Thursday, October 20, 2011


To whom it may concern,

The Lord is gracious! The Lord is good! The Lord is good all the time!

The Lord is love! How gracious is the Lord? How much does He love us?

The Lord is gracious! The Lord is merciful, the good Lord is faithful!

We are saved by grace, and only by grace! We love because He first loved us!

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us sinners so that we might have eternal life!

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us ....

Jesus is the Lamb of God. Jesus shed His blood for us sinners so that we have forgiveness of sins, and might have eternal life! Without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sins.

Jesus was crucified, died and was buried, and arose again on the third day (all for us sinners).

Jesus is the Light of the World. Jesus is the Holy One of Israel. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Jesus is the Bread of Life!

Jesus is Lord!

Please remember the poor, and the working poor, today!

We love, because He first loved us.

God is love.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!!!

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