Any Health Care Law
should protect life, support life, and should further the healing of human life
and do no harm to human life, and should not force anyone to dishonor the God
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We humans are created by our Creator Lord,
in His image, for His glory! We humans are more than flesh and
blood! Any such Health Care Law should be discussed by, supported and
agreed upon by independents, republicans, and democrats alike and should be
presented to the public before voted upon by Congress, and signed by the
President of the United States. Any Health Care Law should show the
public that all those involved with the writing of the Health Care Law value
human life - life made in the image of our Creator -life given as a gift of the
Lord. Let's call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's
help, and help to repeal, or change all the problems with, the new Health Care
Law!!! The Holy Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we
humans are created by our Creator Lord, in HIS image, for HIS glory, and how we
should worship our Creator Lord and HIS Beloved Son Jesus with all our heart,
soul, mind, and body, and how we should value life, and how we should protect
and support human life, and how our Creator Lord loves us that HE sent HIS only
Begotten Son Jesus into this World to shed HIS blood and to die on a cross for
us sinners, so that we might have eternal life! The Holy Scriptures are
pure, perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be
broken! Our Creator Lord is faithful! Our Creator Lord is
true! Our Creator Lord cannot lie! Our Creator Lord can be taken at
HIS Word! Jesus is the Word of God! Our Creator Lord is good!
Our Creator Lord is good all the time! Our Creator Lord is LOVE!
The following is an article that appeared in lifeandhope, the
publication of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, Volume 6 / 2nd Edition
pgs. 4 - 5. It is posted free of charge here to help further the kingdom
of GOD!!!
how to
the profoundly disabled and frail elderly living too long?
... bioethicist Daniel Callahan - who saw the feeding tube as a serious hurdle
- boldly stated that changing its classification from 'basic care' to 'medical
treatment' would be 'the only effective way to make certain that a large number
of biologically tenacious patients actually die.'"
appeared as Yes, We have a Culture of Death
According to research reviewed by board certified medical geneticist and
Co-Director of the Down Syndrome Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr.
Skotko, it is estimated that 92 percent of all women who receive a prenatal diagnosis
of Down syndrome abort their baby.
World famous atheist proselytizer and Oxford professor, Richard Dawkins, made
headlines when he called it "immoral" not to abort Down babies
"and try again."
Belgium has legalized euthanasia (with no age limits) for children who have been diagnosed as terminal and with death expected to occur "within a brief period." If this criteria is met, then the parents - and child! - may ask in writing for a lethal injection.
The head of Canada's largest doctors' group has called child euthanasia an "appropriate" choice under certain circumstances.
Northern Ireland Minister of Justice, David Ford, is considering a change in the law so that it is legal to kill pre-born babies suspected of being disabled.
Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, Peter Singer, believes we should be permitted to lethally inject Alzheimer's "non-persons," even if they never asked to be killed.
Currently, there is a strong push advocating the removal of spoon feeding from
Alzheimer's patients if they so requested in an advance directive.
In 2012, a prominent doctor in the UK made the chilling claim that the (NHS) - the publicly funded healthcare systems in the UK (and what most likely Obamacare will look like for us here in the US) - "kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year."
In a March 2008, New York Times article titled, "Terminal Options for the Irreversibly Ill", Judith Schwartz, a registered nurse and clinical coordinator for Compassion and Choices of New York (formerly known as the Hemlock Society) openly stated that over one million people die each year in American hospitals as a "a consequence of someone's decision to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment."
In the same article, Dr. Sidney Wanzer and Dr. Joseph Glenmullen of Harvard
University Health Services noted that in situations where a person is going to
stop receiving food and water, "refusal of hydration is faster and less
distressing than starvation in hastening death."
Sadly, these are just a few more recent examples of the life-threatening
prejudices plaguing the disability community and countless others who are
medically vulnerable. Indeed, this terrible toll does not arise in a
cultural vacuum, but reflects attitudes that assume dead is better than
disabled. And, there is no doubt, that included in the number of patients
dying in this sobering New York Times article, regardless of its title
are those with cognitive disabilities who, every single day, are being starved
and hydrated to death - persons who are not dying, but who are simply living
with their disability, and only need basic care (food and water, via a feeding
tube) to live.
It was not long ago that feeding tubes were considered basic and ordinary care
and therefore it was illegal, an act of euthanasia, to stop feeding and
hydrating a person in need of a feeding tube. Today, however, feeding
tubes have been redefined as "artificial nutrition and hydration" -
and therefore a form of "medical treatment." Consequently, the
removal of food and water from the cognitively disabled patients, and countless
other medically vulnerable people, is now legal and routine in fifty states.
In his book, Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America,
author and bioethicist Wesley J. Smith writes that, "defining 'artificial
nutrition' as treatment instead of human care was a crucial step in the
development of the culture of death." According to Smith, as far
back as the early 80s, bioethicists began to debate out loud whether or not
"the profoundly disabled and frail were living too long." In
particular, bioethicist Daniel Callahan - who saw the feeding tube as a serious
hurdle - boldly stated that changing its classification from "basic
care" to "medical treatment" would be "the only effective
way to make certain that a large number of biologically tenacious patients
actually die."
Eventually, more bioethicists agreed with Callahan's view, as well
as health care professionals, politicians, judges, and others, ultimately
accomplishing their goal of redefining the administration of food and hydration
via a feeding tube.
Today, either the general public is unaware of this change, or they just don't care. But if you think dehydrating to death our medically vulnerable isn't happening, then you are not paying attention.
Whatever the reason, the mainstream media does very little to properly clear up
any confusion that may exist, as they continue to report that persons who
receive food and water via feeding tubes are receiving "artificial life
support," giving the perception that these people are aided by machines.
Tragically, too many of us today have become disconnected and desensitized to
our own dignity and intrinsic worth. It seems we no longer know how to
love, and we place more significance and value on what a a person can or cannot
do, instead of understanding the value and dignity of the human person simply
because they are human.
As a consequence, every single day decisions are being made for our medically
defenseless to be barbarically starved and dehydrated to death. Not to
mention the offensive claim that to slowly dehydrate persons to death over a
period of weeks is "an act of compassion;" that they are somehow
experiencing death in a dignified way. This is not compassion. This
is not love. This is intentionally killing, and in the most undignified
Recently, Germany made the decision to inaugurate a memorial for the people
with physical and mental disabilities who, because of their disabilities, were
killed by the Nazis after their lives were deemed "worthless."
Estimates are that over 200,000 were killed.
Perhaps we should consider erecting one here in the United States.
Schindler is Executive Director of The Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network.
preceding is an article that appeared in lifeandhope, the publication of the
Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, Volume 6 / 2nd Edition /, pgs. 4 - 5. Please visit
'Sadly, these are just a few more recent examples of the life-threatening
prejudices plaguing the disability community and countless others who are
medically vulnerable. Indeed, this terrible toll does not arise in a
cultural vacuum, but reflects attitudes that assume dead is better than
evil, cling to what is good.
always hopes.
is our Health Care System? How can we improve it?
Below is an article about a travesty
of justice - here in the United States!! How did this happen - what can we do to stop it from
happening again? The following is an article from life and hope, a
publication of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, volume 6 / 1st Edition
pg. 8.
Nine Years Ago My Sister
Terri Schiavo was Dehydrated
and Starved to Death
As Our Health Care System Continues
to Worsen
by Bobby Schindler /
Washington DC / / March 20, 2014
It was nine
years ago, March 18, 2005, that the feeding tube of my sister Terri Schiavo was
removed by order of Pinellas County Florida Court Judge, George W. Greer.
