Saturday, June 29, 2024

Dear, dear friend Roli,

6/29/24 Dear Roli. Greetings in the glorious name of JESUS - the name above all names and our LORD and Savior. Greetings my friend. Hola mi amigo. I am thankful for the opportunity to write to you. Thank you for the letters. I'd greet you with a hug if I were there with you. What is the name of the dog? How did you do in the tournament? What did you play and what position? I hope all is going well for you and your family. It is summer here and recently we received very hot weather (about 37.8 C). Please say hello to your family and friends for me. You are dearly and deeply loved by our loving, gracious, merciful Father and HIS Beloved Son JESUS. I love you too my friend. Please keep praying and praising and thanking our wonderful, faithful, perfect Father and HIS beloved Son JESUS! Good-bye for now my friend. Adios mi amigo. Hope to write again soon. May our awesome, marvelous, incredible Father bless you and your family and friends with love, joy, peace, and patience! In hope, peace, and love, your friend, Ken

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