Monday, October 20, 2014

Posted free of charge!!! An article from the Truth in Action Ministries .......... How can we improve our Health Care System????

Posted to help further the kingdom of God!!!   

 Obamacare and Abortion
     by Dr. Jerry Newcombe

     In March 2010, the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was held up for awhile in the House because of a handful of pro-life Democratic Congressmen led by Bart Stupak.

     The president issued an executive order that the health care act would not include the funding of abortion.  At that point, Congressman Stupak and his colleagues conceded.  Many believe Obamacare would not have passed without the president's promise to Stupak.

     Jump ahead to early 2011, when Kathleen Sebelius, Health and human Services Secretary, imposed the HHS mandate that, regardless of an employer's philosophical viewpoint, they must provide birth control services - including abortifacients (abortion-inducing drugs or devices).

     Abortifacients are a form of abortion.  On top of that, other types of abortions are also now being covered under Obamacare.  Nothing with the program appears to work, yet those in power seem to be diligently ensuring that - at the very least - abortions are covered, despite President Obama's famous promise to the contrary.

     To find out more about Truth in Action Ministries contact them @ 

 Note (not from article)
Any Health Care Law should protect life, support life, and should further the healing of human life and do no harm to human life, and should not force anyone to go against one's God-given rights.  We humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for HIS glory!!!  We humans are more than flesh and blood!  Any such Health Care Law should be discussed by, supported and agreed upon by independents, republicans, and democrats alike and should be presented  to the public before voted upon Congress and signed by the President of the United States.  Any Health Care Law should show the public that all those involved with the writing of the Health Care Law value human life - life made in the image of our Creator -life given as a gift of the Lord.
     Let's call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's help, and help to repeal, or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law!!!

How is our Health Care System?  How can we improve it?

The Continued Deterioration of Our Health Care System
by Bobby Schindler  /  Washington DC  /  /  March 20, 2014

     It was nine years ago, March 18, 2005, that my sister, Terri Schiavo's feeding tube was removed by order of Pinellas County Florida Court Judge, George W. Greer.  It was by Greer's order that Terri would slowly die by way of starvation and dehydration.  It took almost two weeks.

     Since Terri's horrific death, the non-profit organization established by my family, the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, works every day doing what we can to educate the public, raises the desperately needed awareness on this widely misunderstood issue of euthanasia, and more importantly, helps families that contact us.  The vast majority of families who do reach out to us are faced with situations where their loved ones are in jeopardy of having their life sustaining treatment denied.

     What has become painfully obvious is that it seems like almost every day, more examples of families' medical rights are being denied when it comes to decisions they are making for their loved ones.  Indeed, we receive calls similar to what our family experienced - a domestic dispute over the care of a family member.  However, more and more, we are getting calls from people who are fighting physicians, ethic committees, or health care facilities where their loved ones are being treated.

     It can go as far as, if you can believe it, families having their loved ones stripped away from their care by the hospital, losing complete custody.  When this does happen, there appears to be a certain pattern that begins the process.

     First, the hospital physicians, nurses or even the staff will create or exaggerate a situation involving the family, most times without any real evidence, or they will fault the parents or loved one who is the caregiver with some type of mishap with the patient.  Often times what follows is the family member(s) who were making medical treatment decisions are vilified, or accused of being the problem.  This gives the hospital a reason to intervene and subsequently take action to deem the family incompetent as the caretaker.

     The hospital can then go as far as restricting visitation rights, or completely stopping any family member from visiting their loved one, claiming that they are a "threat" to the care of the patient.  The hospital can then go to court in order to gain control of the patient by requesting that a guardian be appointed or even the hospital itself, in place of the family members who were caring for their loved one.

     The family who was once in the position of taking care of their loved one is now on the outside looking in - having no legal rights or any ability to help or even visit them.  If you think this cannot happen, then you haven't heard of three cases currently taking place where the family has been removed as the care givers of their child and / or spouse.  The cases of Justina Pelletier in Massachusetts, Bret Bohnin in Alaska, and the Gary Harvey case in New York.  All you need to do is look them up. 

      In each situation, the facility contends that these patients were not being properly cared for by their family member and as a result, the patients were removed from their custody.  Although these cases have their differences, there is one common denominator.  Despite the reasons specified, it appears that in each instance proper care was being given.  And in all of these situations, the care of their loved one has been put in the hands of strangers.

