nor should there be laws against it.
______ b.) isn't right, but there shouldn't be laws against it.
______ c.) isn't a problem, therefore, doesn't need to be addressed.
______ d.) is a problem, and there should be laws to prevent and/or deal with it.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
8. In the U.S., prostitution ....
______ a.) isn't a problem, therefore, doesn't need to be addressed.
______ b.) is a problem, and there should be laws to prevent and/or deal with it.
______ c.) should not be considered a sin, or a wrong, nor should there be any laws against it.
______ d.) isn't right, but there shouldn't be any laws against it.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
9. In this country, pornography ....
______ a.) isn't right, but there shouldn't be any laws against it.
______ b.) isn't a problem, therefore, doesn't need to be addressed.
______ c.) is a problem, and there should be laws to prevent and/or deal with it.
______ d.) shouldn't be considered a sin, or a wrong, nor should there be any laws against it.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
10. In the U.S., the use of illegal drugs ....
______ a.) should not be considered a sin, or a wrong, nor should there be any laws against it.
______ b.) isn't right, but there shouldn't be any laws against it.
______ c.) isn't a problem, therefore, doesn't need to be addressed.
______ d.) is a problem, and there should be laws to prevent and/or deal with it.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
11. Today Gay marriage ....
______ a.) should be outlawed in every State.
______ b.) should be allowed to occur in every State.
______ c.) should be allowed only if the State so desires (by its legislature).
______ d.) should not be considered a sin, or a wrong, nor should there be any laws in any State against it.
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
12. The U.S. government should ....
______ a.) aggressively fund embryonic and adult stem cell research.
______ b.) only aggressively fund embryonic stem cell research.
______ c.) only aggressively fund adult stem cell research.
d.) not fund embryonic or adult stem cell research, but allow
individuals to aggressively fund adult stem cell research if they so
______ e.) other ________________________________________________________________
13. The teaching of the theory of evolution in the public schools ....
______ a.) should continue as is presently done.
______ b.) should be taught only as a theory, and not as truth.
______ c.) should be taught, along with intelligent design.
______ d.) should be taught only as a theory along with all the problems associated with it.
______ e.) should be taught, along with creationism (the world was created by our Creator Lord), and intelligent design.
______ f.) should be taught only as a theory along with all the problems associated with it, along with creationism.
______ g.) should no longer be taught.
______ h.) other ________________________________________________________________
Additional questions:
1. Do you believe that we are created by our Creator Lord with inalienable rights?
______ Yes
______ No
2. Do you believe that we humans are more than flesh and blood?
______ Yes
______ No
3. Do you believe that there has been a left/right shift of the American voter over the last 25 years?
______ Yes
______ No
4. Do you believe that there has been a left/right shift of the American voter over the last 15 years?
______ Yes
______ No
5. Do you believe that there has been a left/right shift of the American voter over the last 6 years?
______ Yes
______ No
According to the Declaration of Independence we are created by our
Creator with inalienable rights. According to the Constitution, is
there a separation between Church and State?
______ Yes
______ No
7. Is there an imbalance (bias) in the media against Christians?
______ Yes
______ No
Do you believe that the Holy Scriptures tell us much about how we were
created by our Creator Lord in His image, and that we should value
life, and that we should protect and support life, and that He loves us
so much that He sent his only Begotten Son into this world to die for us
sinners, so that we may have eternal life?
______ Yes
______ No
9. Please respond to the following statement: "God is not a Republican!"
10. Please respond to the following statement: "God is not a Democrat!"
The Independent Project
Main St. Rm. 103
still one of working poor - if only in spirit
love, because He first loved us. 1John 4:19 Our Creator is
faithful! Our Creator is true! Our Creator can be taken at His Word!!! Jesus is the Word of God!!!
Love one another.
God is love. God is love.
Love is the fulfilling of the Law.
Jesus is the Holy One of Israel! Jesus is the Living Water!!! Jesus is our Rock!!!
glory, honor, praise, and thanks be to our Creator Lord - maker of
heaven and earth, King of kings, and Lord of lords - Messiah and
How about justice for the unborn
children? Let's seek justice for the unborn children - the preborn
Love does no harm to his neighbor, therefore, love is the fulfilling of the Law. Love is the commandment from the beginning.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
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