It was by Greer's order that Terri would slowly die by way of starvation and
dehydration. It took almost two weeks.
Terri's horrific death, the non-profit organization established by my family,
the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, works every day doing what we can to
educate the public, raises the desperately needed awareness on this widely
misunderstood issue of euthanasia, and more importantly, helps families that
contact us. The vast majority of families who do reach out to us are
faced with situations where their loved ones are in jeopardy of having their
life sustaining treatment denied.
What has
become painfully obvious is that it seems like almost every day, more examples
of families' medical rights are being denied when it comes to decisions they
are making for their loved ones.
Indeed, we
receive calls similar to what our family experienced - a domestic dispute over
the care of a family member. However, more and more, we are getting calls
from people who are fighting physicians, ethic committees, or health care facilities
where their loved ones are being treated.
It can go as far
as, if you can believe it, families having their loved ones stripped away from
their care by the hospital, losing complete custody.
When this
does happen, there appears to be a certain pattern that begins the process.
First, the
hospital physicians, nurses or even the staff will create or exaggerate a
situation involving the family, most times without any real evidence, or they
will fault the parents or loved one who is the caregiver with some type of
mishap with the patient.
Often times
what follows is the family member(s) who were making medical treatment
decisions are vilified, or accused of being the problem. This gives the
hospital a reason to intervene and subsequently take action to deem the family
incompetent as the caretaker.
The hospital can
then go as far as restricting visitation rights, or completely stopping any
family member from visiting their loved one, claiming that they are a
"threat" to the care of the patient.
hospital can then go to court in order to gain control of the patient by
requesting that a guardian be appointed or even the hospital itself, in place
of the family members who were caring for their loved one.
The family who
was once in the position of taking care of their loved one is now on the
outside looking in - having no legal rights or any ability to help or even
visit them.
If you
think this cannot happen, then you haven't heard of three cases currently
taking place where the family has been removed as the care givers of their
child and / or spouse. The cases of Justina Pelletier in Massachusetts,
Bret Bohnin in Alaska, and the Gary Harvey case in New York. All you need
to do is look them up.
In each
situation, the facility contends that these patients were not being properly
cared for by their family member and as a result, the patients were removed
from their custody. Although these cases have their differences, there is
one common denominator. Despite the reasons specified, it appears that in
each instance proper care was being given. And in all of these
situations, the care of their loved one has been put in the hands of strangers.
There have been
countless warning signs with the state of our health care system and its
perilous direction when it comes to caring for those who are unable to speak
for themselves. Perhaps much of it started with the death of my sister,
It is
because of this that over the next two weeks, Terri's Life and Hope Network
website will post stories of the events that occurred on each of those horrific
days of Terri's inhumane death. Not only to remember Terri, but also to
keep in mind the countless people who, as we speak, are suffering slow, agonizing
deaths in hospices, nursing homes, and hospitals in America and around the
Every one
of us needs to understand that no longer are we the ones who will be making
medical decisions for our loved ones if we ever find ourselves in a situation
where a hospital decides it knows better.
end of article .........
Bobby Schindler is the brother of
the late
Terri Schiavo, and the Executive
of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope
Find out
more about Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network @
, or write them at P.O. Box 521, Narberth, PA 19072, or phone them
at 855-300-HOPE (4673). Find out more about @ .
always perseveres.
New note (added info. Not from the
Any Health
Care Law should protect life, support life, and should further the healing of
human life and do no harm to human life, and should not force anyone to
dishonor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We humans are created by
our Creator Lord, in His image, for His glory! We humans are more than
flesh and blood! Any such Health Care Law should be discussed by,
supported and agreed upon by independents, republicans, and democrats alike and
should be presented to the public before voted upon by Congress, and signed by
the President of the United States. Any Health Care Law should show the
public that all those involved with the writing of the Health Care Law value
human life - life made in the image of our Creator -life given as a gift of the
Lord. Let's call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's
help, and help to repeal, or change all the problems with, the new Health Care
Law!!! The Holy Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we
humans are created by our Creator Lord, in HIS image, for HIS glory, and how we
should worship our Creator Lord and HIS Beloved Son Jesus with all our heart,
soul, mind, and body, and how we should value life, and how we should protect
and support human life, and how our Creator Lord loves us that HE sent HIS only
Begotten Son Jesus into this World to shed HIS blood and to die on a cross for
us sinners, so that we might have eternal life! The Holy Scriptures are
pure, perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be
broken! Our Creator Lord is faithful! Our Creator Lord is
true! Our Creator Lord cannot lie! Our Creator Lord can be taken at
HIS Word! Jesus is the Word of God! Our Creator Lord is good!
Our Creator Lord is good all the time! Our Creator Lord is LOVE!
The following is an article from
life and hope, a publication from the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network,
volume 6 / 1st Edition /
Recent Case ...
Recently the Life and Hope Network
received a call from a young man in his 20s. His fiancée experienced an
asthma attack and went into cardiac arrest two weeks prior to him contacting
us. Physicians initially diagnosed her as brain dead and she needed a
ventilator to help with her breathing. According to the young man,
physicians re-diagnosed her after she began to show signs of improvement.
this, her parents asked physicians to remove her from the ventilator, with the
understanding it would lead to their daughter's death.
The physicians
were wrong. When her ventilator was removed, she began to breathe on her
own and at that point, was only being sustained by food and water (via feeding
tube). According to her fiancée there were times when she was attempting
to communicate.
In spite of the
signs of progress this young woman appeared to be making, and the desperate
pleas from her fiancée, her parents made the decision to remove their
daughter's feeding tube and she was subsequently administered morphine and
We received a
message just recently, letting us know that this young woman had died.
Just one more example of how euthanasia is being practiced every day.
end of article ...........
This is sad and tragic and is
occurring in the United States, and throughout the world! Below is an
article published in life and hope, a publication of the Terri Schiavo Life and
Hope Network volume 6 / 1st Edition / This is posted for no
monetary gain, or any other kind of gain, and for no promise of any kind of
Unilateral Non-Resuscitation at
Massachusetts General
By Wesley J. Smith
National Review Online / 05/12/14
Can this have something to do with
According to a medical study, since
2006, Massachusetts General Hospital's Bioethics Committee has forced people to
not receive wanted resuscitation by imposing unilateral DNRs. And
apparently, it's all done in Star Chamber secrecy. From Thaddeus Pope's
blog (quoting from a medical symposium presentation).
"Unilateral Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) orders are a specific type of medical
futility decision in which clinicians withhold advanced cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest despite objections
of patients or their surrogates. There is little information on how often
and to whom unilateral DNR orders are applied. The ethics committee at
Massachusetts General Hospital has had a unilateral DNR policy since 2006.
We investigated the incidence,
sociodemographic and clinical predictors, and outcomes of patients with
unilateral DNR orders.
If I read this
correctly, thirty-eight percent of those upon whom the unilateral DNRs appear
not to have been at the end stage of a terminal disease:
Patients for
whom unilateral DNR was recommended were more likely to have conditions judged
to be endstage rather than potentially reversible (62% versus 41 %,
And who can
be surprised that non-whites were more likely to have an involuntary DNR
This is medical
tyranny. People are refused potentially life-saving treatment based on
the secret views of strangers in committee who have given themselves the power
to so dictate. Litigate!
end of article
Upcoming / Recent Events ...
