Please help protect life. Please help support life! Please take a strong pro-life stand!!! Life is a gift from the Lord, and is precious!!!
Abortion is the greatest human rights abuse going on throughout the world today!!! Abortion is a moral, social, political, and an economic disaster here in the United States, and everywhere that it has been mandated!!! Kudos to Ireland for not succumbing to the pro-abortionists. Prior to 1973 here in the United States there were Laws on the books in many states, and prior to the early 1960's, all States had laws on the books banning abortion!!! Below is a summary of great pro-life legislation from the States from the SUMMER 2013 RNC For Life Report No. 85 (article entitled "Great Pro-Life Legislation from the States"). According to Father Frank Pavone, of the Priests For Life, there are now 42 states that have passed, or have introduced, legislation that protects unborn children that are in the safest place on earth (or is it the safest place on earth?) - their mother's womb. Now in 2013, two states (Arkansas, and North Dakota) have "Heartbeat Protection Laws" - laws that prohibit abortions on unborn children (the preborn children) that have a heartbeat! Ten states have passed a Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Law that protects unborn children from being destroyed because scientists have stated that the unborn feel terrible pain when an abortion is performed on them at 20 weeks or longer. Nine states require an ultrasound examination be performed on women prior to an abortion. Texas requires abortionists to describe the physical appearance of the unborn child to his mother, even if the mother does not wish to view her child on the ultrasound screen. Twenty-four states require a waiting period from the time a woman receives info. on abortion's risks (as well as info. on alternatives to abortion) and the time she has the abortion. Eight states passed laws requiring that physicians be physically present when women are given RU-486 (an abortifacient), the chemical compound used to destroy life in the womb.Nine states have passed legislation to regulate abortion clinics more tightly. Five states have laws that mandate that women must be informed of the link between breast cancer and abortion. Louisiana requires abortion clinics to post signs stating that women cannot be coerced into having abortions ( a high percentage of women/girls are coerced into having abortions by the dads or relatives of the dads). States have bans on partial-birth abortions (this is where the abortionist would grab hold of the baby in the womb by his/her legs, and then partially deliver the child - legs first - until the child was delivered except for his/her head, and then the abortionist would insert something into the back of the baby's head and then suction the brains out of the baby - committing a partial-birth abortion.). Kansas, Missouri, and Ohio outlawed the abortion of babies who can survive outside the womb. Florida has a law that requires abortionists to provide medical care to babies that survive abortions!!! Two states have outlawed sex-selection abortions (it's a wonder why all 50 states don't outlaw sex-selection abortions). North Dakota also has banned the abortion of babies diagnosed with conditions like Down's Syndrome. Seven states require abortionists to have local hospital admitting privileges in case their patients have complications (it's a wonder why all 50 states don't require this). For all the details from the Great Pro-Life Legislation from the States please read the article in the RNC For life REPORT, SUMMER 2013 - No. 85 issue (web site at RNCLife.org, or e-mail them at info@RNCLife.org, or write them at RNC/Life, P.O. Box 618, Alton, IL 62002.
Let's continue to call on our wonderful, faithful, perfect Creator Lord's help to help end the destruction of life, and continue to pray for our leaders, and the leaders of the world to help equip them with what is needed to help end the greatest human rights abuse going on throughout the world today!!!
Let's continue to call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's help, and help to repeal, or change all the problems with, the new Health Care Law (the law that would help pay for abortions with federal funds, and create health care rationing and near end of life(???) decision making (or just cutting off of medical help).
Let's continue to pray for the women thinking about, or planning or scheduling to have an abortion, and for the abortionists (some abortionists can't get admitting privileges at local hospitals).
Let's continue to help end governmental funding ( at all levels - federal, state and local) of groups, and organizations that perform abortions.
Let's continue to ask our legislators, both State and Federal, to pass laws that will protect and support life. Life is a gift from the Lord, and is precious.
Let's continue to search the Scriptures (God's Holy Word) and use the Word, to continue to live in the Spirit, and pray for revival for the United States.
Let's continue to pray that hearts, souls, minds, and bodies turn to Jesus - our Messiah and King! Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
God's Holy Word, the Scriptures, tell us about out Creator Lord, and how we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, and that we are to value life, and we should protect and support life, and that our Creator Lord loves us so much that he sent His only Begotten Son Jesus into this world to shed His blood, and to die, for us sinners, so that we might have eternal life!
Legalized abortion is a moral, social, political, and an economic disaster here in the United States, and everywhere that it has been mandated!!!
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