The Independent Project
Main St. Rm. 103
still one of the working poor - if only in spirit
The following is posted free of charge in the hopes that people will take a more godly approach to beauty. The following does not imply, insinuate, or state, that outward beauty is of much importance, that anyone should stress or worry about one's outward beauty. Neither should someone be "damned" if they have outward beauty, nor should someone be "damned" if they don't have outward beauty. Also, one's inward beauty is more important than one's outward beauty. People should be judged righteously, not according to appearances! Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!!! The heavens declare the beauty of our Lord!
Questionnaire #6 The Independent Project
Main St.
1. What age did you first (if you did) worry about and stressed over your outward beauty, at least two or three times? _______________
aa. before age 11.75
a1. 11.75 - 13
a2. 13 - 14.25
A a3. 14.25 - 15.50
a4. 15.50 - 17.25
a5. 17.25 - 19.0
b6. 19.0 - 20.75
b7. 20.75 - 22.50
B b8. 22.50 - 24.50
b9. 24.50 - 26.50
b10. 26.50 - 29.0
c11. 29.0 - 33.50
c12. 33.50 - 36.25
C c13. 36.25 - 39.0
c14. 39.0 - 42.5
c15. 42.5 - 45.75
d16. 45.75 - 48.25
d17. 48.25 - 51.0
D d18. 51.0 - 53.5
d19. 53.5 - 56.5
d20. 56.5 - 59.75
e21. 59.75 - 63.125
e22. 63.125 - 66,875
E e23. 66.875 - 70.6667
e24. 70.6667 - 74.75
e25. 74.75 - 79.0
2. What percentage of your time was spent on improving/maintaining your outward beauty (in your present age bracket, and the two previous age brackets)? ____ _____ _____
a. less than 1 %
b. 1 - 2 %
c. 2 - 4 %
d. 4 - 6 %
e. 6 - 9 %
f. 9 - 14. 5 %
g. 14.5 - 22 %
h. 22 - 33 %
i. 33 - 39.5 %
j. 39.5 - 47.5 %
k. 47.5 - 57 %
l. 57 - 68.5 %
m. 68.5 - 82.3333 %
n. 82.3333 - 98 %
o. 98 - 99 %
p. more than 99 %
3. What percentage of your time was spent on improving your inward beauty (in your present age bracket, and the two previous age brackets)? ______ _______ ______
4. Please list the other age brackets (if any) that you've stressed and worried over your outward beauty at least two times. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
5. How many times have you used your beauty for the benefit of yourself? ______
aa. 0
ab. 1
ac. 2
ad. 3
ae. 4
af. 5
ag. 5 - 7
ah. 7 - 9
ai. 9 - 11
aj. 11 - 15
ak. 15 - 20
al. 20 - 26
am. 26 - 35
an. 35 - 46
ao. 46 - 61
ap. 61 - 81
aq. 81 - 107
ar. 107 - 142
as. 142 - 187
at. 187 - 248
au. 248 - 328
av. 328 - 433
aw. 433 - 572
ax. 572 - 756
ay. 756 - 1,000
az. more than 1,000
6. How many hours were spent on improving/maintaining your outward beauty within the last month, year, and last three years? ______ ______ ______
ba. 0
bb. 1
bc. 1 - 2
bd. 2 - 3
be. 3 - 4
bf. 4 - 5
bg. 5 - 8.5
bh. 8.5 - 13
bi. 13 - 20
bj. 20 - 31
bk. 31 - 48
bl. 48 - 74
bm. 74 - 114
bn. 114 - 177
bo. 177 - 274
bp. 274 - 424
bq. 424 - 750
br. more than 750
7. What percentage of a significant female's ( sister, mother, girlfriend) time was spent, or is now being spent, on encouraging or talking to you about how much important inward beauty is than outward beauty? ______