1/22/15 Washington, D.C. (March for
1/31/15 Scranton, PA
3/31/15 Terri's Day 2015
3/31/15 3rd Annual Life and Hope
Award Gala!
Please check our website for all
upcoming events!
The Holy
Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we humans are created by our
Creator Lord, in HIS image, for HIS glory, and how we should worship our
Creator Lord and HIS Beloved Son Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and
body, and how we should value life, and how we should protect and support human
life, and how our Creator Lord loves us that HE sent HIS only Begotten Son
Jesus into this World to shed HIS blood and to die on a cross for us sinners,
so that we might have eternal life! The Holy Scriptures are pure,
perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be broken!
Our Creator Lord is faithful! Our Creator Lord is true! Our Creator
Lord cannot lie! Our Creator Lord can be taken at HIS Word! Jesus
is the Word of God! Our Creator Lord is good! Our Creator Lord is
good all the time! Our Creator Lord is LOVE!
Please check out
the concerted effort to recall abortion @
Please check out
the increased risk of getting breast cancer after having an abortion -
and the even greater risk after having more than one abortion @
check out the website about people of choice @
Jesus is the Holy One of
Israel!!! HE is Risen! HE is Risen, indeed!!!
Check out the website
about black genocide happening here in the United States @
Dear family, friends, and all those concerned about justice, mercy, peace, and love,
Please help. please pray and help to repeal, or change all the problems with, the Health Care Law. Please don't forget to pray for wisdom. Please don't forget to pray for our leaders!!!
Posted free of charge! Posted in the hopes of spreading the word!!! To say that there are no problems with the new Health Care Law is like saying that there aren't any problems here in the United States!!! There are problems with the new Health Care Law. Let's call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's help, and help to repeal, or change all the problems with, the Health Care law today!!! Also, please check out about the black genocide going on throughout the world today @ www.blackgenocide,com.
Dear family, and friends, and all others concerned with justice, mercy, peace, and love,
Greetings on this glorious day that the Lord has made! I hope that you and the loved ones are in good health and are getting along. Good health is such a wonderful blessing from the good Lord, our Creator Lord! How is your spirit on this glorious day? Please remember that we humans are more than flesh and blood. Please remember that we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for HIS glory! Let's call on our Creator Lord, our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord and ask for His help at this time, and in the future! Let's try to repeal, or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law. It's a shame that many don't know what's in the new law (it's over 1,000 pages long!), and it's also a shame that people don't want to change, or do away with, all the problems in the new law (and to say that there aren't any problems in the new law is like saying that there aren't any problems here in the United States!).
Any Health Care Law should protect life, support life, and should further the healing of human life and do no harm to human life, and should not force anyone to dishonor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for His glory! We humans are more than flesh and blood! Any such Health Care Law should be discussed by, supported and agreed upon by, independents, republicans, and democrats alike and should be presented to the public before voted upon Congress and signed by the President of the United States. Any Health Care Law should show the public that all those involved with the writing of the Health Care Law value human life - life made in the image of our Creator -life given as a gift of the Lord.
call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's help, and help to repeal,
or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law!!!
shouldn't ration health care. Also, government shouldn't be allowed to
pay for abortions. Rationing health care is not protecting
life. Rationing health care is not supporting life! Also, abortion is the
destruction of life - life given as a gift from the Lord, our Creator
Lord! The Holy Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we are
created by our Creator Lord, in His image, and how we should value life, and
how we should protect and support life, and how our Creator Lord loves us so
much that He sent His only Begotten Son Jesus into this world to shed His blood
and to die on a cross for us sinners, so that we might have eternal life!
The Holy Scriptures are pure, perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and
teaching, and cannot be broken! Our Creator Lord is
faithful! Our Creator Lord is true! Our Creator Lord cannot
lie! Our Creator Lord can be taken at His Word!!! Jesus
is the Word of God! Our Creator lord is good! Our Creator
Lord is good all the time!!! Our Creator Lord is LOVE! Love
always hopes. Love always protects. Love always trusts. Love
always perseveres. Love does not delight in evil. Love
rejoices with the truth. Love is the commandment from the beginning.
The House of Representatives voted to repeal the new Health Care Law, and the Senate has not chose the right path at this time (perhaps in the future they might!). Please help to repeal, or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law!
Thank you very much for all your help! Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day. Please remember to pray for our leaders, and the leaders of the world! Hope that you call on our Creator Lord for help at this time, and may the good Lord, our Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones with love, joy, peace, and patience, and with the wisdom and understanding needed to help repeal, or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law! !
In hope, peace, and love,
Ken Miller
Main St. Rm. 103
still one of the working poor - if
only in spirit!
We love, because He first loved us. 1John 4:19
God is love. God is love.
Jesus is the Holy One of Israel! Jesus is the Living Water!!! Jesus is the Bread of Life!!!
With God, all things are possible! Jesus is our Rock!!! Jesus is our Refuge!!!
All glory, honor, praise , and thanks be to our Creator Lord - maker of heaven and earth - Messiah and King!!!!
How about justice for the unborn children??? Let's seek justice for the unborn children - the preborn children!!!!
There is an effort underway to recall abortion!!! Visit the website:
Posted at
no charge!!
help spread the Gospel of Peace - the GOOD NEWS!!!
Please contact President Barack Obama @
Please contact Vice President Joseph Biden @
Please contact U.S. Senator Robert Menendez @
Please contact U.S. Senator Cory Booker @
Please contact U.S. Congressman Scott Garrett @
Please check out the effort to recall abortion @
Let's seek justice for the unborn children - the pre-born children!!!! We are restored with our Creator Lord because of Jesus' righteousness!!
Dear family, friends, and all those concerned about justice, mercy, peace, and love,
Greetings on this glorious day that the Lord has made - let us rejoice and be glad in it! Hope that you and the loved ones are in good health and are getting along. Please read the letter that I'd received from Liberty Counsel Action that describes an injustice that occurred here in the United States! Please help make the health care system better here in the United States!
Dear Kenneth,
You probably have heard about the shocking story of Justina Pelletier, then-14-years old, now 16-year old young girl who was taken from her parents by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families.
I have spoken about this tragic case on Glenn Beck's TV and radio, Fox News' Megan Kelly and Gov. Mike Huckabee's Show, in the Boston Globe, the Washington Times, and several hundred other local and national media.
Justina Pelletier's is the Connecticut ice-skating competitor who was, without any due process, shockingly taken from her parents and her Tufts Medical Center team by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF).
She has been incarcerated now for 16-months, deprived of medical treatment, religious services, education, and barely able to see her parents only one-hour per week. She has gone from a competitive figure to being confined to a wheelchair because of maltreatment for a metabolic disorder.
The story of Justina Pelletier is like a horror movie - or something that happens in police-state Communist countries! (I have enclosed an insert telling more of this shocking story).
Kenneth, can you imagine the anguish for both Justina and her parents at being FORCIBLY separated?
Over a year ago, Justina's parents made sure she was being treated for mitochondrial disease, a rare genetic disorder, by Dr. Mark Korson at Tufts Medical Center. Because Justina GI doctor from Tufts transferred to Boston Children's Hospital, Dr. Korson recommended she be admitted to Boston Children's Hospital when she developed a flu-like symptom and experienced gastro-intestinal distress.
But at Boston Children's Hospital, a new, young and inexperienced intern doctor, in ONLY the seventh month of his internship, took it upon himself to call in a psychologist and CHANGE the working diagnosis from mitochondrial disease - into "somatoform disorder" - a mental disease.
Right away Justina started suffering and going downhill when her physical disease was no longer being treated. This once active teenager is now in a wheelchair.