     There have been countless warning signs with the state of our health care system and its perilous direction when it comes to caring for those who are unable to speak for themselves.  Perhaps much of it started with the death of my sister, Terri.  It is because of this that over the next two weeks, Terri's Life and Hope Network website will post stories of the events that occurred on each of those horrific days of Terri's inhumane death.  Not only to remember Terri, but also to keep in mind the countless people who, as we speak, are suffering slow, agonizing deaths in hospices, nursing homes, and hospitals in America and around the world.  Not to mention that every one of us needs to understand that no longer are we the ones who will be making medical decisions for our loved ones if we ever find ourselves in a situation where a hospital decides it knows better.  

     Find out more about Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network @ , or write them at P.O. Box 521, Narberth, PA 19072, or phone them at 855-300-HOPE (4673).

    Find out more about @ .

New note (added info. Not from the article):
     Any Health Care Law should protect life, support life, and should further the healing of human life and do no harm to human life, and should not force anyone to go against one's God-given rights.  We humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for HIS glory!!!  We humans are more than flesh and blood!  Any such Health Care Law should be discussed by, supported and agreed upon by independents, republicans, and democrats alike and should be presented  to the public before voted upon Congress and signed by the President of the United States.  Any Health Care Law should show the public that all those involved with the writing of the Health Care Law value human life - life made in the image of our Creator -life given as a gift of the Lord.
     Let's call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's help, and help to repeal, or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law!!!



     Any Health Care Law should protect life, support life, and should further the healing of human life and do no harm to human life, and should not force anyone to dishonor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  We humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for His glory!  We humans are more than flesh and blood!  Any such Health Care Law should be discussed by, supported and agreed upon by, independents, republicans, and democrats alike and should be presented  to the public before voted upon Congress and signed by the President of the United States.  Any Health Care Law should show the public that all those involved with the writing of the Health Care Law value human life - life made in the image of our Creator -life given as a gift of the Lord.
     Let's call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's help, and help to repeal, or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law!!!

Love always hopes.

     How is our Health Care System?  How can we improve it?

Below is an article about a travesty of justice - here in the United States!!  How did this happen - what can we do to stop it from happening again?

The following is an article from life and hope, a publication of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, volume 6 / 1st Edition /, pg. 8.

    Nine Years Ago My Sister 
Terri Schiavo was Dehydrated 
        and Starved to Death

As Our Health Care System Continues to Worsen
by Bobby Schindler  /  Washington DC  /  /  March 20, 2014

     It was nine years ago, March 18, 2005, that my sister, Terri Schiavo's feeding tube was removed by order of Pinellas County Florida Court Judge, George W. Greer.  It was by Greer's order that Terri would slowly die by way of starvation and dehydration.  It took almost two weeks.

     Since Terri's horrific death, the non-profit organization established by my family, the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, works every day doing what we can to educate the public, raises the desperately needed awareness on this widely misunderstood issue of euthanasia, and more importantly, helps families that contact us.  The vast majority of families who do reach out to us are faced with situations where their loved ones are in jeopardy of having their life sustaining treatment denied.

     What has become painfully obvious is that it seems like almost every day, more examples of families' medical rights are being denied when it comes to decisions they are making for their loved ones.  Indeed, we receive calls similar to what our family experienced - a domestic dispute over the care of a family member.  However, more and more, we are getting calls from people who are fighting physicians, ethic committees, or health care facilities where their loved ones are being treated.

     It can go as far as, if you can believe it, families having their loved ones stripped away from their care by the hospital, losing complete custody.  When this does happen, there appears to be a certain pattern that begins the process.

     First, the hospital physicians, nurses or even the staff will create or exaggerate a situation involving the family, most times without any real evidence, or they will fault the parents or loved one who is the caregiver with some type of mishap with the patient.  Often times what follows is the family member(s) who were making medical treatment decisions are vilified, or accused of being the problem.  This gives the hospital a reason to intervene and subsequently take action to deem the family incompetent as the caretaker.

     The hospital can then go as far as restricting visitation rights, or completely stopping any family member from visiting their loved one, claiming that they are a "threat" to the care of the patient.  The hospital can then go to court in order to gain control of the patient by requesting that a guardian be appointed or even the hospital itself, in place of the family members who were caring for their loved one.

