Monday, November 17, 2014

Posted free of charge - posted for no financial consideration, now or in the future! A recent letter from Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network.


      Posted to further the kingdom of God.  Please help spread the word!

     I had received the following letter in the mail and wanted to share it with others:

Dear Kenneth A. Miller,

     Recently, Germany inaugurated a memorial for the people with physical and mental disabilities whom the Nazis killed because of their disabilities, deeming their lives "worthless."  It is estimated that over 200,000 were killed.

     Ironically, a similar genocide against the disabled is going on in our world today - and politicians, the media, and the public are turning a blind eye.

     Did you know that in 2012, a prominent doctor in the UK made the chilling claim that the National Health Service - the publicly funded healthcare systems in the UK (and what Obamacare will most likely look like for us here in the US) - "kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year"?

     Did you know that Belgium has legalized euthanasia (with no age limits) for children who have diagnosed as terminal and with death expected to occur "within a brief period," and if this criteria is met, then the parents - and child - are to ask in writing for a lethal injection?

     Did you know that in a March 2008 New York Times article, "Terminal Options for the Irreversibly Ill", Judith Schwarz, a registered nurse and clinical coordinator for Compassion & Choices of New York (formerly known as the Hemlock Society) openly stated that over 1 million people die each year in American hospitals as "a consequence of someone's decision to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment"?

     Indeed, it seems that a growing number of health care professionals, politicians, and academics - instead of using their power to advocate for the vulnerable - are speaking out in support of this culture of death.

     Who will speak out in support of lifeThe Terri  Schiavo Life & Hope Network.

     For nearly 10 years, the Life & Hope Network has been boldly promoting a culture of life by embracing the true meaning of compassion and by opposing the practice of imposed death.

     Will you continue to stand with the Life & Hope Network today as we continue this critically important work?

     Just look at what we're up against!  World famous atheist proselytizer, Oxford Professor Richard Dawkins, mad headlines when he called it "immoral" not to abort Down Syndrome babies.

     Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, Peter Singer believes we should be permitted to lethally inject Alzheimer's "non-persons" - even if they never asked to be killed.

     The head of Canada's largest doctors' group has called child euthanasia an "appropriate" choice under certain circumstances.

     Sadly, killing the disabled has become commonplace, right here and now,in our modern world.  Just look at the evidence - it is horribly clear that we are living in a culture of death.

     That is why our work at the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network is so important. 

     And this is why it is so important that you renew your support of the Life & Hope Network today!  Our brothers and sisters who are targeted by the culture of death need you.

      After suffering alongside my sister during the horrible two weeks of her death, my family and I dedicated our lives to protecting medically vulnerable people like he.

     The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network is the last line of defense agains a culture that says, "Better dead than disabled."

     Thanks to your generosity, we are able to continue our work of protecting the disabled and vulnerable from death.  Our articles in the Washington Times,, and other publications are bringing national attention to this genocide.

     In September, I was privileged to appear with Fr. Jeffrey Kirby in a 5-part series on EWTN, entitled "Real Issues, Real Answers About Life at the End>"  I used this opportunity to bring our message of life and hope to countless households.

     I am particularly proud to share this exciting update with you: We recently launched the Center for Disability in the Public Square (CDPS) as an arm of the Life & Hope Network.  The Center has already begun a program of online outreach to educate the general public by providing much-needed information and resources that counter our culture's prevailing pro-death perspective.

     We are also growing a network of doctors and a network of attorneys who are saving real lives by offering medical and legal advice and assistance to the medically vulnerable and their families.

     Without the generous support of partners like you, we would not be able to save the lives of people threatened by imposed death and euthanasia.

     Help us continue this fight.  Join us in saving lives and reversing the culture of death.

     Your continued generous support of the Life & Hope Network will ensure that we stand together with the medically dependent, persons with disabilities, and the elderly who face immediate or impending life-threatening situations.

     Increasingly, the disabled, elderly, and the medically vulnerable are seen as burdens to be borne, and, ultimately, cast off as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

     Will you continue to stand in solidarity with our defenseless brothers and sisters whose lives are threatened?

     Your generosity means that we will save lives by connecting these individuals in need with legal and medical resources, offering guidance to caregivers and family members seeking to help their loved ones, increasing awareness of the threatof imposed death, and building a network of professionals committed to protecting our medically vulnerable citizens.

     The heart and soul of the Life & Hope Network's work is serving asa resource for patients and families facing life-threatening situations.

     Over the last year, the Network provided direct support in some of the most pressing medical rights cases.  Most of these cases involved family members who were experiencing pressure from the medical community to terminate life-sustaining care for their loved ones.

     We connected these people and their families with legal and medical resources that offered viable advocacy strategies and provided encouragement and moral support.

     Listen to Sylvia's story, which illustrates the invaluable, life-saving assistance the Network provides:

     Our son suffered a brain injury nearly 3 years ago.  The hospital that treated him didn't seem to really care if he survived or not.  We were deserate to find a voice for him as his health slipped through the cracks of the medical system. My husband reached out to many rehab hospitals and brain injury specialists.

     The Terri Schiavo Network was there for us right from our first phone call.

     They gave us information on resources and guidance on how to advocate for our son.  They even made a trip to see our son and introduce themselves to the staff at the hospital.  They kept in constant contact with us throughout our ordeal.  We really needed and appreciated that support.  Josh is now home with us and doing very well.  They continue to support us even now.  We are very thankful for their help.

              - Sylvia, Josh's mom



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