Monday, May 11, 2015

Dear U.S. Senator Robert Menendez - please, please respect our rights.


U.S. Senator Robert Menendez                                    
One Gateway Center – 11th fl.
Newark, NJ 07102

Dear Senator Robert Menendez, 

     Greetings!  Each new day the Lord gives us is glorious!  I hope that you and the loved ones are in good health and are getting along.  Good health is such a wonderful blessing from the good Lord, our Creator Lord!  Please remember that we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for HIS glory!  Please remember that we humans are more than flesh and blood!!!  How is your spirit on this glorious day?  Please take a strong stand for us United States citizens!  Please respect us United States citizens!  We the people are protected by God, and our rights should be respected!  Please do not force us humans to go against Christ's Law.  We should not be forced to supply contraceptives, nor should insurance companies or organizations have to pay for contraceptives, nor pay for abortions, nor have to perform abortions!  We should not have to participate in activities that go against Christ's Law!

     Abortion is the destruction of life - and life is precious!!!  Our Creator Lord's way is life.  Our Creator Lord's will is life!!!  Life is a gift from the good Lord, our Creator Lord!  Please help protect and support life!  The Holy Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for HIS glory, and how we should worship our Creator Lord and HIS Beloved Son Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and body, and how we should value life, and how we should protect and support life, and how our Creator Lord loves us so much that He sent His only Begotten Son Jesus into this world to shed His blood and to die on a cross for us sinners, so that we might have eternal life!  The Holy Scriptures are pure, perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be broken!  Our Creator Lord is faithful!  Our Creator Lord is true!  Our Creator Lord cannot lie!  Our Creator Lord can be taken at HIS Word!  Jesus is the Word of God!  Our Creator Lord is good!  Our Creator Lord is good all the time!!!  Our Creator Lord is love!  Love always protects.  Love always hopes.  Love always trusts.  Love does not delight in evil.  Love is the commandment from the beginning.  Even the Declaration of Independence states that our rights are endowed by our Creator Lord (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness).

     Please help protect our God-given rights here in the U.S.  The government should not force individuals, groups, organizations, or insurance companies to supply contraceptives, or to perform abortions!  Thank you very much for all your help!  Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day.  May the good Lord, our Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones with love, joy, peace, and patience!


Ken Miller
Main St. Rm. 103
still one of the working poor!

P.S.  Please check out the concerted effort to recall abortion @

Please check out about the black genocide that is going on @

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