When Justina's parents, Lou and Linda Pelletier, were presented by Boston Children's Hospital to follow a new treatment plan, one that called for the discontinuation of all medical treatment, medications, and no second opinions - they asked to discharge Justina to take her back to Tufts Medical Center.
That is when Boston Children's Hospital called in DCF, and DCF took Justina from her parents. During the past 16-months Justina has had virtually no medical treatment, no religious services or access to clergy, and no education.
Massachusetts, prisoners are entitled to regular visits, education, and medical care - but Justina was treated worse by DCF than incarcerated felons. She had one-hour supervised visitation per week, no education, and abysmal medical care. Seeking to silence the parents, DCF filed a complaint to hold the father in contempt of court for violating an alleged gag order that was never put in writing.
I was outraged when I heard about this crime against Justina and her family.
I knew I had to help them. As Chairman of both Liberty Counsel, our legal defense group, and Liberty Counsel Action, our educational lobbying group -
- we immediately went on the offense in support of Justina and her parents. We began a series of legal actions against DCF while at the same time raising the alarm to the public and lawmakers over this criminal act against Justina and her parents.
Massachusetts DCF bullies had no idea they would be challenged over their criminal actions and under legal pressure and the scrutiny of the media and the public, which DCF wanted to avoid - they finally agreed to drop their contempt motion against the father, and not oppose the motion we prepared to provide medical treatment to Justina by transferring her back to Tufts Medical Center.
But then the judge overseeing this case in the Suffolk County Juvenile Court in Boston inexplicably ordered that Justina remain in DCF's custody. So the battle to free Justina goes on.
As I write you this letter we have filed a significant pleading at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and a motion in the Massachusetts Juvenile Court requesting that Justina Pelletier return to her home to be with her mom and dad. Now that they have been exposed - DCf says they will not object to our motion.
This is clearly a significant event for Justina and the Pelletier family, and we hope that the family will soon be reunited. But this is NOT the end. What if DCF and/or the judge in this case change their mind? We cannot let up for one moment.
The ones responsible for this atrocity must be held accountable for their extreme conduct!
I am asking you to help me let Justina and her family know they have the support of America in this battle over parents' and individual rights - against these out-of-control government bureaucrats and judges.
Justina need our encouragement and prayers. Please sign and return to me the enclosed WELCOME HOME Card to be delivered toher along with thousands of others. If you want, write a short note on the back to let Justina know of your support - and that you are supporting us in our defense of her rights.
And I am asking that when you rush back your signed card to Justina - that you will also include the best gift you can to help our efforts to defend her rights and the rights of her parents - and bring those accountable to justice. Please let me hear from you right away.
Mat Staver
P.S. If you agree that DCF violated the rights of both Justina and her parent's - and must be heldaccountable - then I am asking you to do three things: 1) pray for Justina and her family; 2) return your WELCOME HOME card to Justina with your own short note of encouragement if you want; 3) and include the best gift you can to help us continue to expose and hold accountable those responsible. This type of government bureaucrat arrogance must not be allowed to stand!
end of letter .........
For more information: Mat Staver, Chairman, Liberty Counsel Action, P.O. Box 190, Forest, VA 24551
Please help spread the word! Please help further the kingdom of God!!!
Dear friends, family, and those concerned about justice,
What a sad and tragic story - the story of Justina Pelletier ...................
Justine Pelletier's story is of a 15-year-old ice-skating competitor who was taken from her parents by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF), locked up for over a year, and is now confined to a wheelchair because of maltreatment for a metabolic disorder.
Fox News' Megyn Kelly Reports on Justina's declining health "The story of Justina Pelletier is like a horror movie," said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action. Before she was admitted to Boston Children's Hospital, Justina was being treated for mitochondrial disease, a rare genetic disorder, by Dr. Mark Korson originally at Tufts Medical Center. At Boston Children's Hospital, a new doctor, in the seventh month of his internship, changed the working diagnosis from mitochondrial disease to somatoform disorder, shifting her treatment from physical to mental.
When Lou and Linda Pelletier tried to discharge their daughter the following day, February 14, 2013, and return her to care at Tufts Medical Center, DCF took Justina as a ward of the state and moved her to Bader Five, the psychiatric ward, where she remained for eleven months. Today Justina is confined at Wayside Youth and Family Support, a nonmedical treatment facility. She is suffering every day with excruciating pain, and her health is rapidly declining.
In Massachusetts, prisoners are entitled to regular visits, education, and medical care. Justina has been treated worse by DCF than incarcerated felons. She has one-hour, supervised visitation per week, no education, and abysmal medical care. Seeking to silence the parents, DCF filed a complaint to old the father in contempt of court for violating an alleged gag order that was never put in writing.
Then Liberty Counsel Action got involved.
Under legal pressure and the scrutiny of the media and the public, which DCF wanted to avoid, DCF agreed to drop the contempt motion against the father for speaking to the media, not oppose the motion Liberty Counsel prepared to remove the gag order, and provide medical treatment to Justina by transferring her to Tufts Medical Center. Since that order, however, DCF has refused to tell the Pelletiers what steps they are taking, if any, to comply with that order. Justina has told her parents that Dr. Korson wants to see her every week to two weeks, but DCF has told Justina they will only allow her to see him every eight weeks.
Then Judge Johnston in the Suffolk County Juvenile Court in Boston inexplicably ordered Justina remain in DCF's custody, with that order to be revisited not prior to June 2014.
end of Liberty Counsel Action info. sheet.
For more info: Mat Staver, Chairman, Liberty Counsel Action, P.O. Box 190, Forest, VA 24551,
Let's continue to call for wisdom from our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord! He is wise, and good , and awesome, eternal and true!!! He is faithful!!!
We love, because He first loved us. 1John 4:19
posted free of charge .......
Let's help spread the Good News - the Gospel of Peace! Y'shua was sent from heaven above (He did not evolve from a lower life form), was crucified on a cross, shed His blood, redeemed us from our sins, and arose again and ascended into heaven, and promised to return again for us sinners, so that we might have eternal life. Y'shua is our Redeemer! Y'shua is our Atonement!
Directly below is an excerpt from a recent mailing from Online for Life:
The TRUTH about PLANNED PARENTHOOD ... They perform more than 300,000 abortions a year ... they are "proud" of the abortions they perform ... they are lavishly funded with your tax dollars ... they have powerful players like President Barack Obama and Sen. Harry Reid doing their bidding in Washington ... Online for Life needs your help to get the truth out and save children's lives.
Online for Life is the polar opposite of Planned Parenthood. They are "proud" to perform abortions... we are honored to help save the lives of innocent, unborn babies - so that every child can make their mark. On behalf of our Advisory Board and staff, the individuals we have helped and especially the babies we've rescued, thank you for helping us end abortion is America!
Online for Life, P.O. Box 5052, Frisco, TX 75035-0201
Online for Life:
This is posted for no financial gain or any other gain, nor for any promise of anything in return, but to make others rich!
The Holy Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for His glory, and how we should value life, and how we should protect and support life, and how our Creator Lord loves us so much that He sent His only Begotten Son into this world to shed His blood and to die on a cross for us sinners, so that we might have eternal life. The Holy Scriptures are pure, perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be broken! Our Creator Lord is faithful! He can be taken at His Word! Our Creator Lord is love.
Why not share the Gospel of Peace with others over the internet?
Why not share the Good News - especially if you have the means to do it???
