Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The good Lord provides!!!

To whom it may concern,

Greetings on this glorious day that the Lord has made! I hope that you and the loved ones are in good health! Good health is such a blessing from the good Lord, our Creator Lord! How is your spirit on this glorious day? The good Lord has blessed me immensely throughout my life, and I would like to give to you now a small portion of what He has blessed me with. I have not been able to give to all the others that have asked me within the last six months (I am a non-wealthy individual - or a working poor person), however, they may receive, or may have already received, a letter the same as, or similar to, the one that's with this letter.

Thank you very much for all your help, thank you very much for contacting me, and thank you for all the good work that you do! Keep up all the good work! Hope that you and the loved ones have a joyous and peaceful day! May the good Lord bless you and the loved ones with blessings upon blessings!

In hope, peace, and love,

Ken Miller
Main St. Rm. 103

P.S. I may be able to help you again (the good Lord willing) if President Barack Obama delivers on a campaign promise to give us non-wealthy individuals a tax cut of $1,100.

P.P.S. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Jesus is the Lamb of God! Jesus is the Holy One of Israel! Jesus is Lord!

P.P.P.S. Life is a gift of the Lord, and is precious! Please help protect and support life! Please stop the destruction of life. Abortion is the destruction of life - abortion is not health care! There are some people that say that abortion is health care - abortion is the destruction of life!

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