Wednesday, September 18, 2024

An interesting article by The Thomas More Society - please, please see

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Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers 3 of 1,964 We're on the clock against the Biden-Harris DOJ in Paul's appeal Inbox Thomas More Society Tue, Sep 17, 5:58 PM (17 hours ago) to me Thomas More Society: Life Family Freedom Last week, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland—the chief law enforcement official of the federal government—stood before a crowd of federal prosecutors and said that he would not allow the U.S. Department of Justice “to be used as a political weapon.” “Our norms are a promise that we will not allow this Department to be used as a political weapon,” Garland said. “And our norms are a promise that we will not allow this nation to become a country where law enforcement is treated as an apparatus of politics.” But simply declaring so does not erase the Biden-Harris DOJ's pattern of using the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act as a cudgel to silence pro-life speech—targeting peaceful pro-lifers with politically motivated prosecutions and even locking them up in federal prison cells. And the cold-hard numbers prove it... Ever since President Bill Clinton signed the FACE Act into law in 1994, 97% of FACE Act prosecutions have targeted pro-lifers. It’s no secret that the FACE Act was always intended to target pro-lifers, but under Garland's own tenure at the top of the Biden-Harris DOJ, his prosecutors have targeted peaceful pro-lifers with a never-before-seen severity... More than a quarter of all FACE Act prosecutions ever have been brought by Garland's DOJ prosecutors in less than four years. If it wasn't clear how lopsided and uneven the Biden DOJ’s weaponization of the FACE Act really is, consider that between May 2022 to March 2024, there have been at least 90 attacks on pro-life organizations and pregnancy centers—which are supposed to be protected by the FACE Act! HELP DEFEND PEACEFUL PRO-LIFERS Ken, we all know that something is gravely wrong in our country when pro-lifers are thrown in jail for peacefully defending life and protesting the abortion industry—being slapped with sentences more extreme than convicted drug dealers. That's why Thomas More Society is on the front lines of fighting the Biden-Harris DOJ in court and defending peaceful pro-lifers like Paulette Harlow, Lauren Handy, and Paul Vaughn. Just last month, in Detroit, Michigan, the Biden-Harris DOJ scored seven more convictions of peaceful pro-lifers—including veteran pro-lifer Chet Gallagher. The DOJ prosecutors who targeted our pro-lifers once again used their novel bullying tactic to maximize the pain—that is, the trumped-up felony “KKK Act” conspiracy charges that they're weaponizing to put our pro-lifers in prison for more than a decade. But we’re fighting back because this battle is not over yet. Not only do we believe that the FACE Act is unconstitutional, but the DOJ's weaponization of the felony conspiracy law cannot be squared with the law—and we're going to make that case in Detroit federal court. STOP THE BIDEN-HARRIS DOJ And there's much more work ahead for us in these legal battles... In our massive federal appeal for pro-life father of 11, Paul Vaughn, we're now on the clock. We've just been given a deadline of October 16 to file our hard-hitting appellate brief—where we'll finally lay out our entire argument against the FACE Act and the DOJ's terribly unjust prosecution of this peaceful pro-life dad. Your urgent support is needed as we put together an airtight appeal for Paul and keep fighting to secure the freedom of pro-lifers like Lauren Handy and 75-year-old Paulette Harlow. Please take a moment to make a generous contribution today to fight for the peaceful pro-life advocates under attack. Ken, we wouldn't be able to do this work without you. Please keep our heroic pro-life clients and our legal team in your prayers as we prepare this critical appeal and fight back on all fronts. Your prayers and support make possible our efforts to fight the FACE Act and make sure it can never again be used as a cudgel for Big Abortion and its allies. Thank you for all that you do to defend the right of pro-life advocates who speak out against the evil of abortion. Join the fight By making a gift to Thomas More Society's “For All Seasons” Campaign, you become a hero for Paul, Lauren, and so many other peaceful pro-lifers we're defending against the Biden-Harris DOJ. Please consider making a donation today to support our mission. Donate Your prayerful support is urgently needed to help us reach our $1.2 million goal, so that we can fund our legal battles defending life, family, and freedom nationwide. With your partnership, together we will continue these battles to protect our fundamental rights. TMS Email Profile (1) May God bless you, Tom Brejcha Founder, President & Chief Counsel Thomas More Society A national public interest law firm defending life, family, and freedom. Stay Informed LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Thomas More Society, 309 W. Washington Street Suite 1250, Chicago, Illinois 60606, United States of America, 312.782.1680 Manage preferences

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