Thursday, December 26, 2013

Let's help protect and support life! Let's help get a federal Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act enacted, as some states have already done!!!


Dear family, friends, and all those concerned about justice,

     Greetings on this glorious day that the Lord has made!  Hope that you and the loved ones are in good health.  Good health is such a wonderful blessing from the good Lord, our Creator Lord! Please remember that we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, with inalienable rights!  Also, please remember that we humans are more than flesh and blood.  Now is the time to contact New Jersey's United States Senators and urge them to vote for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Law that was passed by the House of Representatives.  Some states have already passed a Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  For more info contact New Jersey Right to Life (see below).  Let's call on our loving, gracious, merciful Creator Lord's help, and help to enact a federal Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  Please help protect and support life!

     On June 18, 2013, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 1797, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act by a 228 - 196 vote according to New Jersey Right to Life NewsAlert, Vol. IX, No. II (the official publication of New Jersey Right to Life,

     The bill would protect most unborn children - preborn children - nationwide after 20 weeks (it's a travesty that so many unborn babies are destroyed after 20 weeks - plus before 20 weeks!!!).  The bill was introduced and passed shortly after the trial and conviction of abortionist Kermit Gosnell according to New Jersey Right to Life NewsAlert.  Please see a good article about Kermit Gosnell in the NewsAlert (Vol. IX, No. II on page 1).  Also according to New Jersey Right to Life a majority of Americans support banning late abortions on a 2 to 1 margin as reported by a recent Huffington Post poll.  Kudos to the following U.S. Congressmen from New Jersey for voting for this pro-life bill:

Congressman Frank LoBiondo (R-2)                         Congressman Scott Garrett (R-5)

Congressman Chris Smith (R-4)                                  Congressman Leonard Lance (R-7)

     Let's try to end the greatest human rights abuse going on throughout the world today!  Let's try to end the war on the unborn children - the preborn children!  Let's try to end the destruction of life!!!  There is an effort under way to recall abortion!  Please see

     For more information on New Jersey Right to Life please contact them at242 Old New Brunswick Rd., suite 340, Piscataway, NJ 08854, or call them at 732-562-0562, or contact them at

     Please contact U.S. Senator Robert Menendez at One Gateway Center - 11th fl., Newark, NJ 07102.  Please contact U.S. Senator Corey Booker, 141 Senate Hart Office Bldg., Wash., D.C. 20010.  Also, please contact President Barack Obama at The White House, Wash., D.C. 20500.  Please contact your United States Senator, and President Barack Obama!

     Thank you very much for all your help!  Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day.  May the good Lord, our Creator Lord, bless you and the loved ones with love, joy, peace, and patience!!!

In hope, peace, and love,

Ken Miller

Main St. Rm. 103

still one of the working poor!

P.S.  Jesus is the Living Water!!!  Jesus is the Bread of Life!!!  Jesus is Lord!!!  Jesus is the Light of the World!!!

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