Saturday, January 18, 2025
Please, please help end IVF!!!
What’s wrong with IVF?
To understand more about IVF we should look to GOD’s Holy Word and see what can be called GOD’s plan or GOD’s design for humanity. Just as GOD’s Word tells us that that we should marry and then try to have children (For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and they shall become one flesh) and that GOD’s design (or plan) is not to go to prostitutes, or commit adultery, or commit fornication. GOD’s design is for females to carry the created human to birth, to have eggs (not the males) and the release of the eggs that GOD created is during a certain time in a female's life. During her lifetime, eggs that aren’t fertilized are shed from the body, during menstruation, again according to GOD’s design. GOD’s design for males is that men provide semen to females during marriage through sexual intercourse, and that is GOD’s design for the release of semen - or during sleep during a nocturnal emission. When either one or both of GOD’s design as described above, is not observed, then something is contrary to GOD’s design, and should not be followed. Male doctors at hospitals (some do, not all) disobey GOD’s design and provide semen to be deep frozen - to be used at a later date, not necessarily for an IVF procedure. IVF is a procedure that disregards GOD’s design for both males and females, and should not be followed. It is sorrowful when a married couple cannot conceive, but GOD created both (So GOD created man in HIS image; in HIS image he created him; male and female HE created them), and knew when they were born that they wouldn't conceive, or had planned that they’d conceive later on. GOD is perfect and HIS design for all of us is not wrong, nor unjust, nor too much for us to bear (HIS works are wonderful).
Life is a gift from the LORD (Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.), and is precious. We are fearfully and wonderfully made! Our Creator LORD creates us humans in HIS image, for HIS glory! Just as Onan refused to live according to GOD’s design (Genesis 38:8-10), those who use IVF are not living according to GOD’s design, and those that profess JESUS Christ as LORD should remember that bodily exercise profits little but godliness profits much. Just as GOD’s design is to flee sexual immorality, and GOD’s design is for the male to leave his mother and father and cling to his wife, GOD’s design is not for same sex marriage, nor homosexuality.
Please, please see ablogbyken, or write It could be done - the LORD willing!!!
P.S. We love, because HE first loved us.
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