     The family who was once in the position of taking care of their loved one is now on the outside looking in - having no legal rights or any ability to help or even visit them.  If you think this cannot happen, then you haven't heard of three cases currently taking place where the family has been removed as the care givers of their child and / or spouse.  The cases of Justina Pelletier in Massachusetts, Bret Bohnin in Alaska, and the Gary Harvey case in New York.  All you need to do is look them up. 

      In each situation, the facility contends that these patients were not being properly cared for by their family member and as a result, the patients were removed from their custody.  Although these cases have their differences, there is one common denominator.  Despite the reasons specified, it appears that in each instance proper care was being given.  And in all of these situations, the care of their loved one has been put in the hands of strangers.

     There have been countless warning signs with the state of our health care system and its perilous direction when it comes to caring for those who are unable to speak for themselves.  Perhaps much of it started with the death of my sister, Terri.  It is because of this that over the next two weeks, Terri's Life and Hope Network website will post stories of the events that occurred on each of those horrific days of Terri's inhumane death.  Not only to remember Terri, but also to keep in mind the countless people who, as we speak, are suffering slow, agonizing deaths in hospices, nursing homes, and hospitals in America and around the world.  Not to mention that every one of us needs to understand that no longer are we the ones who will be making medical decisions for our loved ones if we ever find ourselves in a situation where a hospital decides it knows better.

end of article .........

Bobby Schindler is the brother of the late 
Terri Schiavo, and the Executive Director 
of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, 

     Find out more about Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network @ , or write them at P.O. Box 521, Narberth, PA 19072, or phone them at 855-300-HOPE (4673).

    Find out more about @ .

New note (added info. Not from the article):
     Any Health Care Law should protect life, support life, and should further the healing of human life and do no harm to human life, and should not force anyone to dishonor the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  We humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for His glory!  We humans are more than flesh and blood!  Any such Health Care Law should be discussed by, supported and agreed upon by, independents, republicans, and democrats alike and should be presented  to the public before voted upon Congress and signed by the President of the United States.  Any Health Care Law should show the public that all those involved with the writing of the Health Care Law value human life - life made in the image of our Creator -life given as a gift of the Lord.
     Let's call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's help, and help to repeal, or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law!!!


The following is an article from life and hope, a publication from the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, volume 6 / 1st Edition /

Recent Case ...

Recently the Life and Hope Network received a call from a young man in his 20s.  His fiance'e experienced an asthma attack and went into cardiac arrest two weeks prior to him contacting us.  Physicians initially diagnosed her as brain dead and she needed a ventilator to help with her breathing.  According to the young man, physicians re-diagnosed her after she began to show signs of improvement.

     Despite this, her parents asked physicians to remove her from the ventilator, with the understanding it would lead to their daughter's death.

     The physicians were wrong.  When her ventilator was removed, she began to breathe on her own and at that point, was only being sustained by food and water (via feeding tube).  According to her fiancee there were times when she was attempting to communicate.

     In spite of the signs of progress this young woman appeared tube making, and the desperate pleas from her fiancee, her parents made the decision to remove their daughter's feeding tube and she was subsequently administered morphine and Ativan.

     We received a message just recently, letting us know that this young woman had died.  Just one more example of how euthanasia is being practiced every day.

end of article ...........

This is sad and tragic and is occurring in the United States, and throughout the world!

Below is an article published in life and hope, a publication of the Terri Sciavo Life and Hope Network volume 6 / 1st Edition /  This is posted for no monetary gain, or any other kind of gain, and for no promise of any kind of gain.

Unilateral Non-Resuscitation at Massachusetts General
By Wesley J. Smith
National Review Online / 05/12/14

Can this have something to do with Romney/Obamacare?

According to a medical study, since 2006, Massachusetts General Hospital's Bioethics Committee has forced people to not receive wanted resuscitation by imposing unilateral DNRs.  And apparently, it's all done in Star Chamber secrecy.  From Thaddeus Pope's blog (quoting from a medical symposium presentation).

     "Unilateral Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) orders are a specific type of medical futility decision in which clinicians withhold advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest despite objections of patients or their surrogates.  There is little information on how often and to whom unilateral DNR orders are applied.  The ethics committee at Massachusetts General Hospital has had a unilateral DNR policy since 2006.

