Monday, June 24, 2024

Wonderful article by Alexandra Snyder, Chief Executive Officer at life Legal Defense Foundation - please, please see

Conversation opened. 1 unread message. Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers 17 of 1,247 California Prepares to Force Murder Mills on Normal Communities Inbox Life Legal Defense Foundation Jun 21, 2024, 2:35 PM (3 days ago) to me California Prepares to Force Murder Mills on Normal Communities California lawmakers are fast-tracking a partisan Planned Parenthood bill that would force cities to approve the construction of abortion businesses. The bill, AB 2085, removes the authority of local governments to keep abortion facilities out of their communities. AB 2085 requires automatic, non-discretionary approval of any “reproductive health services” facility that is proposed in an area zoned for office, retail, health care, or parking. If the bill passes, abortionists will be able to force their murder mills into shopping malls and office complexes without having to address the concerns of citizens and business owners. The bill strips elected officials and their constituents of their right to determine which type of development projects are best for the areas in which they live and work. Instead, the state will now compel all cities – even those that are largely pro-life – to empower abortion profiteers. AB 2085 even allows abortionists to sue cities that do not approve their applications – and authorizes the California Attorney General to intervene in such lawsuits on behalf of abortion mills. No other type of business receives this kind of preferential treatment from the state. The DuPont Clinic, a Washington DC abortion facility which sought to open a flagship operation in Beverly Hills and was denied, served as the impetus for AB 2085. DuPont advertises itself as an “all-trimester” abortion provider. Its officials are on record affirming the wonders of late term abortion – even if it ends the lives of fully-developed, perfectly healthy babies. In a 2022 interview with the Feminist Buzzkill Podcast, Karishma Oza, DuPont Clinic’s Director of Patient Services, stated, “It’s a myth that having an abortion, you know, in the second or third trimester is always a hard decision. For a lot of people, it’s not. For a lot of people, it’s like, this is what I’m doing. I’m having an abortion at 28 weeks… I think, you know, abortion in all trimesters is beautiful.” This bill is of concern even for those who do not live in California, as California is setting the agenda for abortion expansion across the country. Examples of California measures that have been adopted in other states include ballot initiatives that create a constitutional right to abortion throughout pregnancy, legislation abolishing reporting requirements for complications from abortion, “shield laws” that prohibit the prosecution of abortionists who prescribe abortion drugs in states where abortion is otherwise illegal, laws that create immunity for “do it yourself” abortions at any stage of pregnancy, and many more. Please be aware that the child-killing lobby no longer pretends to keep abortion “safe, legal, and rare.” They want to normalize the shedding of innocent blood by any means necessary – including force. If you live in California, please contact your California Senate and Assembly representatives TODAY and urge them to VOTE NO on AB 2085. Please share this email! Please consider making a donation today to stand with us on behalf of the inherent dignity of innocent children in the womb. Even in this difficult political environment, we continue to fight the abortion lobby to protect the most vulnerable – and in a surprising number of cases, we win! We are always grateful for your prayers and your faithful support. Yours for the threatened child in the womb, Alexandra Snyder Chief Executive Officer “Small things done with great love will change the world.” ~ Mother Teresa "Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter." Proverbs 24:11 PLEASE DONATE TODAY! Please pray for Life Legal cases and clients. Click here or on the image above to view and print our most current prayer requests. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the requests made of him. (1 John 5:15) PLEASE DONATE TODAY! Connect with us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Privacy Policy | Unsubscribe Life Legal Defense Foundation

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