Please contact President Barack Obama @
Please contact Vice President Joseph Biden @
Please contact U.S. Senator Robert Menendez @
Please contact U.S. Senator Cory Booker @
Please contact U.S. Congressman Scott Garrett @
Please check out the effort to recall abortion @
Let's seek justice for the unborn children - the pre-born children!!!! We are restored with our Creator Lord because of Jesus' righteousness!!
How is our
Health Care System? How can we improve it?
The Continued
Deterioration of Our Health Care System
by Bobby Schindler /
Washington DC / / March 20, 2014
It was nine
years ago, March 18, 2005, that my sister, Terri Schiavo's feeding tube was
removed by order of Pinellas County Florida Court Judge, George W. Greer.
It was by Greer's order that Terri would slowly die by way of starvation and
dehydration. It took almost two weeks.
Terri's horrific death, the non-profit organization established by my family,
the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, works every day doing what we can to
educate the public, raises the desperately needed awareness on this widely misunderstood
issue of euthanasia, and more importantly, helps families that contact
us. The vast majority of families who do reach out to us are faced with
situations where their loved ones are in jeopardy of having their life
sustaining treatment denied.
What has become
painfully obvious is that it seems like almost every day, more examples of
families' medical rights are being denied when it comes to decisions they are
making for their loved ones. Indeed, we receive calls similar to what our
family experienced - a domestic dispute over the care of a family member.
However, more and more, we are getting calls from people who are fighting
physicians, ethic committees, or health care facilities where their loved ones
are being treated.
It can go as far
as, if you can believe it, families having their loved ones stripped away from
their care by the hospital, losing complete custody. When this does
happen, there appears to be a certain pattern that begins the process.
First, the
hospital physicians, nurses or even the staff will create or exaggerate a
situation involving the family, most times without any real evidence, or they
will fault the parents or loved one who is the caregiver with some type of
mishap with the patient. Often times what follows is the family member(s)
who were making medical treatment decisions are vilified, or accused of being
the problem. This gives the hospital a reason to intervene and
subsequently take action to deem the family incompetent as the caretaker.
The hospital can
then go as far as restricting visitation rights, or completely stopping any
family member from visiting their loved one, claiming that they are a
"threat" to the care of the patient. The hospital can then go
to court in order to gain control of the patient by requesting that a guardian
be appointed or even the hospital itself, in place of the family members who
were caring for their loved one.
The family who
was once in the position of taking care of their loved one is now on the
outside looking in - having no legal rights or any ability to help or even
visit them. If you think this cannot happen, then you haven't heard of
three cases currently taking place where the family has been removed as the
care givers of their child and / or spouse. The cases of Justina
Pelletier in Massachusetts, Bret Bohnin in Alaska, and the Gary Harvey case in
New York. All you need to do is look them up.
In each
situation, the facility contends that these patients were not being properly
cared for by their family member and as a result, the patients were removed
from their custody. Although these cases have their differences, there is
one common denominator. Despite the reasons specified, it appears that in
each instance proper care was being given. And in all of these
situations, the care of their loved one has been put in the hands of strangers.
There have been
countless warning signs with the state of our health care system and its
perilous direction when it comes to caring for those who are unable to speak
for themselves. Perhaps much of it started with the death of my sister,
Terri. It is because of this that over the next two weeks, Terri's Life
and Hope Network website will post stories of the events that occurred on each
of those horrific days of Terri's inhumane death. Not only to remember
Terri, but also to keep in mind the countless people who, as we speak, are
suffering slow, agonizing deaths in hospices, nursing homes, and hospitals in
America and around the world. Not to mention that every one of us needs
to understand that no longer are we the ones who will be making medical
decisions for our loved ones if we ever find ourselves in a situation where a
hospital decides it knows better.
Find out
more about Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network @
, or write them at P.O. Box 521, Narberth, PA 19072, or phone them
at 855-300-HOPE (4673).
Find out more about @
New note (added info. Not from the
Any Health
Care Law should protect life, support life, and should further the healing of
human life and do no harm to human life, and should not force anyone to
dishonor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We humans are created by
our Creator Lord, in His image, for His glory! We humans are more than
flesh and blood! Any such Health Care Law should be discussed by,
supported and agreed upon by, independents, republicans, and democrats alike
and should be presented to the public before voted upon Congress and
signed by the President of the United States. Any Health Care Law should
show the public that all those involved with the writing of the Health Care Law
value human life - life made in the image of our Creator - life given as a gift
of the Lord.
call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's help, and help to repeal,
or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law!!!
New note (added info. Not from the article - added 6/17/14 around 3:53 PM):
Any Health
Care Law should protect life, support life, and should further the healing of
human life and do no harm to human life, and should not force anyone to
dishonor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We humans are created by
our Creator Lord, in His image, for His glory! We humans are more than
flesh and blood! Any such Health Care Law should be discussed by,
supported and agreed upon by, independents, republicans, and democrats alike
and should be presented to the public before voted upon Congress and
signed by the President of the United States. Any Health Care Law should
show the public that all those involved with the writing of the Health Care Law
value human life - life made in the image of our Creator -life given as a gift
of the Lord.
call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's help, and help to repeal,
or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law!!!
Below is an article (Paying Their Share) from Citizen magazine
The article below is from Citizen
magazine (paying Their Share), March 2014 Vol. 28, No. 2 issue. For more
info. contact: 800-A-FAMILY or 8605 Explorer Drive, Colorado Springs, CO
80920. Email:, or find them online at
To make those at Citizen magazine richer than they already are please subscribe to Citizen magazine - Focus on the Family Citizen is published 10 times a year [combined issues in January/February and June/July] by Focus on the Family, a non-profit organization recognized for tax-deductible giving by the federal government. A one-year subscription to Focus on the Family Citizen magazine is available for $19.95. Write Focus on the Family, 8605 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920. To use your credit card, call 800-A-FAMILY [232-6459]. Discounted rates available for group subscriptions of five or more delivered to one location. For group information only, call 800-A-FAMILY [232-6459] or email Please make others rich (as The Holy Scriptures teach us!).
We love, because he first loved us. 1John 4:19
Love does no harm to his neighbor, therefore, love is the fulfilling of the Law.
Posted at no charge. Posted to help further the kingdom of God. Please help spread the GOOD NEWS!!!
Please contact President Barack Obama @
Please contact Vice President Joseph Biden @
Please contact U.S. Senator Robert Menendez @
Please contact U.S. Senator Cory Booker @
Please contact U.S. Congressman Scott Garrett @
Please check out the effort to recall abortion @
Let's seek justice for the unborn children - the pre-born children!!!! We are restored with our Creator Lord because of Jesus' righteousness!!
Paying Their Share
by Connie Marshner and Karla Dial
When Congress was debating the health care overhaul now colloquially known as Obamacare, Nancy Pelosi famously told her colleagues in the House of Representatives that "we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it." Since the bill became law in 2010, revelations about what's in it have emerged a little at a time. But when a pivotal clause requiring everyone nationwide to purchase individual health insurance plans took effect last October, the American public began to feel its effects for real - and they were shocked. The president's promise that "if you like your insurance, you can keep it" turned out to be hollow. More than five million people have had their health insurance policies cancelled since Oct. 1 because they didn't include the top-of-the-line, soup-to-nuts coverage that Obamacare demands.
And even worse: The time to find a new policy, or buy one for te first time, runs out on March 31. After that, they're subject to a series of escalating annual fines.