We investigated the incidence, sociodemographic and clinical predictors, and outcomes of patients with unilateral DNR orders.

     If I read this correctly, thirty-eight percent of those upon whom the unilateral DNRs appear not to have been at the end stage of a terminal disease:

     Patients for whom unilateral DNR was recommended were more likely to have conditions judged to be endstage rather than potentially reversible (62% versus 41 %, p=0.05)"

     And who can be surprised that non-whites were more likely to have an involuntary DNR imposed?

   This is medical tyranny.  People are refused potentially life-saving treatment based on the secret views of strangers in committee who have given themselves the power to so dictate.  Litigate!

end of article ...................................

Recent Event ...

October 8, Philadelphia, PA

Please check our website for all upcoming events!     

The Continued Deterioration of Our Health Care System
by Bobby Schindler  /  Washington DC  /  /  March 20, 2014

     It was nine years ago, March 18, 2005, that my sister, Terri Schiavo's feeding tube was removed by order of Pinellas County Florida Court Judge, George W. Greer.  It was by Greer's order that Terri would slowly die by way of starvation and dehydration.  It took almost two weeks.

     Since Terri's horrific death, the non-profit organization established by my family, the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, works every day doing what we can to educate the public, raises the desperately needed awareness on this widely misunderstood issue of euthanasia, and more importantly, helps families that contact us.  The vast majority of families who do reach out to us are faced with situations where their loved ones are in jeopardy of having their life sustaining treatment denied.

     What has become painfully obvious is that it seems like almost every day, more examples of families' medical rights are being denied when it comes to decisions they are making for their loved ones.  Indeed, we receive calls similar to what our family experienced - a domestic dispute over the care of a family member.  However, more and more, we are getting calls from people who are fighting physicians, ethic committees, or health care facilities where their loved ones are being treated.

     It can go as far as, if you can believe it, families having their loved ones stripped away from their care by the hospital, losing complete custody.  When this does happen, there appears to be a certain pattern that begins the process.

     First, the hospital physicians, nurses or even the staff will create or exaggerate a situation involving the family, most times without any real evidence, or they will fault the parents or loved one who is the caregiver with some type of mishap with the patient.  Often times what follows is the family member(s) who were making medical treatment decisions are vilified, or accused of being the problem.  This gives the hospital a reason to intervene and subsequently take action to deem the family incompetent as the caretaker.

     The hospital can then go as far as restricting visitation rights, or completely stopping any family member from visiting their loved one, claiming that they are a "threat" to the care of the patient.  The hospital can then go to court in order to gain control of the patient by requesting that a guardian be appointed or even the hospital itself, in place of the family members who were caring for their loved one.

     The family who was once in the position of taking care of their loved one is now on the outside looking in - having no legal rights or any ability to help or even visit them.  If you think this cannot happen, then you haven't heard of three cases currently taking place where the family has been removed as the care givers of their child and / or spouse.  The cases of Justina Pelletier in Massachusetts, Bret Bohnin in Alaska, and the Gary Harvey case in New York.  All you need to do is look them up. 

      In each situation, the facility contends that these patients were not being properly cared for by their family member and as a result, the patients were removed from their custody.  Although these cases have their differences, there is one common denominator.  Despite the reasons specified, it appears that in each instance proper care was being given.  And in all of these situations, the care of their loved one has been put in the hands of strangers.

     There have been countless warning signs with the state of our health care system and its perilous direction when it comes to caring for those who are unable to speak for themselves.  Perhaps much of it started with the death of my sister, Terri.  It is because of this that over the next two weeks, Terri's Life and Hope Network website will post stories of the events that occurred on each of those horrific days of Terri's inhumane death.  Not only to remember Terri, but also to keep in mind the countless people who, as we speak, are suffering slow, agonizing deaths in hospices, nursing homes, and hospitals in America and around the world.  Not to mention that every one of us needs to understand that no longer are we the ones who will be making medical decisions for our loved ones if we ever find ourselves in a situation where a hospital decides it knows better.  

     Find out more about Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network @ , or write them at P.O. Box 521, Narberth, PA 19072, or phone them at 855-300-HOPE (4673).

    Find out more about @ .

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