Friday, August 30, 2024

Why not institute a A Lift Up Program???

A Lift Up A Modified Proposal 2024 Let’s lift up a portion of people in the United States in need. It would be a seven year program that would help people in the lower income ranges (see below). At first, only people that have been employed for seven years or more, or are collecting social security, a pension, or on disability, would be eligible (also persons with disabilities).. After the first year, people that have been employed for six years or more would be eligible, and after that those that have been employed for three years or more, will be eligible. The program would give those making some income more assistance the more money you’d make, up to a certain point, and then would decrease the assistance until no more would be given. There would be three groups affected by the A Lift Up Program: employed workers, social security, pensioners and SSI recipients, and persons with disabilities. For example: Employed Workers: Yearly Income Benefits to be received Total Income $460 $6,483.07 ($540.25/month) $6,943.07 $1,840 $8,750 ($729.17/month) $10,590 $8,065 - $11,274.25 $9,662.11 ($805.18/month) $17,727.11 $10,165.94 ($847.16/month) $21,440.19 $11,274.25 - $15,676.66 .$10,165.94 ($847.16/month) $21,440.19 $11,781.84 ($981.82/month) $27,458.50 $15,676.66 - $21,798.14 $11,781.84($981.82/month) $27,458.50 $11,976.60 ($998.05/month) $33,774.74 $21,798.14 - $30,309.96 $11,969.60 ($998.05/month) $33,774.74 $12,108.49 ($1009.04/month) $42,418.45 $30,309.96 - $42,145.51 $12,108.49 ($1,009.04/month) $42,418.45 $10,778.49 ($898.21/month) $52,924 $42,145.51 - $59,594.33 $10,778.49 ($898.21/month) $52,924 $2,499.50 ($208.29/month) $62,093.83 Social Security and Pensioners, SSI Recipients, and those on disability Yearly Income Benefits to be received Total Income Less than $12,740 $6,979.77 ($581.65/month) $19,719.77 $15,548.38 $7,056.74 ($588.06/month) $22,605.12 $18,636.26 $7,134.14 ($594.51/month) $25,770.40 $22,744.22 $7,213.19 ($601.10/month) $29,957.41 $27,261 $7,292.68 ($607.72/month) $34,553.68 $33,270.64 $7,373.55 ($614.46/month) $40,644.19 $39,878.40 $7,454.87 ($621.24/month) $47,333.27 $44,525.52 $6,719.61 ($559.97/month) $51,245.13 $49,172.64 $6,022.52 ($501.88/month) $55,195.16 $52,110.19 $3,715.61 ($309.63/month) $55,825.80 $55,132.96 $1,963.09 ($163.59/month) $57,096.05 Persons with Disabilities Yearly Income Benefits to be received Total Income $86 - $2,217.53 $4,664.35 ($388.70/month) $4,750.35 $794.24 $7,309.13 ($609.09/month) $8,103.37 $2,217.55 $ 8,085.16 ($673.76/month) $10,302.71 $2,690.27 $8,900.34 ($741.70/month) $11,590.61 Above $2,690.27 as per the employed benefits A Lift Up A Modified Proposal At A Glance To summarize: To be eligible for the first year of the program, one must have been employed for seven years or more, or have been collecting social security, or be a person with disabilities.. For Employed workers the program works as such: Yearly Income A Lift Up Benefit Income after A Lift Up $460 $6,483.07 $6,943.07 $1,840 $8,750 $13,991.53 $4,402.36 $9,200.40 $13,602.76 $8,065 $9,662.11 $17,727.11 $9,602.59 $10,165.94 $19,768.53 $11,274.25 $10,669.76 $21,944.01 $13,884.56 $11,218.91 $25,103.47 $15,676.66 $11,781.84 $27,458.50 $18,611.56 $11,879.22 $30,490.78 $21,798.14 $11,976.60 $33,774.74 $25,879.08 $12,042.53 $37,921.61 $30.309.96 $12,108.49 $42,418.45 $35,984.44 $11,433.92 $47,418.36 $42,145.51 $10,778.46 $52,923.97 $50,493.06 $5,914.71 $56,407.77 $59,594.33 $2,499.50 $62,093.83. $60,854,79 $1,311.62 $62,166.41 $61,494.98 $744 $62,238.98 You must make a minimum of $460 a year (the first year of the program), and the maximum income earned to qualify for the benefit is $61,494.98. Each year of the program the minimum and maximum incomes increase as such: Year of program Minimum income Maximum income 1 $460 $61,494.98 2 $466.44 $61,923.95 3 $472.97 $62,355.91 4 $479.60 $62,790.88 5 $486.30 $63,228.89 6 $493.11 $63,669.96 7 $500.02 `$64,114.10

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