What about everyone else? They've got plenty of pain too: "Our premiums were going to go up by 21 percent." "My employer cut me to part-time hours and took away my benefits." "I don't want to subsidize abortion, but my insurance company makes me."
But as bad news continues to worry families and empty wallets, a growing number of people are finding a welcome respite in the form of health-care sharing ministries (HCSMs). Instead of buying insurance, each participating family contributes a set monthly amount to help others pay their bills, and receives help from others when they have medical need.
There are three such national Christian ministries: Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM), established in Ohio in 1981; Medi-Shares, headquartered in Florida since 1993; and Samaritan Ministries, established in Illinois in 1994. Since Oct. 1, their membership applications have tripled - and for good reasons.
The Old is New Again
"We do not have to purchase health insurance and will not be subject to fines or jail for not doing so," explains Joe Guarino,a 50-year old Virginian whose family of seven has belonged to Samaritan Ministries for the last nine years.
There are only nine such exemptions under Obamacare, which made sure the cost-sharing model would not proliferate as Americans staggered under the federal law's newly revealed price tags: The exemptions apply only to those groups that have been continually operating since at least Dec. 31, 1999.
"The Amish have been taking care of themselves in this way for hundreds of years," Guarino explains. "If their church can't take care of it, they go to their bishop and it gets shared among the other churches until its paid. The concept of small communities pitching in to help each other pay their medical bills is not really new - it just got overtaken by what we call health insurance. And now its coming back."
Though HCSMs operate with a high level of trust between the ministry and members, fraud prevention is an obvious concern. But each ministry has its own methods to control that, which have proven quite effective.
Medi-Share members simply submit their card at the doctor's office in the same way they would an insurance card, and the doctor bills the ministry directly. Once members reach their annual household portion (similar to an insurance deductible), all eligible bills are shared 100 percent. At CHM and Samaritan, members submit original bills themselves.
"I cannot send copies or a receipt - it has to be the original, fully itemized bill," says Guarino. "And any bill over $1,000, they call the provider to verify. They follow up. So that makes it very difficult for fraud to occur."
It Pays to Negotiate
Just as savvy consumers buying a big-ticket house-hold appliance know they can usually get a discount by paying in cash, some patients know they can use the same tactic at the doctor's office to get a lower price for the service. Between 20 and 35 percent of doctor's fees are overhead used to process insurance insurance claims; when patients avoid the claim process altogether by paying for their own services, doctors will usually pass that 20 to 35 percent savings on to them. And many prefer them.
"The medical associations love health care sharing because they know they're going to get paid in a timely fashion. So they don't mind giving discounts," Guarino says.
Samaritan and CHM provide tips to members on negotiating deals, and Samaritan and Medi-Share will also help negotiate a discount when the bill arrives. Medi-Share usually maintains its own preferred-provider network of some half a million doctors nationwide; those doctors give automatic discounts of 26 percent to members. Patients are also free to go out of network, as they would with a regular PPO, though they may wind up paying slightly more. Since its inception, discounts have saved Medi-Share members $235 million in medical bills.
In 2012, participants in the three ministries shared over $151 million in health care costs. Last October alone, they shared $17.1 million in medical bills.
Medi-Share President Tony Meggs tells Citizen that "since 1993, every medical bill that was eligible that we've published has been shared 100 percent" - including a liver transplant in 2013, which cost nearly $1 million.
Sharing costs, says CHM President Howard Russell, "is infinitely more reliable than any insurance regulation." Discounts for CHM members typically average about 59 percent after the ministry negotiates bills.
HCSMs in Action
When Michele Gano, a former biology teacher in Columbia, S.C. discovered in 2007 she had contracted Lyme disease, she decided the best doctor for her was in New York City. Through her Samaritan Ministries membership, she was able to go to New York, and her bills totaling $4,000 were completely paid. She considers herself fortunate, especially compared to friends who have to worry about "in-network" and "out-of-network" providers and "pre-approvals." With HCSMs, if you like your doctor, you really do get to keep him.
Susan and John Willings, who serve as missionaries in South Korea, have been Medi-Share members since 2001. That became a life-saver in 2007, when Susan was diagnosed with breast cancer: The Medi-Share community helped pay more than $140,000 for her surgery and chemotherapy while the couple continued with Korean children.
"It was a relief knowing I didn't have to worry about my medical bills," Susan says. "I was also comforted knowing the community was praying for my recovery. The wonderful news is that today I am cancer-free and the ministry my family worked to establish in Korea is thriving."
When Larry Huff, a marketing executive from Greer, S.C., became self-employed a few years ago, his family lost the great benefits he had when he worked for a large company. With three children, he and his wife LeAnn didn't dare go without insurance. The plan they purchased had premiums of about $1,000 per month with a $5,000 deductible. As it happened, that year the family's out-of-pocket medical expenses came to only $4,800.
"We spent just shy of $17,000 out of pocket for zero benefit," Larry tells Citizen, "and we were making half of what we had made before. This was absurd!"
So they investigated HCSMs and eventually joined Samaritan Ministries, where their monthly share level is about one-third what their insurance premium once was.
"I can tell you it's a lot less painful writing a $370 check every month than a $1,000 check. And you're writing a check to a real family so it feels so different," Larry says.
"My daughter saw a check come, and it really impressed her that Christians would take care of each other like this," says LeAnn. "And every month we pray for the family (receiving) our check."
What's the cost of a life? Fifteen years ago, doctors told a CHM member with a cardiac problem to abort her baby or she would die. Instead, she got a heart transplant. So far, CHM participants have shared $800,000 for her care, after discounts, fully paying all bills. Because she helped negotiate discounts, her initial out-of-pocket cost was $0 - and today, her son is a teen.
Such enormous costs are rare. Samaritan Ministries Executive Vice President James Lansberry tells Citizen less than one-half of 1 percent of medical needs exceed $200,000 at self-pay rates - and in Samaritan's history, "only three or four dozen needs have exceeded $250,000."
Nonetheless, HCSMs make provisions for hyper-catastrophic medical needs. For example, Samaritan has an optional "Save to Share" program. Should it become necessary, Save to Share members may be asked to share bills above $250,000. Lansberry says Samaritan Ministries participants collectively have more than $8 million in their accounts ready to share with Save to Share families, in the unlikely event they have hyper-catastrophic needs. Med-Share doesn't have a lifetime limit on sharing needs.
What's the Catch?
If all this sounds too good to be true, you may be wondering how many caveats you'll have to look out for. The answer is: Very few. There are of course, some conditions and necessary limits., which vary from ministry to ministry, detailed on each Web site and in their respective application forms. Each ministry has an application fee and different ways of handling administrative costs.
But what they all have in common is an element of trust, present from the very beginning of the relationship: Applicants describe their medical status and history on brief forms. No physical exams or corroborating health records are required.
All the sharing ministries require from participants a signed document saying they believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, regularly attend worship and are committed to a healthy life-style. All members pledge to engage in sexual activity only within marriage and to abstain from illegal drugs. If they use alcohol, they promise to do so in a Biblical manner. And to increase accountability, CHM and Samaritan also have participants' pastors sign the documents.
With all HCSMs, families are responsible for their own maintenance care (annual physicals, semi-annual dental cleanings, etc.). All the families interviewed for this story indicated that they are health conscious in terms of diet and exercise.
Samaritan Ministries is the only HCSM that has members send money to each other directly. Administrators randomly pair a sender with a receiver each month at predetermined share levels, and both parties report back afterward. However, all three ministries keep records: When senders don't comply administrators contact them; if they go three or four months without sharing, the ministry no longer accepts medical needs from those individuals' families.
