Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A wonderful article by Alexandra Snyder, Chief Executive Officer at Life Legal Defense Foundation - please, please see

Conversation opened. 1 unread message. Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers 12 of 1,189 Is the Abortion Syndicate Polluting America’s Waterways? Inbox Life Legal Defense Foundation Tue, Jun 18, 3:08 PM (20 hours ago) to me Is the Abortion Syndicate Polluting America’s Waterways? In the wake of the Supreme Court’s unfortunate ruling last week in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, several Members of Congress are inquiring whether the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has considered the health impact of chemical abortion drugs on our water systems. The Supreme Court held that a group of pro-life doctors did not have standing to challenge the FDA’s deregulation of the abortion drug mifepristone. Tragically, this means abortion pills will remain widely available in the U.S. and untold hundreds of thousands of tiny babies will be flushed down the toilet as if they were nothing more than waste. Since the FDA began removing restrictions on the use and distribution of mifepristone, chemical abortions have increased exponentially. Currently, chemical abortions account for more than 60% of all abortions in the U.S. – up from 24% in 2011. This does not include abortions from pills shipped by overseas abortionists in states where abortion is otherwise illegal. Mifepristone is part of a two-pill abortion regimen that deprives the developing baby of sustenance and then forces the dead baby out of its mother’s womb. Mothers deliver their perfectly formed babies at home and are instructed by abortionists to dispose of the “pregnancy remains” by throwing them in the trash or flushing them down the toilet. Because of the sheer number chemical abortions in the U.S., Florida Senator Marco Rubio and several other pro-life members of Congress are demanding answers from the EPA regarding the potential effect of abortion drugs and fetal remains on our waterways and drinking water. Specifically, they are asking whether the EPA has recent studies on the impact of chemical abortion on water systems and what negative effects are associated with exposure to chemical abortion drugs and the remains of aborted children in drinking water. The EPA has until July 15 to respond to the Congressional demands. In California, after lawmakers passed a bill that requires abortion drugs to be available on every college campus, Life Legal is exploring the possibility of action concerning baby body parts in our waterways. California regulations require that “a recognizable dead human fetus of less than 20 weeks uterogestation” be disposed by interment or incineration. Moreover, the law prohibits disposing of fetal remains in a public or private dump, refuse, or disposal site. The FDA authorizes abortion drugs for up to 10 weeks gestation. Children at this stage are clearly recognizable as human babies. Please consider making a donation today to stand with us on behalf of the inherent dignity of innocent children in the womb. Even in this difficult political environment, we continue to fight the abortion lobby to protect the most vulnerable – and in a surprising number of cases, we win! We are always grateful for your prayers and your faithful support. Yours for the threatened child in the womb, Alexandra Snyder Chief Executive Officer “Small things done with great love will change the world.” ~ Mother Teresa "Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter." Proverbs 24:11 PLEASE DONATE TODAY! SHARE ON FACEBOOK Please pray for Life Legal cases and clients. Click here or on the image above to view and print our most current prayer requests. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the requests made of him. (1 John 5:15) PLEASE DONATE TODAY! Connect with us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Privacy Policy | Unsubscribe Life Legal Defense Foundation

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