ca. less than 1 %
cb. 1 - 2 %
cc. 2 - 4 %
cd. 4 - 6 %
ce. 6 - 9 %
cf. 9 - 14. 5 %
cg. 14.5 - 22 %
ch. 22 - 33 %
ci. 33 - 39.5 %
cj. 39.5 - 47.5 %
ck. 47.5 - 57 %
cl. 57 - 68.5 %
cm. 68.5 - 82.3333 %
cn. 82.3333 - 98 %
co. 98 - 99 %
cp. more than 99 %
8. What percentage of a significant male's ( brother, father, boyfriend) time was spent, or is now being spent, on encouraging or talking to you about how much important inward beauty is than outward beauty? ______
da. less than 1 %
db. 1 - 2 %
dc. 2 - 4 %
dd. 4 - 6 %
de. 6 - 9 %
df. 9 - 14. 5 %
dg. 14.5 - 22 %
dh. 22 - 33 %
di. 33 - 39.5 %
dj. 39.5 - 47.5 %
dk. 47.5 - 57 %
dl. 57 - 68.5 %
dm. 68.5 - 82.3333 %
dn. 82.3333 - 98 %
do. 98 - 99 %
dp. more than 99 %
9. On a scale of 1 to 26, how much time does the internet, cable, television, magazines and newspapers portray outward beauty more important than inward beauty (with a 26 being way too much, and a 1 being not at all)? ______ (feel free to use decimals - i.e. 12.5, or 17.333, or 19.75)
not at all way too much
1 26
10. How many outfits, and/or combinations of outfits do ou have that accentuate your outward beauty? _______
ea. 0
eb. 1
ec. 2
ed. 2 - 3
ee. 3 - 4
ef. 4 - 5
eg. 5 - 6
eh. 6 - 7
ei. 7 - 8
ej. 8 - 10
ek. 10 - 12
el. 12 - 15
em. 15 - 19
en. 19 - 24
eo. 24 - 30
ep. 30 - 38
eq. 38 - 47
er. 47 - 59
es. 59 - 74
et. 74 - 93
eu. 93 - 116
ev. 116 - 145
ew. more than 145.
11. How many bathing suits do you have that accentuate your outward beauty? ______
fa. 0
fb. 1
fc. 2
fd. 3
fe. 4
ff. 5
fg. 5 - 6
fh. 6 - 7
fi. 7 - 8
fj. 8 - 9
fk. 9 - 10
fl. 10 - 11
fm. 11 - 12
fn. 12 - 14
fo. 14 - 16
fp. 16 - 18
fq. 18 - 20
fr. 20 - 23
fs. 23 - 26
ft. 26 - 29
fu. 29 - 33
fv. more than 33
The Holy Scriptures are pure, perfect, powerful, profitable for doctrine and teaching, and cannot be broken! Our Creator Lord is faithful! Our Creator Lord is true! Our Creator Lord cannot lie! Our Creator Lord can be taken at His Word! Jesus is the Word of God! Our Creator Lord is good! Our Creator lord is good all the time!!! Our Creator Lord is LOVE! The Holy Scriptures tell us about our Creator Lord, and how we humans are created by our Creator Lord, in His image, for His glory, and how we should worship our Creator Lord and HIS Beloved Son Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and body, and how we should value human life, and how we should protect and support life, and how our Creator Lord loves us so much that He sent his only Begotten Son Jesus into this world to shed His blood and to die on a cross for us sinners, so that we might have eternal life! Our Creator Lord is true! There is nothing false about Him! Jesus is the Word of God! Jesus is to be worshiped as is our Creator Lord is worshiped!
Beautiful Savior, Lord, and KING!!! Messiah of the World - your beauty is seen throughout the World!!!
Jesus is our Rock! Jesus is our Hiding Place! Jesus is our Refuge! Jesus is our Comfort! Jesus is our Hope! Jesus is our Redeemer! Jesus is our Atonement! Jesus is our Righteousness!
Posted at no charge!!!
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