Tuesday, December 30, 2014

In NYC - dispensing Plan B pills free of charge! Posted free of charge - posted for no financial consideration whatsoever!


Posted for no financial gain or any promise of financial gain.

Dear family, friends, and all others concerned about justice,

     Greetings!  I hope that you and the loved ones are in good health and are getting along.  Please remember that we humans are more than flesh and blood.  Also, please remember that we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for HIS glory!  Please check out an article in Impact January 2014 edition (pg. 2), a newsletter by the Truth In Action Ministries written by Dr. Michael Milton.  Let's teach our children a lot more about Plan A!!!!

Dispensing Plan B Pills to Abort Plan A
By Dr. Michael Milton

     In New York City, the abortion inducing pill, Plan B, is now available to students of any age or grade without any parental involvement.

     This is another clear indication of how much we have lost our way.

     The sexual revolution’s unintended consequence was the killing of the unborn.  The unintended consequence of that is that those who survived the sinister scalpels of Planned Parenthood over the last four decades are now, themselves, producing children outside of marriage.  They are living out the immoral choices of their parents and grandparents.

     The only way to fix it, say the muddle-headed proponents of policies like the NYC Department of Education, is to dispense Plan B drugs.  Why?  Because to them, Plan A is not an option.

     Yet Plan A remains our only true hope for the redemption of this sin-sick society.  Plan A is God’s Word, and it is God’s Way, which leads to God’s blessings.

     We cannot live by Plan B and still have a future as a people.

* This article has been adapted from Silent No More by Dr. Michael Milton (Clinton, MS: Tanglewood Publishing, 2013).

     This blog was posted for no charge.  No financial gain was given for the posting of this blog.  No gain, nor any promise of a future gain was given either.  This was posted to further the GOOD NEWS - the Gospel of Peace!   

 The Holy Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in HIS image, for HIS glory, and how we should worship our Creator Lord and HIS Beloved Son Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and body, and how we should value life, and how we should protect and support human life, and how our Creator Lord loves us that HE sent HIS only Begotten Son Jesus into this World to shed HIS blood and to die on a cross for us sinners, so that we might have eternal life!  The Holy Scriptures are pure, perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be broken!  Our Creator Lord is faithful!  Our Creator Lord is true!  Our Creator Lord cannot lie!  Our Creator Lord can be taken at HIS Word!  Jesus is the Word of God!  Our Creator Lord is good!  Our Creator Lord is good all the time!  Our Creator Lord is LOVE!  

     There is a cocerted effort to recall abortion @ www.recallabortion.com

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