The Way Out of Coercion
Joe and Dawn Coletti of Cary, N.C. had been clinging to a grandfathered individual-purchase insurance plan for their family for the last few years. But when they received a letter last fall saying Obamacare was going to force their premiums up another 13 percent, they made the switch to an HCSM. Joe admits they might not have had the faith to do it a few years ago, but is glad that "we can finally live through our values now" - including the relational component.
"There's no personal connection with the people who benefit from your paying taxes," he notes wryly. "The way out of coercion is if you're able to cooperate. Being a Christian makes that easy."
But there is a deeper reason why HCSMs are growing. "If we do a good job," says Meggs, "we really can affect the culture, and reflect the love of Christ for the world to see."
Connie Marshner is a freelance writer based in Washington, D.C.
Focus on the Family does not endorse
any particular approach to health care; each family should carefully
investigate all options, as this story is intended solely for informational
purposes. To learn more about Christian Healthcare Ministries visit For more
information on Medi-Share, visit Details about
Samaritan Ministries can be found at For more
information about negotiating costs with health care providers, visit Valuable information about this approach can also be
found on the website of the Alliance of Health Care Sharing Ministries,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -MINISTRY COMPARISON - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Christian 1981 60,000 indirect; from Gold: $150/unit/ $500 per unit,
individuals other
per year
via escrow Silver:
"unit" gener-
equates to one
Medi-Share 1993 67,213 Personal Depends on Annual House-
account at
hold Portion
variables [AHP]
are 1,900 vary from $500
share to
Samaritan 1994 93,690 Direct from $165/month/ Member pays
Ministries individuals other
single first $300
888-268-4377 $315/month/
first incident
The above article is from Citizen magazine, March 2014 Vol. 28, No. 2 issue. For more info. contact: 800-A-FAMILY or 8605 Explorer Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. Email:, or find them online at
end of article .........
New note (added info. Not from the article - added 6/17/14 around 3:54 PM):
Any Health
Care Law should protect life, support life, and should further the healing of
human life and do no harm to human life, and should not force anyone to
dishonor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We humans are created by
our Creator Lord, in His image, for His glory! We humans are more than
flesh and blood! Any such Health Care Law should be discussed by,
supported and agreed upon by, independents, republicans, and democrats alike
and should be presented to the public before voted upon Congress and
signed by the President of the United States. Any Health Care Law should
show the public that all those involved with the writing of the Health Care Law
value human life - life made in the image of our Creator -life given as a gift
of the Lord.
call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's help, and help to repeal,
or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law!!!
Love is patient.
Love one another.
We love, because He first loved us.
Love is the fulfilling of the Law.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son into this world to die for us sinners, so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Faith, hope, and love - the greatest of these is love.
God is love.
Love does no harm to his neighbor.
Jesus is the spotless Lamb of God!
Jesus is the Holy One of Israel!!
Jesus is the Light of the World!!!
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!!!
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever!!!!
Jesus is the Bread of Life!!!!!
Jesus is Lord!!!!!
Jesus is the Great I AM!!!!!
Jesus is our Rock!!!
Jesus is our Shield!!!
Jesus is our Refuge!!!
Jesus is our Righteousness!!!
Who is perfect but our Creator?
Who is spotless, but our Creator??
Who created heaven and earth, but our Creator???
Who made all that which has been made, but our Creator Lord, our God????
Who is Lord, but our Creator?????
Who is Lord of lords, but our God??????
Who is King of kings, but our Creator Lord???????
Who is Lord? Jesus is Lord!!!
Love each other dearly!
Love is the commandment from the beginning!!!!
Who was from the beginning???
The Lord is from the beginning!!!
The victory is yours Jesus - the name above all names!!!
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (full of grace and truth). Who is full of grace and truth but our Lord and Savior Jesus???
Who is our Savior, but our God???
Who is our Redeemer, but our God????
Who is our Atonement - Jesus the Lamb without blemish - perfect!!!
Love is patient!!!!
Love is kind.
Love always hopes.
Love always protects.
Love always perseveres.
Love does not delight in evil.
Love is not rude.
Posted for no gain whatsoever, or any promise of a financial gain! Posted to help spread the Gospel of Peace!!!
Jesus is the Light of the World!
Jesus is Lord!
Jesus is our Savior!!!
Please contact President Barack Obama @
Please contact Vice President Joseph Biden @
Please contact U.S. Senator Robert Menendez @
Please contact U.S. Senator Cory Booker @
Please contact U.S. Congressman Scott Garrett @
Please check out the effort to recall abortion @
Let's seek justice for the unborn children - the pre-born children!!!! We are restored with our Creator Lord because of Jesus' righteousness!!
Please help spread the Word! Jesus is the Word of God!!! Posted to help further the kingdom. The following is an article from the Life and Hope QUARTERLY update (Jul. - Sept. 2014). Published in also.
Aside from the misleading claim in the article referring to my sister, Terri Schiavo, as being in a persistent vegetative state (PVS), the Boston Globe did a wonderful follow-up story on Haleigh Poutre's tragic situation. Back in 2006, Haleigh made national news when her stepfather beat her into a coma. It was just short time subsequent to this act of violence that her doctors decided this 13-year old had zero chance to recover and her legal guardian went to the courts for permission to remove Haleigh's life sustaining care. In fact, if Haleigh would have happened to survive the removal of the respirator and begin breathing on her own, she would have faced a slow death by dehydration and starvation.
Fortunately, by the Grace of God, Haleigh showed signs of life before doctors were able to enforce the court's decision to end her life. From the Boston Globe story, "A new life for Haleigh":
A day after the state's highest court authorized the withdrawal of life support so she could "die with dignity," Haleigh's eyes opened. She began tracking people's movements with her eyes, and pointing to toys on command. She defied everyone's expectations, and while she was never going to return to being the cheerful brown-haired girl who rode bicycles and twirled in dance recitals, she was not, as doctors had predicted, doomed to a life of virtually no awareness.
Despite Haleigh showing signs of improvement and escaping her court issued death sentence, her case yet again illustrates how relatively easy it is, not only for doctors to misdiagnose a patient, but also how little evidence is needed, for the court to approve the removal of life sustaining treatment - this includes food and water, via feeding tubes. It was for this reason that our non-profit, the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, got involved in Haleigh's case. In fact, Haleigh's situation was one of the first cases we got involved in after we began operating as a non-profit in 2005, petitioning, then Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney; making recommendations that the Massachusetts Department of Social Services provide certain safety nets of protection for persons and situations like Haleigh's.
But this is just one incident that made headline news. Indeed, most of the general public is completely unaware of how much these type of decisions are made every day and how our medical rights have been eroded by laws that have been changed to make it easier to deliberately kill our medically vulnerable. How many of us, for example, understand that basic care, food and water (via a feeding tube) has been reclassified as medical treatment? As a result of this redefinition, feeding tubes can legally be removed from/denied to patients - patients who are neither dying nor do they have any other extraordinary means of keeping them alive - in all 50 states.
Unquestionably, by the number of calls we have received for help over the past nine years, there has been a major shift among a growing number of hospitals operating in our nation today. In this increasing amount of health care rationing climate in which we now live, where doctors decide whether or not a person will live or die based on their "quality of life", the denial of food and water occurs every single day, across an unknown number of health care facilities. Certainly, none of us will ever know of how many "Haleigh's" out there were never given the opportunity to recover. Not long ago, there was a "do no harm" vow to act in the best interest of the patients, but that has now transformed into doing what's in the best interest of the hospitals. In short, whatever will financially benefit the hospital.
Haleigh's care reminds me of Brenden Flynn. In 2002, 18 year-old, Brenden was involved in a fatal automobile crash; physicians essentially gave him zero chance to have any kind of meaningful recovery. And if he did survive, his day-to-day care would be very costly. Brenden's parents refused to give the doctors permission to, "put him in a room and let him die", and instructed them to do whatever they could to help their son. Today, Brenden is married and has a beautiful 2 year-year-old daughter and publicly speaks all over the country about his experience. I often wonder what the state would have done if Brenden livved in Massachusetts and his parents weren't there to protect him. Indeed, it is extraordinary families like Brenden's and his adoptive family now taking care of Haleigh who are the real champions living among us. They don't see a person with a disability through the lens of our "me first" culture as being too costly, or an inconvenience, but rather as a human person whom they have been blessed with the opportunity to love, to care for, and to protect.
If we don't do away with this lethal "quality of life" mentality that has taken root in a growing number of minds in our nation today, then people like Haleigh will die along with the countless other men and women, young and old who were never given a chance to be loved.
end of article ...........................
Abhor evil, cling to what is good. Love does not delight in evil
Please see Also, please
Please see
Jesus is the Holy One of
Israel!!! HE is Risen! HE is Risen, indeed!!!
Why not
spread the Gospel of Peace - the GOOD NEWS free of charge?
We love,
because HE first loved us.
Nothing can separate
you from the love of Christ Jesus.
Greater is HE
that is in you than he that is in the world.
were given to the Jew first, and then the Gentiles.
Why not move
forward into the Light??
Jesus is LORD!!!
The following is an article that appeared in lifeandhope, the
publication of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, Volume 6 / 2nd Edition
pgs. 4 - 5. It is posted free of charge here to help further the kingdom
of GOD!!!
forgetting how to
Are the profoundly disabled and frail
elderly living too long?
... bioethicist Daniel Callahan - who saw the feeding tube as a serious hurdle
- boldly stated that changing its classification from 'basic care' to 'medical
treatment' would be 'the only effective way to make certain that a large number
of biologically tenacious patients actually die.'"
appeared as Yes, We have a Culture of Death
to research reviewed by board certified medical geneticist and Co-Director of
the Down Syndrome Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Skotko, it is
estimated that 92 percent of all women who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down
syndrome abort their baby.
World famous
atheist proselytizer and Oxford professor, Richard Dawkins, made headlines when
he called it "immoral" not to abort Down babies "and try
Belgium has
legalized euthanasia (with no age limits) for children who have been diagnosed
as terminal and with death expected to occur "within a brief
period." If this criteria is met, then the parents - and child! -
may ask in writing for a lethal injection.
The head of
Canada's largest doctors' group has called child euthanasia an
"appropriate" choice under certain circumstances.
Northern Ireland
Minister of Justice, David Ford, is considering a change in the law so that it
is legal to kill pre-born babies suspected of being disabled.
Professor of
Bioethics at Princeton University, Peter Singer, believes we should be
permitted to lethally inject Alzheimer's "non-persons," even if they
never asked to be killed.
there is a strong push advocating the removal of spoon feeding from Alzheimer's
patients if they so requested in an advance directive.
In 2012, a
prominent doctor in the UK made the chilling claim that the (NHS) - the
publicly funded healthcare systems in the UK (and what most likely Obamacare
will look like for us here in the US) - "kills off 130,000 elderly
patients every year."
In a March 2008, New
York Times article titled, "Terminal Options for the Irreversibly
Ill", Judith Schwartz, a registered nurse and clinical coordinator for
Compassion and Choices of New York (formerly known as the Hemlock Society)
openly stated that over one million people die each year in American hospitals
as a "a consequence of someone's decision to withhold or withdraw
life-sustaining treatment."
In the same
article, Dr. Sidney Wanzer and Dr. Joseph Glenmullen of Harvard University
Health Services noted that in situations where a person is going to stop
receiving food and water, "refusal of hydration is faster and less
distressing than starvation in hastening death."
Sadly, these
are just a few more recent examples of the life-threatening prejudices plaguing
the disability community and countless others who are medically
vulnerable. Indeed, this terrible toll does not arise in a cultural
vacuum, but reflects attitudes that assume dead is better than disabled.
And, there is no doubt, that included in the number of patients dying in this
sobering New York Times article, regardless of its title are those with
cognitive disabilities who, every single day, are being starved and hydrated to
death - persons who are not dying, but who are simply living with their
disability, and only need basic care (food and water, via a feeding tube) to
It was not
long ago that feeding tubes were considered basic and ordinary care and
therefore it was illegal, an act of euthanasia, to stop feeding and hydrating a
person in need of a feeding tube. Today, however, feeding tubes have been
redefined as "artificial nutrition and hydration" - and therefore a
form of "medical treatment." Consequently, the removal of food
and water from the cognitively disabled patients, and countless other medically
vulnerable people, is now legal and routine in fifty states.
In his book, Culture
of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America, author and bioethicist
Wesley J. Smith writes that, "defining 'artificial nutrition' as treatment
instead of human care was a crucial step in the development of the culture of
death." According to Smith, as far back as the early 80s,
bioethicists began to debate out loud whether or not "the profoundly
disabled and frail were living too long." In particular, bioethicist
Daniel Callahan - who saw the feeding tube as a serious hurdle - boldly stated
that changing its classification from "basic care" to "medical
treatment" would be "the only effective way to make certain that a
large number of biologically tenacious patients actually die."
Eventually, more
bioethicists agreed with Callahan's view, as well as health care professionals,
politicians, judges, and others, ultimately accomplishing their goal of
redefining the administration of food and hydration via a feeding tube.
Today, either
the general public is unaware of this change, or they just don't care.
But if you think dehydrating to death our medically vulnerable isn't happening,
then you are not paying attention.
Whatever the
reason, the mainstream media does very little to properly clear up any
confusion that may exist, as they continue to report that persons who receive
food and water via feeding tubes are receiving "artificial life
support," giving the perception that these people are aided by machines.
too many of us today have become disconnected and desensitized to our own
dignity and intrinsic worth. It seems we no longer know how to love, and
we place more significance and value on what a person can or cannot do,
instead of understanding the value and dignity of the human person simply
because they are human.
As a
consequence, every single day decisions are being made for our medically
defenseless to be barbarically starved and dehydrated to death. Not to
mention the offensive claim that to slowly dehydrate persons to death over a
period of weeks is "an act of compassion;" that they are somehow
experiencing death in a dignified way. This is not compassion. This
is not love. This is intentionally killing, and in the most undignified
Germany made the decision to inaugurate a memorial for the people with physical
and mental disabilities who, because of their disabilities, were killed by the
Nazis after their lives were deemed "worthless." Estimates are
that over 200,000 were killed.
Perhaps we
should consider erecting one here in the United States.
Bobby Schindler is Executive Director
of The Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network.
preceding is an article that appeared in lifeandhope, the publication of the
Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, Volume 6 / 2nd Edition /, pgs. 4 - 5. Please visit
these are just a few more recent examples of the life-threatening prejudices
plaguing the disability community and countless others who are medically
vulnerable. Indeed, this terrible toll does not arise in a cultural
vacuum, but reflects attitudes that assume dead is better than
Please check out the effort to recall abortion @
How about black genocide going on throughout
the world today? Please see
Does having an abortion increase your risk of getting breast cancer? Please see
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